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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20746Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4 is very unstable on my Windows 10 laptop2018-12-07 04:25 PM
20745Bug reportClosedHighmap unit - coordinates displaying2018-12-06 09:09 PM
20743Bug reportClosedNormalAfter handling bad layers, no unsaved stateAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-13 02:57 PM
20742Bug reportClosedHighZoom to Layer does not respond to filtered WFSEven Rouault2019-02-07 05:32 PM
20738Bug reportClosedHighUnable to save Postgis layers as Shapefiles2019-02-24 01:06 AM
20737Bug reportClosedNormalCan't open shapefiles from https websites on windows2019-02-24 10:20 AM
20736Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Database Manager fails to connect2018-12-07 08:02 AM
20733Bug reportClosedHighAttribute table: Order of columns doesn't persist2018-12-19 09:05 PM
20732Bug reportClosedHighGeoReferecer ignore settings of georeference system and set 3857 by default2019-02-24 10:15 AM
20731Feature requestClosedHighShow Absolute Time when viewing an Mesh in QGISPeter Petrik2019-03-15 08:44 AM
20729Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.2 crashes on exit2018-12-05 05:53 PM
20727Bug reportClosedNormalPOSTGIS polygon layer will not close edit session2019-02-24 01:11 AM
20723Bug reportClosedNormalQgsVectorLayer.featuresDeleted signal not emitted when deleting features programatically2018-12-05 11:25 AM
20722Feature requestClosedNormalMesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?Peter Petrik2019-02-01 03:39 PM
20721Bug reportClosedHighgdal:warpreproject missing old 'extra' paramAlexander Bruy2019-01-22 07:19 AM
20720Bug reportClosedLow"QGIS 3 quit unexpectedly."2018-12-06 09:43 AM
20718Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crashed with open GRASS new and old directory2019-03-08 10:33 AM
20717Bug reportClosedNormalPoint layer display2018-12-28 03:09 PM
20716Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when closing after PostGIS connection time-out2019-02-24 01:20 AM
20715Bug reportClosedNormalRelation reference widget: "Order by value" option doesn't work as expected2019-02-24 01:47 AM
20714Bug reportClosedNormalValue relation widget with multiple selection don't work anymore with custom UI2018-12-05 05:04 PM
20713Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing gdal sieve: mask parameter should be optional (and is not possible to get rid of it)Giovanni Manghi2019-01-01 03:26 PM
20710Bug reportClosedNormalCan't save a model in the Processing Modeler2018-12-24 08:58 AM
20707Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing - clicking on Refactor fields returns a Python errorNyall Dawson2018-12-04 02:20 AM
20706Bug reportClosedNormalRaster Calculator on ecw2019-02-24 01:21 AM

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