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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
10111Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Save as" is not working with rasters2014-04-25 11:51 AM
10109Bug reportClosedNormalcentroid fill's svg marker are wrongly sized when exporting to image via composer2014-05-01 12:06 AM
10107Bug reportClosedNormalOGR vector layer w/ protocol GeoJSON vanishes and gives OGR Error 4 when transformed2017-01-02 06:14 AM
10106Bug reportClosedNormalPanning a non-cached WFS layer causes selection to change2016-04-11 11:04 AM
10104Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionnew identification mode selection not working as expectedNathan Woodrow2014-06-11 01:05 PM
10103Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS issue with 64bit uninstaller dialog2018-09-23 10:22 PM
10102Bug reportClosedNormalCannot add varchar2 and char attributes in Oracle layersJürgen Fischer2014-06-20 07:49 AM
10101Bug reportClosedNormalUser CRS created when selecting South African CRS : HBK_NO_23 as a CRS for a new shapefile2019-03-09 03:12 PM
10100Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionidentify: crash when using layer selectionJürgen Fischer2014-04-22 04:18 AM
10099Bug reportClosedNormalUbuntu 14.04: python-qgis does not installJürgen Fischer2014-05-08 04:28 AM
10098Bug reportClosedNormalZooming results in parts of features disappearing when spatial indexes SBN/SBX from ESRI are present2019-03-09 03:12 PM
10097Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionActivating or deactivating a layer makes QGIS refresh WMS layers2014-06-09 03:00 AM
10096Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS crashes when QgsRendererV2.symbolForFeature() is called from Python2014-07-24 03:30 AM
10095Bug reportClosedNormalproblem rendering last row of pixels on composer with map item extending to the full width & height of sheet2019-03-09 03:12 PM
10094Bug reportClosedLowField Calculator help missing for $uuid2014-06-21 07:25 PM
10093Bug reportClosedNormalOracle connection doesn't use saved username when accessing the same database w/o a saved passwordJürgen Fischer2014-04-19 01:16 PM
10092Bug reportClosedNormalOracle extent method does not use mUseExtendedMetadataJürgen Fischer2014-04-19 01:16 PM
10091Bug reportClosedNormalOracle provider SRID managementJürgen Fischer2014-04-19 01:15 PM
10090Bug reportClosedNormalGDAL handling of file extensions in Windows 7 in QGIS 2.22019-03-09 03:12 PM
10089Bug reportClosedNormalOutput of statistics: please add layer and column names2017-05-01 01:21 AM
10087Bug reportClosedHigh"else" rules are broken in masterNathan Woodrow2015-10-12 12:45 AM
10086Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "Save as" for Processing logsVictor Olaya2015-06-07 04:31 AM
10085Bug reportClosedHighLast feature change is not saved in form modeMatthias Kuhn2014-06-24 05:31 AM
10084Bug reportClosedNormalLegend does not display correct symbol in the composer when the size of the marker is changed2014-04-20 03:28 PM
10083Bug reportClosedNormalComposer is not updated when the map is changed2014-04-17 02:13 PM

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