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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
14876Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionWFS client broken in QGIS masterEven Rouault2016-06-12 06:16 AM
21848Bug reportOpenNormal"export to postgesql" (OGR) does not handle correctly WFS input layersGiovanni Manghi2019-04-15 02:09 AM
21679Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a GDAL/processing tool for ogrmergeGiovanni Manghi2019-03-26 04:16 PM
18772Bug reportClosedNormalimproving a paragraph about 1:n relationsGiovanni Manghi2018-04-19 06:34 PM
15261Feature requestClosedNormalAdd multiple column selection to Processing/OGR toolsGiovanni Manghi2018-04-19 06:33 AM
6801Feature requestOpenNormaladd "dissolve only adjacent" dissolve option/toolGiovanni Manghi2017-05-01 12:48 AM
5651Feature requestClosedNormaladd the "-wo OPTIMIZE_SIZE=TRUE" option to the warp toolGiovanni Manghi2016-03-25 07:45 AM
11812Feature requestClosedNormalAdd compression options for outputs ("-co") in gdal tools for ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2015-02-06 12:05 PM
12135Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing gdal rasterize does not work with PostGIS/Spatialite inputsGiovanni Manghi2015-02-06 12:05 PM
12117Bug reportClosedNormalSplit vector layer does not work if "unique id filed" has non ascii chars in itGiovanni Manghi2015-02-03 07:02 AM
10403Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing "raster layer statistics" python errorGiovanni Manghi2015-02-03 12:13 AM
11749Feature requestClosedNormalAdd the "-unsetFieldWidth" flag to the "Impot vector into postgis database" toolGiovanni Manghi2015-02-01 05:40 PM
10963Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing: (vector) "convert format" tool does strange things/freezes with many data types as inputs and with shapefiles as output formatGiovanni Manghi2015-01-22 07:57 AM
18191Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3: "model" parameter for SAGA kriging modules must be optional and not mandatoryGiovanni Manghi2018-06-04 07:04 AM
18193Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3: in some modules the "QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource" is not correctly definedGiovanni Manghi2018-06-01 07:54 AM
17605Bug reportClosedHighOGR based tool to import vectors in PostGIS is missing in masterGiovanni Manghi2018-02-22 11:45 AM
17194Bug reportClosedHighSeveral SAGA tools do not load on QGIS/Processing startGiovanni Manghi2017-09-25 05:17 PM
17190Bug reportClosedHighIn QGIS 2.18.13 SAGA ‘Raster values to points’ is a no show in ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2017-09-25 02:20 PM
17147Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: SAGA "vectorizing grid classes" do not work anymoreGiovanni Manghi2017-09-14 10:05 PM
16922Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: GRASS7 v.dissolve broken under WindowsGiovanni Manghi2017-07-26 12:49 PM
16871Bug reportClosedHigh Processing: "import into PostGIS" parameter "table to import to" is mandatory on 2.18.10 and should be optionalGiovanni Manghi2017-07-20 01:37 PM
16293Bug reportClosedHighgdalwarp issues with the "te" parameterGiovanni Manghi2017-05-03 09:33 AM
6511Bug reportClosedHighError when creating new Spatialite tables in DB ManagerGiovanni Manghi2012-11-28 09:46 AM
4596Bug reportClosedHighGlobe plugin crashes QGIS-masterGiovanni Manghi2011-12-02 03:10 AM
15478Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProcessing/OGR offest curve tool errorGiovanni Manghi2016-09-14 06:54 AM
12018Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSAGA raster calculator does not work on masterGiovanni Manghi2015-01-21 03:51 AM
5812Bug reportClosedLowDB manager does not show the "postgis" section if Postgis is 2.0Giuseppe Sucameli2012-11-28 04:17 PM
5746Feature requestClosedLowList layers in alphabetic orderGiuseppe Sucameli2012-06-05 08:51 AM
3617Feature requestClosedLowWMS and Postgis (and eventually WFS) Dialogs: move the "save" and "load" buttons to the top of the windowGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 02:27 PM
3616Feature requestClosedLowAdd "save" and "load" buttons in WFS as already available in WMS and PostgisGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 01:04 PM
3615Feature requestClosedLowwhen creating a new WMS connection with no parameters it keep asking "Should the existing connection be overwritten?"Giuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 12:50 PM
3614Feature requestClosedLowafter creating a new WMS/WFS/POSTGIS/SL connection the same is not automatically selectedGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 12:35 PM
3118Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools (warp): add support for ntv2 grid and +towgs84 transformationsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-08 11:35 AM
2914Feature requestClosedLowgdal tools: allow (in user interface) to choose for +towgs84 or +nadgrids parametersGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-08 11:30 AM
2528Bug reportClosedLowJumping items in legendGiuseppe Sucameli2010-06-22 03:43 AM
6846Bug reportClosedNormaldb manager error when clicking "retrieve columns"Giuseppe Sucameli2012-12-09 04:32 PM
6848Bug reportClosedNormaldb manager error when clicking "export file"Giuseppe Sucameli2012-12-09 04:32 PM
6847Bug reportClosedNormaldb manager error when deleting a PG columnGiuseppe Sucameli2012-12-09 04:32 PM
6279Bug reportClosedNormalERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint...Giuseppe Sucameli2012-11-28 04:26 PM
5906Feature requestClosedNormalMake db manager use the "select at id" option when adding postgis layers to the canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2012-11-28 09:48 AM
4552Bug reportClosedNormalpatch for v.what.vectGiuseppe Sucameli2011-11-18 06:59 AM
6842Bug reportClosedHighdb manager error when running > 1 queryGiuseppe Sucameli2012-12-09 04:32 PM
4465Bug reportClosedHighpatch to update the GRASS plugin to make it cope correctly with the new GRASS command parser (6.4.2RC2)Giuseppe Sucameli2011-11-17 07:43 AM
4466Bug reportClosedHighFixes for "v.what.vect" and "v.generalize" modules in the GRASS pluginGiuseppe Sucameli2011-11-17 05:21 AM
3646Bug reportClosedHighGRASS toolbox: error removing vectors from a mapset under WindowsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-09-11 04:56 AM
13505Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionpython error when trying to show the attribute table of Spatialite layer in DB ManagerGiuseppe Sucameli2015-10-04 09:25 AM
8132Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiond&d in DB Manager does not work anymore (from PostGIS to SL)Giuseppe Sucameli2013-06-22 03:12 PM
6985Feature requestClosedLowExport print layout as image with world fileHugo Mercier2014-01-27 01:32 AM
7856Bug reportClosedNormalafter creating a wms/wcs/wfs/spatialite connection from toolbar, then QGIS browser does not do the refreshHugo Mercier2013-07-16 04:08 PM
13504Bug reportClosedNormalcolumns added to Spatialite layers with DB Manager are not visible in QGISJulien Cabieces2019-01-21 09:53 PM

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