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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17011Feature requestClosedNormalRename "Polygon from layer extent"Victor Olaya2017-08-11 07:06 PM
17010Bug reportClosedNormalError message if no field selected in per-field convex hull generationVictor Olaya2017-08-14 07:08 AM
17009Feature requestClosedNormalEncypted password in registry2017-08-11 04:03 PM
17008Bug reportClosedHighCan't read jp2-Files in qgis 2.18.11 with gdal 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 16.042017-09-25 04:16 PM
17007Bug reportClosedHighCan't read jp2-Files in qgis 2.18.11 with gdal 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 16.042017-08-11 04:15 PM
17006Bug reportClosedNormalError when trying to save edit done on a layer « updatefeature » already existsJürgen Fischer2017-08-18 02:36 PM
17005Bug reportClosedHighspatial bookmarks can't be sortedAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-21 05:23 PM
17004Bug reportClosedNormalSpatial bookmarks: SRID value should not be set to 0 when moving a bookmark to/from a projectAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-29 02:36 PM
17003Bug reportClosedHighSpatial bookmarks keyboard navigation: right-arrow causes a row to appear below the current one and looks like a tree expansionAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-01 07:02 PM
17000Bug reportClosedNormalnetCDF vector can not be loaded from browser panelEven Rouault2017-11-10 09:57 PM
16999Feature requestClosedLowDelay loading of composers upon startup2017-08-10 07:47 PM
16998Bug reportClosedNormalMisbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools2019-02-23 11:06 AM
16997Bug reportClosedNormalCannot load multiple rasters from GeoPackage on Windows2017-08-30 11:28 AM
16996Bug reportClosedHighregression: symbol levels broken (each category/rule repeated twice, settings not saved)2017-09-13 07:37 AM
16995Bug reportClosedNormalCannot add WFS layer from QGIS Server to GeoServer2018-02-22 12:23 PM
16994Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Server responds with HTTP 500 error2017-08-10 11:02 AM
16993Bug reportClosedNormalCannot add WFS layer from QGIS Cloud server to GeoServer 2017-08-09 10:41 PM
16991Bug reportClosedHighProject bookmarks can't be moved to QGIS (main) bookmarksAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-29 02:38 PM
16990Bug reportClosedHighDeleting QGIS bookmarks may leave blank rows or appear to have not deleted a bookmarkAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-21 03:56 PM
16989Feature requestClosedNormalAdd support for netCDF vector format2017-08-10 05:27 PM
16988Bug reportClosedHighUpdated canvas setting for min/max values of raster layer with pseudocolor style causes continuous updates2017-10-18 10:31 PM
16987Bug reportClosedHigha newly created bookmark (via New Bookmark button) has the wrong extent2017-11-16 12:01 PM
16986Bug reportClosedHigha new bookmark is apparently not created after the first one, if only QGIS bookmarks are presentAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-29 02:41 PM
16984Bug reportClosedHighMultiple projects crashing after update2017-09-25 03:32 PM
16982Bug reportClosedNormalTauDEM Stream and watershed delineationAlexander Bruy2017-08-30 08:07 AM

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