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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1580Feature requestClosedLowStatus indicator when loading QGIS project filesnobody -2009-04-28 02:33 PM
1278Bug reportClosedLowLayer transparence in tif format failsersts -2009-04-29 10:07 PM
1665Bug reportClosedLowUse of relative paths for SVG symbols in QGIS project filenobody -2009-04-30 01:30 AM
1667Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes if digitizing a self intersection in add ringnobody -2009-04-30 02:44 PM
1671Bug reportClosedLowFails to open GRASS mapsetnobody -2009-04-30 03:10 PM
1672Bug reportClosedLowkeyColumn and sql are in wrong order in qgsdatasourceuri.cppJürgen Fischer2009-05-01 01:57 AM
1673Bug reportClosedLowshape-file creation: attributes are clipped to 80 symbolsnobody -2009-05-01 09:14 AM
1674Bug reportClosedLowAdd field size and number of decimalsnobody -2009-05-01 09:15 AM
1599Bug reportClosedLowWMS and WFS problems with GeoServernobody -2009-05-02 02:01 AM
1042Bug reportClosedLowpossibility to delete rings and islandsMarco Hugentobler2009-05-02 08:42 AM
1676Bug reportClosedLowTabs in the main window of QGislynxID -2009-05-02 10:30 AM
1675Feature requestClosedLowchangeGeometry patchnobody -2009-05-02 11:19 AM
1670Bug reportClosedLowFails to open GRASS mapset - RESOLVEDnobody -2009-05-02 12:24 PM
1666Bug reportClosedLowcontinious color selects wrong attributenobody -2009-05-02 03:58 PM
1662Feature requestClosedLowKeyboard shortcuts for "Edit" menunobody -2009-05-04 11:51 AM
1632Bug reportClosedLowv.db.addcol: fails if path contains spacesnobody -2009-05-06 01:23 AM
1592Bug reportClosedLowCoordinate capture plugin - projection selectornobody -2009-05-06 12:26 PM
1678Bug reportClosedLowCreating new location with insufficient permissions crashes QGISnobody -2009-05-06 01:16 PM
1682Bug reportClosedLowLoading min/max values crashes if a band property is 'Not Set'nobody -2009-05-07 09:26 AM
1679Bug reportClosedLowLegend types crash QGIS on floating point attributesnobody -2009-05-09 08:25 AM
1521Feature requestClosedLowadd column function misses an option to define the length for string type columnsnobody -2009-05-12 02:15 AM
1687Bug reportClosedLowMeasure tool is very wrongnobody -2009-05-12 02:11 PM
1690Bug reportClosedLowTools->Research Tools->Select by location crashes with PostGIS-Layercfarmer -2009-05-13 06:02 AM
1692Bug reportClosedLowProblems parsing some ArcGIS shapefilesnobody -2009-05-13 10:07 AM
1693Bug reportClosedLowProblems parsing some ArcGIS shapefilesnobody -2009-05-13 10:19 AM

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 670 (176-200/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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