From 2018-02-07 to 2018-03-08
11:12 PM Revision 8be522fa (qgis): #5416 Re-insert update of map tips delay
09:08 PM Revision cbf6fdc8 (qgis): #5416 Remove spurious settings
08:43 PM Revision 7622ecf5 (qgis): [FEATURE] Make map tips delay configurable
08:43 PM Revision c30b824a (qgis): #5416 Add map tips delay setting to menu
08:43 PM Revision cfeae9c0 (qgis): #5416 Update maptips delay on saving the settings
05:13 PM Revision 333f2c3a (qgis): db_manager: add tooltip to default value field when editing table field...
- 12:39 PM Revision ed039134 (qgis): Remove unused forward declaration
12:09 PM Revision f7d9bb64 (qgis): Merge pull request #6559 from alexbruy/processing-parameters
- [processing] fix parameters IDs (follow up #6535)
10:10 AM Revision a9441218 (qgis): [processing] fix parameters IDs (follow up #6535)
09:50 AM Revision ad224991 (qgis): fix xenial (Qt <5.7) build
12:40 AM Revision 5710709c (qgis): Add extra hash to processing hillshade test
- At this stage the raster processing tests just test that the
algorithm executes, and generates an output file - there... -
11:31 PM Revision e5c1be72 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #18187: SAGA output extent values are not in the rig...
- cherry-picked from 332c8a59b9214582ed6faab6a501a6583e7f57cb
11:30 PM Revision 33587d71 (qgis): [processing] fixes missing icon for create grid algorithm
- cherry-picked from 5fda4025f4f7fb98240efc275c1bce491374dd67
11:29 PM Revision 927c006a (qgis): fix spacing between label and icon in widget layer properties
- cherry-picked from 9edaf82874e71d34ed3c09e0b12d202e098f03d4
11:28 PM Revision 8bd39fb3 (qgis): Fixes #18375 - fix API break
- cherry-picked from 29f6884a23c31357db30575437951278ad2d8f9c
11:23 PM Revision 29f6884a (qgis): Fixes #18375 - fix API break
- 08:26 PM Revision 9052bb31 (qgis): Don't crash when loading a project with unreachable wfs layers
06:28 AM Revision 678f6585 (qgis): Allow QgsVectorDataProviders to create QgsFeatureRenderers
- Implements
Adds support to QgsVectorDataProvider to cr... -
06:28 AM Revision 35b5c782 (qgis): Add test that AFS provider gets renderer by default
06:28 AM Revision 7a341525 (qgis): Add unit tests for ArcGIS rest style parsing
06:28 AM Revision 6002cc40 (qgis): [FEATURE][afs] Automatically set default style for layers
- to match the server's rendering information.
Means that when an AFS layer is loaded into QGIS, it will
automatically... -
05:59 AM Revision b42c893b (qgis): [FEATURE] color_grayscale_average() and color_mix_rgb() expression func...
03:24 AM Revision 6bdee5b7 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fixes empty table
- Fixes #18352
02:50 AM Revision 55f44ae5 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
- This reverts commit 4c4036aea577fedde379fde2f308d1e088f33772.
02:50 AM Revision 4e9273fe (qgis): Revert "add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file"
- This reverts commit 350218d0b4f964fec1484fd20e3bbac0498d92a7.
02:48 AM Revision 0a639192 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
02:48 AM Revision 24051b33 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
12:45 AM Revision 227f7062 (qgis): [processing] Add operators for parameter type flags, push warning
- to message log for duplicate parameter registration
11:46 PM Revision 74d14ae3 (qgis): Merge pull request #6414 from alexispolti/fix-project-path
- Fix project path when path contains a symbolic link
- 11:00 PM Revision 031aa9c0 (qgis): Better error reporting for model exception
- 11:00 PM Revision 1fd74234 (qgis): Add processing parameter type definitions
- 11:00 PM Revision ff7b831b (qgis): Remove private implementations from python bindings
- 11:00 PM Revision 5d526794 (qgis): Remove leftover file
- 11:00 PM Revision a61efddc (qgis): Only expose supported parameters to modeler
- 11:00 PM Revision c3a84361 (qgis): Use flags for parameter type extra info
- 11:00 PM Revision e3dabac7 (qgis): Only add parameter when it is new
- 11:00 PM Revision f22acb93 (qgis): License headers
- 11:00 PM Revision 0d004914 (qgis): s/Modeller/Modeler/
- 11:00 PM Revision 569b39b2 (qgis): Code and doc improvements
- 11:00 PM Revision b5672d7a (qgis): API documentation
- 11:00 PM Revision 542910e9 (qgis): Add QgsProcessingParameterType tests
- 11:00 PM Revision eeb6f44d (qgis): Some addition error case info
- 11:00 PM Revision e67939b1 (qgis): Fix editing models with custom params
- 11:00 PM Revision cb84b832 (qgis): Add log output in case of loading models with missing parameters
- 11:00 PM Revision 6bad21f7 (qgis): Avoid freeze by infinite recursion
- 11:00 PM Revision 53cf1a19 (qgis): Fix processing parameter type ids
- 11:00 PM Revision 9f76c417 (qgis): Fix parameter name rendering problem
- 11:00 PM Revision a1fc70f8 (qgis): Improved error reporting for unknown parameters
- 11:00 PM Revision cdef548c (qgis): Fix Fields Mapping parameter id
- 11:00 PM Revision a337d205 (qgis): Make use of new processing parameter infrastructure
- 11:00 PM Revision 9688bc27 (qgis): Remove crap API
- 11:00 PM Revision 16e2aad2 (qgis): Use translated parameter names for sorting
- 11:00 PM Revision 2145865a (qgis): Metadata and modeller exposure support
- 11:00 PM Revision 926969fd (qgis): Better tooltips and expose `Raster Band` parameter
- 10:50 PM Revision 5b2c81bd (qgis): Fix project path when path contains a symbolic link
10:45 PM Revision 2bc30c73 (qgis): Less debug noise when rendering svg files
05:32 PM Revision ec5a8a4d (qgis): Merge pull request #6544 from manisandro/wms_filter_geom_crs_30
- Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
- 05:15 PM Revision f76cb582 (qgis): Merge pull request #6536 from m-kuhn/searchWidgetRecursionTrap
- Avoid freezing attribute form with recursion
- 03:46 PM Revision e969584a (qgis): Avoid freezing attribute form with recursion
- The search widget wrappers for relations have two issues
* They recursively load whatever relations are defined. Wit... - 03:45 PM Revision 734ea374 (qgis): Merge pull request #6532 from Gustry/tooltip
- [dbmanager] move shortcut in the tooltip
03:30 PM Revision 6108ed84 (qgis): Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
03:28 PM Revision 5bf28d56 (qgis): Merge pull request #6533 from manisandro/wms_filter_geom_crs
- Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
02:41 PM Revision 4b8377d8 (qgis): Testing with PROJ 5 [dockerdeps]
02:39 PM Revision 350218d0 (qgis): add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file
02:39 PM Revision 4c4036ae (qgis): allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their t...
02:32 PM Revision ec975ba6 (qgis): Merge pull request #6516 from 3nids/pr_push_deps
- allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their message
01:51 PM Revision 24259ae8 (qgis): [dbmanager] move shortcut in the tooltip
- 01:42 PM Revision 283f3b8e (qgis): Don't crash when loading a project with unreachable wfs layers
01:16 PM Revision 184480bc (qgis): Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
09:21 AM Revision 05484dce (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Rotate features algorithm
- Allows rotation of features by a set angle.
The rotation can occur around a preset point or the individual
feature's... -
07:48 AM Revision f2e8c37e (qgis): [needs-docs] Add else rule UI option in rule based widget (#6529)
- * [needs-docs] Add else rule UI option in rule based widget
* Review fixes -
07:27 AM Revision 44895084 (qgis): Merge pull request #6525 from nyalldawson/segmentize
- [FEATURE][processing] Add "segmentize" algorithms
06:39 AM Revision 9edaf828 (qgis): fix spacing between label and icon in widget layer properties
06:05 AM Revision 63d4a382 (qgis): Fix adding parts to curved polygon types fails
- (cherry-picked from 93f805c)
05:20 AM Revision 93f805cd (qgis): Fix adding parts to curved polygon types fails
04:44 AM Revision 8a063df7 (qgis): fix travis
04:44 AM Revision 0d92f96f (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] allow to create points on all parts in centroids alg
04:44 AM Revision 0630b1c7 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] allow to create points on all parts in point on s...
02:57 AM Revision a30403dc (qgis): Rename QgsProject::projectDirty to isDirtyChanged
- Also show unsaved status in title bar even when project has
not been first saved -
02:24 AM Revision 7cb38fec (qgis): [layouts] Correctly set project dirty for more editing operations
- (cherry-picked from 51286d9)
02:20 AM Revision 7b7f915a (qgis): Don't try to render non-finite points
- They occur as a result of reprojection errors, and cause a line
to be extend to the top-left of the canvas.
Fixes #9... -
02:20 AM Revision 48410c40 (qgis): Ensure that non-spatial layers are never set as canvas layers
- (cherry-picked from 8e4b8a)
02:20 AM Revision 5234212e (qgis): [oracle] Fix provider
- The oracle provider is quite broken on 3.0 for tables which require
a feature id map.
This is due to QMap<QVariant,.... -
02:20 AM Revision 35527642 (qgis): [pal] Fix invalid candidates created for parallel line labeling
- mode when a closed linestring is too small for labels to fit
within feature
Fixes #18283
(cherry-picked from a76fb0b) -
02:20 AM Revision d8734e3e (qgis): Add unit test for #18283
- (cherry-picked from 7cf409e)
02:20 AM Revision d97ea9c0 (qgis): Strip non-spatial and nullptrs from list when calling
- QgsMapSettings::setLayers
Since neither can be rendered, we filter them from the list
of layers to be rendered in th... -
02:20 AM Revision 0246cd67 (qgis): Fix raster calc dialog uses an open file dialog instead of save dialog
- Fixes #18303
(cherry-picked from b5d9e7) -
02:20 AM Revision d2bf8d09 (qgis): [layouts] Fix missing map name in map item properties dialog
- Fixes #18288
(cherry-picked from 2238b42) -
02:20 AM Revision a24e2bd3 (qgis): Catch a possible exception in QgsGeometry::makeValid
- (cherry-picked from b61882f)
02:20 AM Revision 23457336 (qgis): [pal] Use QgsGeometry::makeValid instead of buffer(0) to repair geometries
- Possibly refs #14752
(cherry-picked from e05a5a9) -
02:20 AM Revision d43db07d (qgis): Use a better regex for removing invalid characters from filenames
- Fixes atlas exports remove international characters from filenames
Fixes #18291
(cherry-picked from 8543a9) -
02:20 AM Revision 63d587c0 (qgis): Fix missing transform context warnings on status bar coordinate display
- (cherry-picked from 55814b8)
02:20 AM Revision 9ae1e936 (qgis): Prevent status bar coordinate widget from shrinking too small
- (cherry-picked from 0823de0)
02:20 AM Revision 1101fc65 (qgis): [3d] Add a title to 3d config window
- Fixes #18281
(cherry-picked from 0a6024b) -
02:20 AM Revision 6d50e31d (qgis): Docs++
- (cherry-picked from d79221f)
02:20 AM Revision fe6e9673 (qgis): [processing] Fix invalid filenames are used for temporary files
- during models
Fixes #18263
(cherry-picked from 84cdd6) -
02:20 AM Revision fc7b99eb (qgis): Fix leak when converting 2.x compositions
- (cherry-picked from 70242a)
02:06 AM Revision d4a3520b (qgis): [hig] Show standard '*' prefix in application title bar when project
- has unsaved changes
'*my project - QGIS' -
02:06 AM Revision 51286d90 (qgis): [layouts] Correctly set project dirty for more editing operations
02:06 AM Revision d73c7758 (qgis): Also update layout designer title bar to reflect unsaved changes
- indicator
12:27 AM Revision 7ffc148e (qgis): [oracle] Fix provider
- The oracle provider is quite broken on 3.0 for tables which require
a feature id map.
This is due to QMap<QVariant,.... -
12:26 AM Revision 454cce89 (qgis): Don't try to render non-finite points
- They occur as a result of reprojection errors, and cause a line
to be extend to the top-left of the canvas.
Fixes #9392 -
11:42 PM Revision 6d360856 (qgis): fix size for menu indicator in data defined button
09:50 PM Revision 5b8599e9 (qgis): Strip non-spatial and nullptrs from list when calling
- QgsMapSettings::setLayers
Since neither can be rendered, we filter them from the list
of layers to be rendered in th... -
09:50 PM Revision 8e4b8a95 (qgis): Ensure that non-spatial layers are never set as canvas layers
10:47 AM Revision 7c3ab9f1 (qgis): Merge pull request #6268 from pblottiere/dbmanager_stop
- [FEATURE][needs-docs] dbmanager stop
10:15 AM Revision f2a67809 (qgis): Sipify and style
- 09:12 AM Revision 7aa83043 (qgis): Merge pull request #6519 from elpaso/server-tempfile-fix
- [bugfix][server] Fix temporary path permission issue
- 06:44 AM Revision 993b9fd4 (qgis): Rename Welcome Page action to Close Project
- 06:16 AM Revision 8d2b3be2 (qgis): Fix docs on projectDirty
- 06:13 AM Revision 894c5506 (qgis): Add projectDirty signal for QgsProject
05:40 AM Revision c5fa66d1 (qgis): fix zh-Hant flag size
- 04:20 AM Revision 0392f0c8 (qgis): correcting zh-Hant flag
02:36 AM Revision 7cf409eb (qgis): Add unit test for #18283
02:36 AM Revision a76fb0b4 (qgis): [pal] Fix invalid candidates created for parallel line labeling
- mode when a closed linestring is too small for labels to fit
within feature
Fixes #18283 -
02:09 AM Revision d7aec7cc (qgis): Merge pull request #6418 from klavspc/bookmarklocator
- [FEATURE][locator] Add bookmark search to locator bar
02:08 AM Revision a3e62a8a (qgis): Link georef help button
02:08 AM Revision c6a5c993 (qgis): still indentation...
02:08 AM Revision ce7df851 (qgis): Fix indentation
02:06 AM Revision 84cdd609 (qgis): [processing] Fix invalid filenames are used for temporary files
- during models
Fixes #18263 -
02:06 AM Revision d79221f1 (qgis): Docs++
- [ci-skip]
02:06 AM Revision 8543a912 (qgis): Use a better regex for removing invalid characters from filenames
- Fixes atlas exports remove international characters from filenames
Fixes #18291 -
01:52 AM Revision 7297dd63 (qgis): Fix upcoming link
01:52 AM Revision 847683b5 (qgis): Fix tooltip
01:52 AM Revision ee43d54a (qgis): Add Help button and some fixes to automated placement widget
- 01:41 AM Revision 0e80b72d (qgis): [needs-docs] Add welcome screen action to project menu
- 01:13 AM Revision 4ef667db (qgis): Add separator between rename and remove for browser
- 12:34 AM Revision e33ff2d5 (qgis): Add link precommit hook for git
- 12:28 AM Revision ce3efdff (qgis): Fix dock shortcuts to use Ctrl and not Alt
- 02:24 PM Revision 1f7875ec (qgis): [FEATURE][locator] Add bookmark search to locator bar
- Allows search for spatial bookmarks. Double clicking a search result will zoom to the bookmark.
Short video: https://... -
12:28 PM Revision 4232b935 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Add "segmentize" algorithms
- Adds two new algorithms which expose QgsGeometry's methods
for segmentizing curved geometries.
"Segmentize by maximu... -
10:09 AM Revision b0d35488 (qgis): Fallback to feature id if pk attribute is not there
03:10 AM Revision 6bd7600a (qgis): Expose segmentization parameters to QgsGeometry::convertToStraightSegment
10:52 PM Revision 871132ea (qgis): [processing] Port point on surface to c++
- 10:15 PM Revision c614b942 (qgis): [bugfix][server] Fix temporary path permission issue
- If I don't misread the docs, if a template is given, the file
is created in the current directory instead of the temp... -
02:00 AM Revision 0a6024b5 (qgis): [3d] Add a title to 3d config window
- Fixes #18281
01:51 AM Revision 24ef30f2 (qgis): add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file
- 11:02 PM Revision 0d208298 (qgis): Merge pull request #6506 from m-kuhn/fixRange
- Fix Integer range widget with allowNull
- 11:02 PM Revision b84f014d (qgis): Merge pull request #6503 from m-kuhn/variousFixes
- Various fixes
08:36 PM Revision bd149b97 (qgis): allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their t...
- 06:44 PM Revision fc5073dd (qgis): Documentation fix
06:35 PM Revision 6ebc6439 (qgis): fix sipify test
06:33 PM Revision 9580a885 (qgis): fix sipify test
03:01 PM Revision 1542b484 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] add discard non matching option to join attribute...
03:01 PM Revision 55764689 (qgis): fix one-to-one, one-to-many wording
03:01 PM Revision 2073562f (qgis): harmonize join type value (0=one-to-many, 1=one-to-one)
11:41 AM Revision e531052b (qgis): Rename cancel() to cancelReload() and update doc accordingly
11:21 AM Revision 300aaa82 (qgis): Merge pull request #6511 from alexbruy/processing-backport
- [processing] backport outputs creation for file destination parameters
10:43 AM Revision 1ad02adf (qgis): Update documentation
10:43 AM Revision 7b18fa8b (qgis): Add test for lazy option
10:43 AM Revision b8a009c4 (qgis): Add unit test for QgsVirtualLayerTask
10:43 AM Revision 941aa0a6 (qgis): Add a takeLayer method
10:43 AM Revision 1a5e03f6 (qgis): Fix sip binding
10:43 AM Revision 6a49e57c (qgis): Fixes 3.0 -> 3.2
10:43 AM Revision 777fdebb (qgis): Clean task once model is completed
10:43 AM Revision ad91694b (qgis): Remove unnecessary cancel subtask
10:43 AM Revision eef18cbe (qgis): Remove unused code
10:43 AM Revision 887a2261 (qgis): Use python super() calls
10:43 AM Revision bf7df6d2 (qgis): Add a cancel button for Postgis and Spatialite
10:43 AM Revision c2a2f332 (qgis): Rename postpone option in lazy
10:43 AM Revision a948f1b8 (qgis): Some clean
10:43 AM Revision 8873e9a0 (qgis): Fix sip binding
10:43 AM Revision ad630094 (qgis): More cleaning
10:43 AM Revision f5a3e60b (qgis): Update documentation
10:43 AM Revision cf53a4cb (qgis): Add async model for gpkg
10:43 AM Revision 86d66c73 (qgis): Add interrupt method
10:43 AM Revision 957e92c8 (qgis): Add async model for virtual layers
10:43 AM Revision fea66f99 (qgis): Update ui and add shortcut to cancel pending query
10:27 AM Revision e11a17d6 (qgis): [processing] add tests for creating outputs from FileDestination
- parameter
(cherry picked from commit a2179046e83a568a07e7ebb851c8490e498141dc) -
10:27 AM Revision a648d917 (qgis): [processing] fix condition and use more generic "htm" constant for
- filter testing
(cherry picked from commit 6f38a5037de30ae4dacf9beb41e269108fb71776) -
10:27 AM Revision c39e2a41 (qgis): [processing] remove explicit outputs definitions
- (cherry picked from commit 22fea14a17af48e13067bbce6efcc180124e7493)
10:27 AM Revision 511fa36c (qgis): [processing] determive correct output type based on the
- QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination filter
(cherry picked from commit 73a8b80e59bb2ca5fcca92aedca970e6f2db3028) -
10:27 AM Revision a2bf1ab7 (qgis): [processing] implement toOutputDefinition() method for
- QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination
(cherry picked from commit 705ffced633fa6d55ac21709e41ff3c55e004c83) -
10:26 AM Revision 26d4288b (qgis): add spacer to the Source tab of the Layer properties window (fix #18279)
- (cherry picked from commit f9ac1ff0f30c63af36adbaac88a8e9e4d1652329)
10:23 AM Revision 0081f781 (qgis): Merge pull request #6487 from alexbruy/processing-output-file
- [processing] fix QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination handling in models
10:03 AM Revision dc3353e9 (qgis): [processing] forgot to rename variable
09:36 AM Revision ae9bd06e (qgis): Merge pull request #6501 from alexbruy/multi-ring
- [processing][FEATURE] add multi-ring buffer algorithm
09:35 AM Revision a2179046 (qgis): [processing] add tests for creating outputs from FileDestination
- parameter
09:35 AM Revision 73a8b80e (qgis): [processing] determive correct output type based on the
- QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination filter
09:35 AM Revision 6f38a503 (qgis): [processing] fix condition and use more generic "htm" constant for
- filter testing
09:35 AM Revision 22fea14a (qgis): [processing] remove explicit outputs definitions
09:35 AM Revision 705ffced (qgis): [processing] implement toOutputDefinition() method for
- QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination
09:00 AM Revision 8c0c5817 (qgis): [processing] make multi-ring buffer parameters dynamic
09:00 AM Revision df61548c (qgis): [processing] rename algorithm to "Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)"
09:00 AM Revision 5daa8fdb (qgis): [processing] add test for multiring buffer algorithm
09:00 AM Revision 04ce4356 (qgis): [processing][FEATURE] multiring buffer algorithm
09:00 AM Revision 669beac8 (qgis): [processing] evaluate dynamic parameters before processing feature
06:09 AM Revision b61882f2 (qgis): Catch a possible exception in QgsGeometry::makeValid
06:09 AM Revision 0823de0f (qgis): Prevent status bar coordinate widget from shrinking too small
06:09 AM Revision 70242a3a (qgis): Fix leak when converting 2.x compositions
06:09 AM Revision e05a5a93 (qgis): [pal] Use QgsGeometry::makeValid instead of buffer(0) to repair geometries
- Possibly refs #14752
06:09 AM Revision 55814b8f (qgis): Fix missing transform context warnings on status bar coordinate display
05:58 AM Revision 6f47b250 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] one-to-many join support to the join attribute ta...
03:44 AM Revision b5d9e7a7 (qgis): Fix raster calc dialog uses an open file dialog instead of save dialog
- Fixes #18303
03:44 AM Revision 2238b425 (qgis): [layouts] Fix missing map name in map item properties dialog
- Fixes #18288
- 10:01 PM Revision baeaeace (qgis): Merge pull request #6502 from elpaso/bugfix-18230-server-prefix-path
- [bugfix][server] Fix prefix path for server
09:50 PM Revision 1c3ae781 (qgis): Fix crash when using the identify tool on a categorized render
- with an unchecked category corresponding to the feature at the
clicked point
Also fix count of default category symb... -
09:50 PM Revision d665cd5b (qgis): [labeling] Fix broken data defined shape radius setting
- (cherry-picked from 2345852)
09:50 PM Revision 6d9c5531 (qgis): [layouts] Fix legends do not respect reference point when auto sizing
- Fixes #18269
(cherry-picked from 0f93e55) -
09:50 PM Revision 4bbea2f7 (qgis): [processing] Fix 'selected features' checkbox is incorrectly disabled
- Fixes #18278
(cherry-picked from 4e182be4) -
09:50 PM Revision f2638fd1 (qgis): Add unit tests for categorized renderer unchecked symbols
- (cherry-picked from 7459539)
09:50 PM Revision 6385defc (qgis): [dbmanager] fix toolbar icon size
- (cherry-picked from a34b46bc)
09:50 PM Revision 2ae1ca52 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed icons in browser
- (cherry-picked from d9deb238)
- 09:43 PM Revision b37c410d (qgis): Fix tests
- 06:22 PM Revision 4f4b8310 (qgis): Merge pull request #6504 from m-kuhn/processingParametersRegistry
- More processing parameters in modeller
- 06:08 PM Revision b20889a6 (qgis): Add test for 0/NULL range widget
- For #18297
- 05:18 PM Revision 0b49a83a (qgis): Fix int range widget minimum value
- The int range widget so far assigned NULL to the minimum value when allowNull was activated. This made it impossible ...
- 04:44 PM Revision 752dc7d5 (qgis): Replace dynamic_cast with qobject_cast
- 04:42 PM Revision b67813bd (qgis): API doc update
- 04:42 PM Revision 0c730596 (qgis): Hide unsupported parameters in modeller
- 04:30 PM Revision 9e955ce8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6446 from raymondnijssen/3d_objects
- New 3d symbols. Blender files in:…
- 03:49 PM Revision a0cda522 (qgis): Remove outdated comment block
- 03:47 PM Revision 9aac4e38 (qgis): Use translated text in modeller
03:08 PM Revision f9ac1ff0 (qgis): add spacer to the Source tab of the Layer properties window (fix #18279)
- 02:14 PM Revision 6d94ea5f (qgis): Prefer https
- 02:13 PM Revision 592c9b24 (qgis): Expose fields mapping parameter to modeler
- 02:12 PM Revision 8b784400 (qgis): Avoid catchall exception
- 02:12 PM Revision ecae50f1 (qgis): Allow processing plugins to load their own parameters
- 02:12 PM Revision eba96fb9 (qgis): Add a processing parameter registry
- to manage parameter metadata in a single place.
- 01:52 PM Revision 0050eb59 (qgis): Spelling
- 01:12 PM Revision 1d7d51c8 (qgis): [bugfix][server] Fix prefix path for server
- Fixes #18230 - service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
I though about placing the fix into the ... -
09:41 AM Revision 3711a92c (qgis): [processing] fix typo (fix #18248)
- (cherry picked from commit 88734647ced9cb91b2000e98767d61fd4547d96c)
09:40 AM Revision 88734647 (qgis): [processing] fix typo (fix #18248)
08:02 AM Revision 0f93e55f (qgis): [layouts] Fix legends do not respect reference point when auto sizing
- Fixes #18269
07:28 AM Revision 75f91e53 (qgis): Add missing caption and some tweaks to map units dialog
06:49 AM Revision 0acdcfad (qgis): Fix crash when using the identify tool on a categorized render
- with an unchecked category corresponding to the feature at the
clicked point
Also fix count of default category symbols -
06:49 AM Revision 7459539b (qgis): Add unit tests for categorized renderer unchecked symbols
06:29 AM Revision 4e182be4 (qgis): [processing] Fix 'selected features' checkbox is incorrectly disabled
- Fixes #18278
03:02 AM Revision a483ef81 (qgis): correctly use reference for context in QgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopper
01:21 AM Revision 3c78fb58 (qgis): Fix build warnings on msvc
12:54 AM Revision 2345852f (qgis): [labeling] Fix broken data defined shape radius setting
12:40 AM Revision b17a5560 (qgis): Merge pull request #6486 from nyalldawson/dynamic
- [processing] Support dynamic properties for all native c++ algorithms
12:17 AM Revision 71d1074c (qgis): Tweak grid alignment for Project Properties layout
11:25 PM Revision a34b46bc (qgis): [dbmanager] fix toolbar icon size
11:05 PM Revision 529903c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6492 from nyalldawson/template_converter
- [backport] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to 3.0
10:48 PM Revision 25f4f57b (qgis): Fix MAYBE_UNUSED definition on non clang compilers
10:34 PM Revision bf224ace (qgis): Update test masks
- 10:01 PM Revision 76369a58 (qgis): Update mask images
- (cherry-picked from 5fbcb8e)
- 10:00 PM Revision 7b4f69e9 (qgis): [layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts
- (cherry-picked from 3bdb6c2)
09:50 PM Revision 5fda4025 (qgis): [processing] fixes missing icon for create grid algorithm
08:41 PM Revision 020f0eb4 (qgis): fix warning deleting pointer to incomplete type 'QgsPythonUtils' (#6491)
- warning: deleting pointer to incomplete type 'QgsPythonUtils' may cause undefined behavior
08:00 PM Revision b8ceda67 (qgis): fix doxymentation
07:37 PM Revision baa4cbb0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6281 from 3nids/appmessage
- allow to bring message to message bar from the reading XML when loading layers.
06:43 PM Revision 05ee1b02 (qgis): use MAYBE_UNUSED in the method declaration
06:43 PM Revision 85825179 (qgis): avoid required call to leaveCategory by adding a RAII private class
06:43 PM Revision d171ca7a (qgis): offer enterCategory in Python bindings by adding a context manager
06:43 PM Revision 0ec7d54c (qgis): add test for QgsReadWriteContext.enterCategory
06:43 PM Revision 4e2eb0eb (qgis): use a pointer otherwise Python is creating a copy
06:43 PM Revision 22008a51 (qgis): doxymentation
06:43 PM Revision d421b857 (qgis): QgsReadWriteContext can store message
- app will show them in message bar when loading layers
06:43 PM Revision 47ab9b89 (qgis): remove const for QgsReadWriteContext to allow bringing up error messages
06:43 PM Revision b95f5c1a (qgis): QgsReadWriteContext: add a category stack to know where the error messa...
- also change the QPair in favor of a struct for a better API
06:43 PM Revision 95ab3d05 (qgis): doxymentation and better wording
06:43 PM Revision b957e174 (qgis): display categories stack in an external dialog
06:43 PM Revision fc2ba141 (qgis): [QgsMessageBar] add convenience method to display message with a show m...
06:43 PM Revision 89892926 (qgis): add C++17 [[maybe_unused]] and [[no_discard]]
06:28 PM Revision 06181e6c (qgis): Timeout Travis builds to save cache in time (#6488)
06:25 PM Revision e82e5217 (qgis): bump Qt to 5.9 (#6482)
- * Update test masks
* update test masks
* fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
* update test masks
* [Travis] bump... -
02:12 PM Revision f2713001 (qgis): [GRASS] accept shortcuts in shell, fixes #18262
01:54 PM Revision 10c21228 (qgis): Timeout Travis builds to save cache in time (#6488)
05:31 AM Revision 89e2b021 (qgis): [processing] add tags to refactor fields algorithm
05:31 AM Revision 2af9c408 (qgis): [processing] add tags to statistics by categories algorithm
02:53 AM Revision a96e7345 (qgis): update test mask
- 09:50 PM Revision 078e5aaf (qgis): Merge pull request #6453 from NaturalGIS/remove_not_working_default_wms...
- remove not working default WMS server
07:23 PM Revision cf0e5f6a (qgis): [Travis] bump Qt to 5.9 (#6355)
- * bump Qt to 5.9 and SIP to 4.19.7 by using coming Bionic as base Docker image for dependencies
* automatically build... -
07:21 PM Revision 56af3292 (qgis): update test masks
07:21 PM Revision 50fa2d09 (qgis): update test masks
07:21 PM Revision a1597edf (qgis): fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
07:21 PM Revision 749b071d (qgis): Update test masks
07:16 PM Revision 78e2259a (qgis): [Travis] bump Qt to 5.9 (#6355)
- * bump Qt to 5.9 and SIP to 4.19.7 by using coming Bionic as base Docker image for dependencies
* automatically build... -
06:43 PM Revision e284461d (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
06:43 PM Revision ee95c63b (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
06:43 PM Revision cb1a0424 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
06:43 PM Revision c27ec8fb (qgis): fix distance area test
06:43 PM Revision dd97a123 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
06:43 PM Revision f9f899be (qgis): better display
06:43 PM Revision 737724aa (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
06:43 PM Revision a94f04ac (qgis): more echo
06:43 PM Revision b1bc2af8 (qgis): set ccache
06:43 PM Revision 28abbef9 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
06:43 PM Revision 5db9e4d4 (qgis): correctly set working path
06:43 PM Revision ee5322a9 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
06:43 PM Revision 0cab561e (qgis): echo env var
06:29 PM Revision f7220c89 (qgis): more test masks
- 05:59 PM Revision 560dc2cc (qgis): add Geoserver and Mapserver demo WMS services
05:46 PM Revision 45f04b7c (qgis): Merge pull request #6417 from tudorbarascu/fix_selection_test
- improve server SELECTION test with multiple id's
04:29 PM Revision 0b635803 (qgis): echo env var
04:29 PM Revision 876fa1cc (qgis): fix distance area test
04:29 PM Revision 40ea2a69 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
04:29 PM Revision d62ad0bd (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
04:29 PM Revision 6ea56808 (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
04:29 PM Revision 0b04b4fc (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
04:29 PM Revision 70c68323 (qgis): better display
04:29 PM Revision f2711298 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
04:29 PM Revision f51eb06c (qgis): more echo
04:29 PM Revision 5fae870b (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
04:29 PM Revision 95bd72d8 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
04:29 PM Revision 4a6e571e (qgis): correctly set working path
04:29 PM Revision 9256669a (qgis): set ccache
03:54 PM Revision e321acd6 (qgis): Add global scope in server
03:51 PM Revision 00441957 (qgis): better display
03:51 PM Revision edc1dfea (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
03:51 PM Revision 8c6cb230 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
03:51 PM Revision 84a7a6ef (qgis): set ccache
03:51 PM Revision 1fbd51cb (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
03:51 PM Revision dcd37511 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
03:51 PM Revision 047b09e8 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
03:51 PM Revision 3fb11d23 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
03:51 PM Revision 4595d356 (qgis): more echo
03:51 PM Revision 9c81192d (qgis): echo env var
03:51 PM Revision 23654ac8 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
03:51 PM Revision caa4ff0e (qgis): correctly set working path
03:51 PM Revision 8f745244 (qgis): fix distance area test
03:47 PM Revision d5bb4a72 (qgis): fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
03:47 PM Revision eb6a2163 (qgis): update test masks
03:39 PM Revision b3d5aaba (qgis): Set scope directly to new context
03:38 PM Revision b385f42a (qgis): Set project expression variables in server
10:28 AM Revision 899b80b9 (qgis): [layer indicator] grayscale outline icons should be used for indicators
- 10:14 AM Revision 91b9a69d (qgis): Merge pull request #6470 from elpaso/template-convert
- [layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts
- 09:46 AM Revision 27ab59c6 (qgis): Fixed mask image and docs
07:20 AM Revision 9a3ecc28 (qgis): Merge pull request #6471 from sebastic/wms-provider-dependencies
- Add dependency on qgis_gui target to fix parallel build.
- 04:24 AM Revision 6bb8a9b6 (qgis): Pixel and size optimization for 5 icons (#6451)
- - mIconWarning.svg
- providerGdal.svg
- providerGrass.svg
- stars_empty.svg
- stars_full.svg - 04:20 AM Revision 479c6e91 (qgis): Vectorization of CAD tools icons (#6468)
- - construction.png-
- delta.png
- lock.png
- parallel.png
- perpendicular.png -
03:28 AM Revision 1d5d738e (qgis): set ccache
03:28 AM Revision e7331194 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
03:28 AM Revision 59ff6d1a (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
03:28 AM Revision cd64ce3b (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
03:28 AM Revision 7f5c34b8 (qgis): fix distance area test
03:28 AM Revision c2e84dac (qgis): echo env var
03:28 AM Revision 832a6eaf (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
03:28 AM Revision 78556820 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
03:28 AM Revision 05ad5742 (qgis): more echo
03:28 AM Revision f3b05906 (qgis): correctly set working path
03:28 AM Revision 78863526 (qgis): better display
03:28 AM Revision c946f973 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
03:28 AM Revision 4b68469b (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
03:26 AM Revision cc6e2d46 (qgis): update test masks
02:37 AM Revision f60149b5 (qgis): Fix bad string
- (cherry-picked from 967254)
02:34 AM Revision 9672544f (qgis): Fix bad string
02:25 AM Revision 9ee35ad9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6467 from DelazJ/QMessageBoxTitles
- More dialog caption fixes
02:24 AM Revision 7487be0e (qgis): Add more information to modeless option
- fix #18152
(cherry-picked from 1090312c64) -
02:22 AM Revision 13c35223 (qgis): Fix build
02:18 AM Revision c3d23cf5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6469 from DelazJ/patch-1
- Add more information to modeless option
02:17 AM Revision 71453da6 (qgis): Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus
- Fix #18175
(cherry-picked from 4c32a01) -
02:15 AM Revision 98b902bd (qgis): Merge pull request #6472 from DelazJ/algShortcuts
- Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus
02:03 AM Revision 883b4f49 (qgis): [processing] Fix restoring parameter values from batch panel load button
- Fixes #18236
(cherry-picked from 81d536) -
02:03 AM Revision 9ead36db (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when parameters are missing in batch dialog
- Refs #18236
(cherry-picked from 6e44a27) -
01:58 AM Revision 6e44a277 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when parameters are missing in batch dialog
- Refs #18236
01:58 AM Revision 81d53644 (qgis): [processing] Fix restoring parameter values from batch panel load button
- Fixes #18236
11:44 PM Revision 4b221759 (qgis): Merge pull request #6057 from wonder-sk/layer-tree-filter-indicator
- Layer tree view indicators API + filtered layer indicator
- 10:01 PM Revision c9bb21ef (qgis): show how to run the PyQgsServer test
- 10:01 PM Revision b2c3de6b (qgis): improve server SELECTION test with multiple id's
- 08:37 PM Revision 5fbcb8e5 (qgis): Update mask images
08:19 PM Revision d9deb238 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed icons in browser
08:14 PM Revision 4c32a01b (qgis): Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus
- Fix #18175
- 08:04 PM Revision 02e75a73 (qgis): Update control images
- 07:01 PM Revision 3bdb6c28 (qgis): [layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts
07:00 PM Revision d1b5767b (qgis): Add dependency on qgis_gui target to fix parallel build.
- In file included from /<<BUILDDIR>>/qgis-2.18.17+dfsg/src/providers/wms/qgswmssourceselect.cpp:26:0:
/<<BUILDDIR>>/q... -
06:56 PM Revision 5b1a7143 (qgis): [GRASS] tools filter clean button enabled, fixes #13526
06:34 PM Revision bbb2727b (qgis): Minor fixes (spelling, renaming, sip magic)
06:34 PM Revision f56d70f3 (qgis): [FEATURE] Indicators for layer tree view + filter indicator implementation
- This adds a mini-framework for display of extra icons in layer tree views
next to layer and group names. Tool tip tex... -
06:34 PM Revision 8190930b (qgis): Show filter query in the indicator's tooltip
06:33 PM Revision 1090312c (qgis): Add more information to modeless option
- fix #18152
03:12 PM Revision dce21882 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add choice of simplification method to simplify map tool
- Allows different techniques to be used for simplification, including
the more cartographically pleasing "Visvalingam"... -
03:12 PM Revision 295e1b58 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow map simplify tool to smooth features
- And rename to "Simplify/smooth features". This change allows interactive
smoothing of features. -
03:12 PM Revision c0b8fbfb (qgis): Drop redundant vertex count method, update code style
03:12 PM Revision 3235fec4 (qgis): Add some tooltips to simplification options
03:12 PM Revision 284ad06f (qgis): [simplify] user input widget instead of dialog
03:12 PM Revision 68ee969b (qgis): fix bad merge
03:12 PM Revision a6eb520a (qgis): [simplify] accept/reject using keyboard
- 01:07 PM Revision 3a1c5673 (qgis): Merge pull request #5835 from NathanW2/canvas_dock_zoom
- Add Auto Zoom to Selection for map canvas dock
12:41 PM Revision c6dcb325 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
12:32 PM Revision 03edc407 (qgis): rename QgsSettings::enumSettingValue to enumValue
- no python API break
12:32 PM Revision 4b232e49 (qgis): rename QgsSettings::enumSettingValue to enumValue
- no python API break
12:19 PM Revision 7827d924 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
12:04 PM Revision d313f7c0 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
- 10:59 AM Revision 835eb150 (qgis): Merge pull request #6454 from elpaso/wfs-dcp-post-uri
- [wfs] Proper handling of DCP POST Uri
- 10:59 AM Revision c13b627e (qgis): Merge pull request #6452 from elpaso/delete-existing-from-browser
- [bugfix] Respect multi-single part when importing and allow delete existing from browser
10:52 AM Revision bfa3cab0 (qgis): [processing] Fix model docks are not removed when closing modeler
- Actually caused by the modeler dialog never being deleted correctly.
Fixes #18213 -
09:37 AM Revision ef4a518d (qgis): [processing] add icons to SAGA algorithms (fix #18211)
- (cherry picked from commit 4777abb48e5e2aa647b9750f7e015d32574ca97e)
09:37 AM Revision 4777abb4 (qgis): [processing] add icons to SAGA algorithms (fix #18211)
09:22 AM Revision d6cf2e56 (qgis): Fix memory leak in QgsPostgresProvider::createEmptyLayer
- (cherry-picked from 8ce519)
09:22 AM Revision 4f1c100e (qgis): Fix intermittently failing postgres provider test
- Provider can crash if features do not have enough attributes
set to match fields in layer.
(cherry-picked from fb3e1c3) -
09:22 AM Revision 19aebf80 (qgis): Fix leak in postgres provider loadStyle
- (cherry-picked from b92079)
08:40 AM Revision 8ce519d2 (qgis): Fix memory leak in QgsPostgresProvider::createEmptyLayer
08:40 AM Revision b920799a (qgis): Fix leak in postgres provider loadStyle
08:40 AM Revision fb3e1c39 (qgis): Fix intermittently failing postgres provider test
- Provider can crash if features do not have enough attributes
set to match fields in layer. -
08:06 AM Revision 90d50eca (qgis): [processing][help] use new anchor style also for modeler
- (cherry picked from commit a54192cb72cf01ad7e3ac7931370c91fa09f9123)
08:06 AM Revision fb86a5fa (qgis): [processing][help] use helpId() when constructing anchor name (follow u...
- (cherry picked from commit 725f36064c9b227a48e29dac91512d796bb3c7b4)
08:06 AM Revision 7416b6c2 (qgis): [processing][help] use algorithm id as an anchor for help pages
- (cherry picked from commit 598b8a9c41e3788962778039adcc30f2912d822f)
07:59 AM Revision 3701d648 (qgis): More dialog caption fixes
07:16 AM Revision 181d4414 (qgis): Fix string capitalization
- (cherry-picked from e1a344)
07:16 AM Revision 167b6086 (qgis): [processing] Fix grass point parameter evaluation
- (cherry-picked from 44896c)
07:13 AM Revision e1a344f7 (qgis): Fix string capitalization
07:10 AM Revision 44896c36 (qgis): [processing] Fix grass point parameter evaluation
06:35 AM Revision 22d19c9b (qgis): [needs-docs] Add Alt+{no} shortcut for panels (#5895)
- 05:31 AM Revision 347e6f1a (qgis): [FEATURE] [needs-doc] Add Auto Zoom to Selection for map canvas dock
04:40 AM Revision 5986444c (qgis): [processing] Support dynamic properties for all native c++ algorithms
04:40 AM Revision 7f927435 (qgis): [processing] Fix expection when double clicking alg in history with dyn...
01:08 AM Revision 1b45c6e0 (qgis): echo env var
01:08 AM Revision 65738557 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
01:08 AM Revision 140255a5 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
01:08 AM Revision 728ec042 (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
01:08 AM Revision 1e7ba0bd (qgis): fix distance area test
01:08 AM Revision 1440ce7e (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
01:08 AM Revision bcb03f67 (qgis): set ccache
01:08 AM Revision 677fc176 (qgis): more echo
01:08 AM Revision a1c115bc (qgis): better display
01:08 AM Revision 5e6a6fdf (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
01:08 AM Revision ec0f6f4f (qgis): correctly set working path
01:08 AM Revision 2b909c2b (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
01:08 AM Revision d7d4c083 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
12:57 AM Revision cdf0cd19 (qgis): [processing] Fix crash when algorithms fail to prepare
- Refs #15640
(cherry-picked from 2900ace) -
12:57 AM Revision 123c13d5 (qgis): [processing] Allow empty expressions in refactor fields alg
- Fixes #15640
(cherry-picked from cc10bbd) -
12:52 AM Revision 66d5d43e (qgis): Fix missing user color schemes on startup
- (cherry-picked from 7dc0db)
12:50 AM Revision 7dc0db51 (qgis): Fix missing user color schemes on startup
12:20 AM Revision 2900acef (qgis): [processing] Fix crash when algorithms fail to prepare
- Refs #15640
12:20 AM Revision cc10bbd9 (qgis): [processing] Allow empty expressions in refactor fields alg
- Fixes #15640
12:10 AM Revision f7f34efb (qgis): Respect image orientation and transforms in attachment widget
- Fixes #16139
(cherry-picked from 574a65) -
11:25 PM Revision 574a6549 (qgis): Respect image orientation and transforms in attachment widget
- Fixes #16139
10:08 PM Revision 8ef90807 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix desktop link
- (cherry picked from commit b5ca7885fc13fecdacd604bfbd747798b1539f59)
10:08 PM Revision b5ca7885 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix desktop link
- 08:44 PM Revision 9083ec6f (qgis): [wfs] Proper handling of DCP POST Uri
- 05:48 PM Revision 82fc90fd (qgis): removed not working default WMS server
- 05:22 PM Revision 772adec5 (qgis): [bugfix] Respect multi-single part when importing
- Fixes #15875
- 05:21 PM Revision faec6204 (qgis): Cosmetic: remove empty line
04:43 PM Revision ef24e65c (qgis): osgeo4w: fix grass plugin postinstall
- (cherry picked from commit 001c80b0c3478f9d1fc026965c439aa843f0a66d)
04:43 PM Revision 11b09953 (qgis): osgeo4w: avoid blocking error popup when running tests
01:16 PM Revision 5d23bc07 (qgis): Merge pull request #6447 from nyalldawson/backport_action
- Backport action API tweaks to 3.0
11:39 AM Revision 001c80b0 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix grass plugin postinstall
11:23 AM Revision a54192cb (qgis): [processing][help] use new anchor style also for modeler
07:49 AM Revision 25c5d8db (qgis): Revert fixes to gdal algorithms, need to investigate further
02:47 AM Revision 703898e9 (qgis): Update test masks
11:22 PM Revision 094cef71 (qgis): Sipify and astyle
11:02 PM Revision b768e6d2 (qgis): Sipify and astyle
10:57 PM Revision 332c8a59 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #18187: SAGA output extent values are not in the rig...
10:40 PM Revision 0559e467 (qgis): Follow up map layer action changes
- - Switch to flags instead of boolean argument
- Move logic for layer validity to canRunUsingLayer
- Add unit test
Al... -
10:40 PM Revision 2520c286 (qgis): skip enabledOnlyWhenEditable from pyhton bindings
- in the construtors of QgsAction and QgsMapLayerAction
10:40 PM Revision 1b669225 (qgis): document parameters
10:40 PM Revision 07e636f4 (qgis): intagrated enumvalue IdentifyMode
- used like SingleEditMode here
10:39 PM Revision 940d2047 (qgis): style stuff
10:39 PM Revision 402b7e47 (qgis): hide instead of disable
- and use mode for identify - not to show the actions with isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable is active
10:39 PM Revision 87a6fe17 (qgis): resolved conflicts
10:39 PM Revision 476bc08f (qgis): disable or do not display maplayeractions
- in some cases
09:51 PM Revision ec17f0fa (qgis): fix release build on windows
- (cherry picked from commit a0a0392159fba7639f4811f70826a2c6d66a13f9)
09:51 PM Revision b7f7bd10 (qgis): debian packaging: fix release builds (followup 792c19ba7)
- (cherry picked from commit 0def61c34151af0bff23e9ec5904240b36659445)
09:51 PM Revision f97d9dc1 (qgis): osgeo4w: ignore if there are no pyc to cleanup in postinstall
- (cherry picked from commit af4cbe2db07c970a0df4668f86b12335e27667df)
09:51 PM Revision 065dd1cf (qgis): Revert "osgeo4w: also build pdb and corresponding package for releases"
- This reverts commit 7efcfee28cc5ae454fd50b30263e85477a4fe9c0.
(cherry picked from commit 611fbff4901d74bfc942b21b083... -
09:34 PM Revision af4cbe2d (qgis): osgeo4w: ignore if there are no pyc to cleanup in postinstall
09:30 PM Revision 033e2e64 (qgis): Add unit test for calculator filter
09:30 PM Revision f0fcdb85 (qgis): [FEATURE][locator] Add quick calculator (expression evaluator) to
- locator bar
Allows evaluation of simple expressions (well, actually ANY QGIS
expression... so you could use aggregat... - 07:36 PM Revision b2ab978b (qgis): [bugfix] Allow deletion of in-project layers
- After user confirmation, layers that are currently in the
project can be deleted from the browser - 07:35 PM Revision c12fb096 (qgis): typo
07:28 PM Revision f3af22e1 (qgis): follow up f638b3cb
06:51 PM Revision f638b3cb (qgis): [processing] fix wrong variable name in GDAL alggorithms base class
05:24 PM Revision 725f3606 (qgis): [processing][help] use helpId() when constructing anchor name (follow u...
02:52 PM Revision 598b8a9c (qgis): [processing][help] use algorithm id as an anchor for help pages
02:01 PM Revision 7235c625 (qgis): New 3d symbols. Blender files in:
10:15 AM Revision f35745fc (qgis): Follow up map layer action changes
- - Switch to flags instead of boolean argument
- Move logic for layer validity to canRunUsingLayer
- Add unit test
Al... -
04:23 AM Revision 1bada065 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Add 'Project points (cartesian)' algorithm
- Projects points from an input point layer by a specified distance
and bearing (azimuth). Supports dynamic parameters ...
12:47 AM Revision 84c50893 (qgis): Merge pull request #6438 from lbartoletti/make_triangle
- Add missing make_triangle function help. Fixes #16406
12:46 AM Revision 8eaf0a41 (qgis): Merge pull request #6442 from tilmanb/patch-1
- Update header comment to reflect actual file name
12:46 AM Revision 669e754b (qgis): Merge pull request #6366 from Gustry/materialized_view
- add button to refresh a materialized view in browser [needs-docs]
08:50 PM Revision f37e861b (qgis): Merge pull request #6440 from ghtmtt/release-2_18
- updated it translation for 2_18
06:22 PM Revision 611fbff4 (qgis): Revert "osgeo4w: also build pdb and corresponding package for releases"
- This reverts commit 7efcfee28cc5ae454fd50b30263e85477a4fe9c0.
06:00 PM Revision a0a03921 (qgis): fix release build on windows
05:22 PM Revision 2de99fbf (qgis): Merge pull request #6439 from pblottiere/bugfix_server_selection
- [server] Fixes issue when selecting multiple ids
05:15 PM Revision 176591b4 (qgis): Update header comment to reflect actual file name
- The filename in the top comment now matches the real file name.
04:42 PM Revision 46eb6e34 (qgis): Update mask image
04:09 PM Revision 3654ead7 (qgis): updated it translation for 2_18
- 03:38 PM Revision c1ef8f02 (qgis): Merge pull request #6430 from signedav/uxduplication
- Only enable duplication when layer editable
02:51 PM Revision 42ca67e3 (qgis): Add test
02:49 PM Revision 37b47c6a (qgis): [server] Fixes issue when selecting multiple ids
- 02:32 PM Revision 0dcea189 (qgis): Add missing make_triangle function help. Fix #16406
01:52 PM Revision 0def61c3 (qgis): debian packaging: fix release builds (followup 792c19ba7)
01:48 PM Revision 555cdf0a (qgis): skip enabledOnlyWhenEditable from pyhton bindings
- in the construtors of QgsAction and QgsMapLayerAction
01:10 PM Revision 70c68df7 (qgis): Bump version to 3.1
01:09 PM Revision 49858ca4 (qgis): Release of 3.0 (Girona)
01:09 PM Revision 6304adde (qgis): changelog and news update for 3.0
01:09 PM Revision 2646b590 (qgis): translation update for 3.0 from transifex
01:02 PM Revision 98e769f7 (qgis): Release of 2.18.17
12:46 PM Revision 55a8d41c (qgis): document parameters
12:33 PM Revision 917c7b6f (qgis): Do not auto-close vertex editor on any mouse click (ref #17243)
- This is a partial fix for #17243 to improve usability of vertex editor panel.
Until now the vertex editor would get c... -
12:03 PM Revision 1875d4ad (qgis): intagrated enumvalue IdentifyMode
- used like SingleEditMode here
11:33 AM Revision 71d25c68 (qgis): style stuff
11:18 AM Revision 131efbdd (qgis): Merge pull request #6367 from slarosa/fix_saga_osx
- [processing] fix execution of SAGA algorithms under macos
11:17 AM Revision f93dc908 (qgis): Merge pull request #6434 from alexbruy/python-console
- [python console] remove 'u' prefixes from strings (fix #18171)
11:12 AM Revision 9a623057 (qgis): Merge pull request #5861 from signedav/bugFixSH01
- Widget size handling in status bar
11:06 AM Revision 2d9ee3dc (qgis): [pyqgis-coonsole] APIs file updated
11:06 AM Revision a11582f7 (qgis): hide instead of disable
- and use mode for identify - not to show the actions with isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable is active
10:43 AM Revision 8d69dc1f (qgis): indentation
09:40 AM Revision 388cfb89 (qgis): Merge pull request #6427 from Cracert/trans
- [TRANSUP] pl: new translator
09:39 AM Revision 7823025b (qgis): [python console] remove 'u' prefixes from strings (fix #18171)
09:30 AM Revision a554409e (qgis): [processing] don't use scandir() to get directory contents (fix #18180)
08:26 AM Revision 35cc4c90 (qgis): Merge pull request #6433 from alexbruy/hide-modeler-tools
- [processing] hide 'Rename layer' and 'Load layer' algs from toolbox
07:57 AM Revision e59c264b (qgis): [processing] hide 'Rename layer' and 'Load layer' algs from toolbox
07:40 AM Revision 67a578f3 (qgis): fix df76bfc1
07:38 AM Revision 673421b0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6423 from nyalldawson/proc_auto_select_alg
- [processing] Some toolbox ux tweaks
07:35 AM Revision a5399def (qgis): Merge pull request #6429 from nyalldawson/fix_18179
- [processing] Fix config exception with INT/FLOAT settings
06:20 AM Revision 08b75ec0 (qgis): [layouts][needs-docs] Replace layout and report icons
- The previous layout icon (a blank page) was too difficult to
distinguish from actions relating to pages themselves.
... -
05:33 AM Revision 64aa400f (qgis): Respect selection in layers in vertex tool (fixes #17782) (#6421)
- This fixes issues in situations when there are multiple vertices in one location:
1. when clicking a location, if th... -
04:56 AM Revision 5114d605 (qgis): [layouts] Fix mouse event handling on rulers
02:28 AM Revision a800a371 (qgis): Merge pull request #6425 from nyalldawson/ui_default
- Update default toolbar arrangement to move short layer toolbar from left to top
02:23 AM Revision 7a3dc428 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into uxduplication
02:18 AM Revision 9ad399d5 (qgis): resolved conflicts
02:03 AM Revision 5f664944 (qgis): [needs-docs] Remove " Panel" suffixes from panel titles
- This extra text adds a lot of visual clutter to the interface,
and makes tabbed dock's tab bars take up a lot of room... -
01:55 AM Revision de2c900e (qgis): [reports] Hide redundant edit header/footer buttons for
- fixed layout sections
These have no real meaning for fixed layout sections. -
01:55 AM Revision 18ab200b (qgis): [reports] Add more descriptive tooltips to widgets
- Also
- fix widget tab orders
- tweak widget layouts for UI clarity -
01:55 AM Revision a1785e21 (qgis): [needs-docs][reports] Tweak strings for clarity, add tooltips
- Rename 'Single section' to 'Static layout section'
01:52 AM Revision 4f4de379 (qgis): Update default toolbar arrangement to move short layer toolbar from lef...
- Now that the layer toolbar is very short (following the data source
manager changes), there's a LOT of wasted space b... -
01:43 AM Revision 75a9150a (qgis): [processing] Fix config exception with INT/FLOAT settings
- Fixes #18179
01:42 AM Revision 3e86804d (qgis): Merge pull request #6395 from lbartoletti/advanced_shape_digitize_toolbar
- Make Regular Shape Digitizing Toolbar disabled by default / renamed Shape Digitizing Toolbar
01:41 AM Revision af8ca3ed (qgis): Merge pull request #6409 from nyalldawson/fix_18065
- Revert "fix and bring back scroll area into custom widgets"
01:06 AM Revision e0fa2c27 (qgis): Partially revert "fix and bring back scroll area into custom widgets"
- This reverts commit 5dce8edb95fc2432dedcac3d860bd5d46b16a436.
The custom widget is still causing isseus - refs #18065 -
01:06 AM Revision 79e52408 (qgis): disable or do not display maplayeractions
- in some cases
12:53 AM Revision 72035744 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: new translator
12:05 AM Revision e6331e42 (qgis): [layouts] Fix grids are not visible on restoring projects
- Fixes #18177
11:32 PM Revision efae0fcc (qgis): Increase snapping tolerance maximum in advanced mode. Fix #18133
11:30 PM Revision e24b6e60 (qgis): Merge pull request #6404 from slarosa/cursor_size_fix
- Fixes #18043: Zoom and identify tools very small on MacOSX with retina display
11:27 PM Revision 62cd1edb (qgis): [processing] Pressing enter in search box executes the selected algorithm
11:26 PM Revision 82bfc407 (qgis): [processing] When searching in toolbox, automatically select
- the first visible algorithm if the previously selected item
was hidden
Avoids hidden selections in the toolbox -
10:27 PM Revision e1555228 (qgis): Merge pull request #6422 from borysiasty/nicer_manager
- [Plugin manager] A little bit nicer details view
10:07 PM Revision 92060a88 (qgis): [Plugin manager][needs-doc] Follows up 454a93606a: Improved plugin deta...
08:48 PM Revision 454a9360 (qgis): [Plugin manager] Tabular layout for the details view
- 07:45 PM Revision 002c0208 (qgis): Convert script to python3 and pep8 it
06:40 PM Revision dd56d0c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6419 from mhugo/release-2_18
- Fix call to representValue in identifydialog
06:37 PM Revision 92becc43 (qgis): [Plugin manager] Slightly polished style of the details view
05:00 PM Revision 193e0a7e (qgis): Fix call to representValue in identifydialog
- This should fix the problem of queries with WHERE (id = 'NULL') when the
string 'NULL' cannot be converted to integer... -
04:53 PM Revision 23951f3f (qgis): Update
- correct arry
04:51 PM Revision 68619027 (qgis): Merge pull request #6416 from SrNetoChan/patch-4
- Adds Portuguese translator
04:40 PM Revision 99e437ce (qgis): Adds Portuguese translator
- 04:01 PM Revision 81d8625f (qgis): Merge pull request #6407 from elpaso/bugfix-18099-wfs-operations-xref-2
- [bugfix] Support Distributed Computing Platform (DCP) for WFS
03:11 PM Revision e06e95c2 (qgis): Merge pull request #6413 from mhugo/master
- Fix call to representValue in identifydialog (refs #17175)
- 02:36 PM Revision 31df6084 (qgis): Also use DCP for transaction (if available)
- Also QgsDebugMsg->Level
02:07 PM Revision 5eb3e6b0 (qgis): Save variables are key value in settings (#6411)
- * Save variables are key value in settings
This allows variables to be set in qgis_global_settings.ini correctly.
T... - 01:14 PM Revision 3ce8dc12 (qgis): Fix port for WFS server integration tests
11:59 AM Revision 5e70e962 (qgis): Fix call to representValue in identifydialog (refs #17175)
- This should fix the problem of queries with WHERE (id = 'NULL') when the
string 'NULL' cannot be converted to integer... -
09:33 AM Revision 6a8e4234 (qgis): Merge pull request #6406 from borysiasty/master
- [Plugin manager] Display available and installed version origins in tooltips
08:05 AM Revision 2973e85f (qgis): "Fix" crash in attribute table field calculator
05:52 AM Revision 3ed98f17 (qgis): Merge pull request #6383 from Fanevanjanahary/key
- [dbmanager] fix shortcut execute query
01:04 AM Revision 6b2d3eea (qgis): String fix
12:37 AM Revision 9a3bfa01 (qgis): fix translation strings
12:03 AM Revision 0481666b (qgis): Merge pull request #6408 from arnaud-morvan/processing_reload_fix
- Processing reload fixes
11:59 PM Revision 1eea8579 (qgis): Remove use of deprecated trUtf8 method
- This method was deprecated in Qt 5.0 - we need to remove
its use so that we can turn off the remaining Qt4 compatibil... -
11:58 PM Revision f1445538 (qgis): Merge pull request #6399 from nyalldawson/hide_dupe
- Hide 'duplicate features' actions by default
10:47 PM Revision 5cfe2784 (qgis): calculate mTwoCharSize
10:45 PM Revision 5af792c1 (qgis): [processing] Call toolbox.deleteLater to avoid slot calls after unload
10:42 PM Revision 3718d4e6 (qgis): [processing] Properly load basic providers
- Processing module should only register it's own basic providers.
Note that when reloading a plugin, subclasses of Pro... -
10:42 PM Revision d3a4a345 (qgis): [processing] Fix slot prototype in ModelerAlgorithmProvider. Fix #18162
- 10:34 PM Revision 5d5927ac (qgis): Add shapeDigitizeToolbar to acceptable missing doc
- 09:58 PM Revision 31428242 (qgis): Cosmetic fixes
- 09:48 PM Revision f1b59876 (qgis): [bugfix] Support Distributed Computing Platform (DCP) for WFS
- Implement the possibility to specify different endpoints
for different WFS operations.
With tests.
Fixes #18099 WFS... -
09:36 PM Revision f17ba6bc (qgis): only decrease when larger than two signs
- and increase always. but decrease again only when more than the size of "00" difference.
09:33 PM Revision 86a48e47 (qgis): [Plugin manager] Display origins of the available and installed version...
- 09:05 PM Revision 88a5e320 (qgis): - Rename "Advanced Shape Digitize Toolbar" -> "Shape Digitize Toolbar"
- - Rewrite ui_defaults.h
08:44 PM Revision 146d4081 (qgis): [processing] Add direct action to open an existing model in editor
08:44 PM Revision 835cca7c (qgis): [processing] More string HIG fixes
08:44 PM Revision bd99f697 (qgis): More dialog title HIG fixes
08:44 PM Revision 277e06ec (qgis): [processing] Fix some message box titles
05:30 PM Revision 9c2a0f8a (qgis): Add GRASS74 support (backported from 2dece58b679)
04:44 PM Revision c8ed4c16 (qgis): Merge pull request #6279 from mhugent/featureinfo_gml_id
- Server: if there is a primary key, use the pk value(s) as gml id inst…
02:45 PM Revision ffd1e4bc (qgis): fix indentation
02:22 PM Revision 3283afd3 (qgis): Fixes #18043: Zoom and identify tools very small on MacOSX with retina ...
02:00 PM Revision 77be1cee (qgis): only change size when difference > 4
- to avoid the flickering
12:12 PM Revision 52054e6c (qgis): fixed indentation
11:46 AM Revision 40b67e28 (qgis): Use @@ as primary key separator
11:18 AM Revision 471e67f1 (qgis): mNofColumns in value relation widget
- mNofColumns defining the number of columns when "allowMulti" is checked.
The widged is now a tableWidget instead of ... -
10:34 AM Revision f8c3f396 (qgis): [processing] Fix dependency calculation for model child algs
- 09:39 AM Revision 76c21ea3 (qgis): Updated and vectorized several icons (#6382)
07:37 AM Revision cb17e225 (qgis): Merge pull request #6400 from ccrook/delim_text_ui_crs
- Delim text ui crs
07:07 AM Revision 67599937 (qgis): Fixing up code indentation and removing spacer in dialog
06:29 AM Revision bb08b64a (qgis): Merge pull request #6398 from DelazJ/QMessageBoxTitles
- Updating some dialogs caption
06:00 AM Revision 6573eb30 (qgis): [processing] small fix in the MultipleLayerWidgetWrapper wrapper
05:18 AM Revision 43350a9a (qgis): Hide 'duplicate features' actions by default
- Since there's a number of serious outstanding issues with these
tools, hide them by default and show them only if a Q... -
03:35 AM Revision ed99ba9d (qgis): Updating some dialogs caption
11:16 PM Revision 43cd62b6 (qgis): [processing] Tweak api for QgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithm
- Instead of returning a single QgsFeature from processFeature, we now
return a list of features.
This allows feature ... -
11:16 PM Revision 585a4d37 (qgis): [processing] Split multiparts and explode are feature based algorithms
08:40 PM Revision 34553d36 (qgis): fix warning
08:40 PM Revision 4eef948b (qgis): Merge pull request #6394 from neteler/patch-75
- Add grass74 support
07:07 PM Revision 3e9ce1a5 (qgis): Add CRS to delimited text source select. Fixes #11520
07:07 PM Revision 25c4fe7c (qgis): Clear delimited text source fields after adding to show something has h...
06:06 PM Revision 9aa6a4d7 (qgis): german translation update
05:55 PM Revision 348b0cf8 (qgis): Warn user when trying to move or delete selected features outside of ma...
- Sometimes users may inadvertently move/delete features they are not aware
of being selected. If that is the case, ext... - 05:43 PM Revision 55aa0b5b (qgis): - Rename Regular Shape Digitize Toolbar to Advanced Shape Digitize
- Toolbar
- Homogenize this toolbar like the others
- Not enabled by default -
04:34 PM Revision a3de8e2d (qgis): Use gml feature id also for non-gml output formats of WMS GetFeatureInfo
02:19 PM Revision 15820730 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Server] WFS GetFeature GML: segfault with geometry null
01:10 PM Revision 8e38788d (qgis): add button to refresh a materialized view in browser [needs-docs]
12:41 PM Revision 5e308e8c (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
12:41 PM Revision 2237d17d (qgis): better display
12:41 PM Revision 2a0b9d87 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
12:41 PM Revision afcd34c2 (qgis): more echo
12:41 PM Revision 83f529a0 (qgis): echo env var
12:41 PM Revision a868f250 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
12:41 PM Revision 348fe957 (qgis): correctly set working path
12:41 PM Revision 91eceebe (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
12:41 PM Revision 5f31fe78 (qgis): set ccache
12:41 PM Revision 6896ea27 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
12:41 PM Revision 7855836e (qgis): fix distance area test
12:41 PM Revision 3bf9bae0 (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
12:41 PM Revision aa64b5fd (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
12:40 PM Revision b7194414 (qgis): Qt 5.7 dropped pyqtWrapperType (#6393)
- version would need double check though
- 12:30 PM Revision 2dece58b (qgis): Add grass74 support
- GRASS GIS 7.4 is the current stable version, support added
12:00 PM Revision 3d3a2dab (qgis): Revert "fix build with grass"
- This reverts commit e5c9092a4cc5f4ddc0e424294a6e8b3fc44ed589.
12:00 PM Revision 713bfd34 (qgis): add Q_ENUM for QgsRasterProjector::Precision
09:26 AM Revision 5c061668 (qgis): Fix memory leak in task manager widget
- 09:23 AM Revision 77ca11e6 (qgis): Display project crs
07:24 AM Revision 64369f80 (qgis): Merge pull request #6370 from nyalldawson/afs
- ArcGIS feature server: implement provider test suite and fix issues
- 07:06 AM Revision 2d2390dc (qgis): use crs widget picker in db_manager
- 07:06 AM Revision c50e4f27 (qgis): review HIG import vector dialog
05:48 AM Revision 7980f307 (qgis): Spelling
05:32 AM Revision 5145b2c2 (qgis): [afs] Add unit test for metadata
04:49 AM Revision f7559d30 (qgis): [afs] Auto populate layer metadata from provider metadata
04:46 AM Revision 6a9f9869 (qgis): Fix links are doubled in metadata widget
04:20 AM Revision c0d4ce70 (qgis): [afs] Don't request intersecting features from server if all
- features are already locally cached
04:20 AM Revision 668af8cc (qgis): Avoid redundant error
04:20 AM Revision 9471c5d9 (qgis): [afs] More responsive cancelation for feature requests
04:20 AM Revision a818953c (qgis): [afs] Correctly advertise SelectAtId capability
- Big speedup for attribute table loading with provider
04:20 AM Revision 3aaf35ad (qgis): [afs] Support interruption requests on feature iterator
- Results in a huge increase in responsiveness when working with
large AFS layers -
04:20 AM Revision 1c8c461a (qgis): [afs] Add unit test for non OBJECTID named id fields
04:20 AM Revision 3ffbd84f (qgis): Add a bounding box intersection test to QgsGeometry
- We only previously had methods for exact intersections - this
commit adds a new QgsGeometry.boundingBoxIntersects() m... -
04:20 AM Revision e3f55dc5 (qgis): [afs] Handle layers where the id field is not named "objectid"
04:20 AM Revision 87207dde (qgis): [afs] Fix provider ignores FilterFids requests and returns
- incorrect features
04:20 AM Revision 922776bf (qgis): [afs] Fix crash when requesting invalid feature ID
04:20 AM Revision 7d620e28 (qgis): Make feature source/provider test handle additional fields
04:20 AM Revision 7711f133 (qgis): [afs] Ensure that null attributes are correctly mapped for PyQGIS
04:20 AM Revision 4af24bf8 (qgis): More provider check handling of extra fields
04:20 AM Revision 73076508 (qgis): Fix accidental test change
04:20 AM Revision 70626680 (qgis): [afs] Don't lock shared data whilst fetching remote data
- Since the fetch can be slow, there's no need to lock other
afs threads while we wait for a particular set of results ... -
04:20 AM Revision 45ded37f (qgis): Try to fix test which fails only on Travis
04:20 AM Revision 9e023bda (qgis): [afs] Fix/optimise handling of filter rect feature requests
- Before a filter rect request would usually force fetching every
single feature from the server before the request cou... -
04:20 AM Revision 93920d29 (qgis): [afs] Don't list layers with no Query capability in AFS source select
- Since these layers cannot be queried or added to the map and should
be added as mapserver layers instead. -
04:20 AM Revision 56b1edec (qgis): [afs] Use faster bounding box checks where possible
04:20 AM Revision b434ab10 (qgis): Start implementing the provider test suite for ArcGIS Feature Server pr...
04:20 AM Revision 227689ac (qgis): [afs] Fix provider incorrectly overrides provider name and description
- with layer name and description
04:20 AM Revision 394e1a1b (qgis): [afs] Remove unused code
04:20 AM Revision 5f12bd5c (qgis): [afs] Correctly return an invalid feature from closed iterators
04:20 AM Revision 10ceac60 (qgis): Exempt AFS provider from certain provider tests
04:20 AM Revision 1e95433a (qgis): Better geometry memory management for afs provider
04:20 AM Revision 258527cc (qgis): Don't try to run provider tests which require subsetStrings on provider...
04:20 AM Revision d87738be (qgis): Avoid some detaches in AFS iterator
04:20 AM Revision 8b0b826d (qgis): [afs] Correctly convert attribute values to field type
- Avoids AFS provider returning double values for integer
and long field types -
04:20 AM Revision c6f7a07f (qgis): Simplify QgsVectorDataProvider::fillMinMaxCache()
04:09 AM Revision e3fbb4cb (qgis): Merge pull request #6390 from nyalldawson/provider_metadata
- Support reading layer metadata from data provider
02:31 AM Revision 1da2da21 (qgis): Fix build
02:10 AM Revision 3d4f6f82 (qgis): Followup 0548f4, fixes to layer metadata and metadata widget
- Address outstanding review requests so that this PR can be merged
02:06 AM Revision 0548f426 (qgis): Added QgsLayerMetadata logic to QgsDataProvider. Added setMetadata in Q...
01:01 AM Revision 2571de37 (qgis): Fix some undersized widgets on hidpi win builds
12:03 AM Revision 206f22b9 (qgis): [processing] Fix algorithm help link in modeler
- Fixes #18147
12:03 AM Revision c07f37a5 (qgis): [processing] Select by expression/attribute can run on geometryless layers
12:03 AM Revision fdebddd1 (qgis): [processing] Fix raster layers shown as inputs for certain vector algs
- Fixes #18148, #18149
11:52 PM Revision da7ccf7d (qgis): Merge pull request #6369 from slarosa/fix_18118_crash
- [welcomepage] fixes #18118 remove last item causes a crash
10:12 PM Revision f14b729e (qgis): fix some references to PROJ.4
10:12 PM Revision e5c9092a (qgis): fix build with grass
10:12 PM Revision 39cb0fbf (qgis): proj5: show proj version qgis was built with and the version it's runni...
09:25 PM Revision 23dc1c8f (qgis): Use first feature in layer to generate symbol preview icon in widget
- Uses the first feature found in a layer in order to create a better
preview for the symbol in the symbol selector dia... -
08:58 PM Revision eec40e98 (qgis): allow-unauthenticated
08:27 PM Revision 37d3e827 (qgis): force....
08:22 PM Revision f23cff1c (qgis): better display
08:06 PM Revision 6051c09c (qgis): install...
07:57 PM Revision 1565226f (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
07:56 PM Revision 7d43aea5 (qgis): Testing with PROJ 5
07:39 PM Revision 95dbfea5 (qgis): more echo
07:30 PM Revision 5a13be30 (qgis): echo env var
07:11 PM Revision 7701ea6c (qgis): [delete part] use snapping index to find part
05:42 PM Revision beb02f92 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
- to see if it pushed the deps image
04:13 PM Revision bc580588 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
04:13 PM Revision c1c0a03c (qgis): correctly set working path
04:13 PM Revision 79090f47 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
04:13 PM Revision 10bb17ae (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
04:13 PM Revision 3f241732 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
04:13 PM Revision 4d3ffce7 (qgis): fix distance area test
04:13 PM Revision 572bd232 (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
04:13 PM Revision 578eb9dd (qgis): set ccache
03:55 PM Revision 4d6b0e6a (qgis): extend QgsSettings::enumSettingValue to handle flags (with test)
03:55 PM Revision 42908ebb (qgis): Qt 5.5 prefers Q_FLAG over Q_FLAGS
- this also allow to use QMetaEnum for flags
03:55 PM Revision 1a1b197c (qgis): use Qgsettins::enumSettingValue where possible
03:55 PM Revision d468e5bb (qgis): [sipify] fix Q_FLAG declaration
03:48 PM Revision 4caf96f4 (qgis): api doc: 2.18 is also LTR
03:48 PM Revision d0fb7fec (qgis): [BUGFIX][Server] WFS GetFeature GML: segfault with geometry null
03:48 PM Revision 1364b6b4 (qgis): api doc: add link to python version
03:42 PM Revision decb722e (qgis): [BUGFIX][Server] WFS GetFeature GML: segfault with geometry null
03:14 PM Revision 5b499f24 (qgis): [offset] meter limit min to 1, quadrant segments min to 1
03:14 PM Revision fdada84b (qgis): [offset] warn user when layer has Z/M geometries
02:49 PM Revision b47eb87e (qgis): Merge pull request #6301 from manisandro/qt5.10
- Initial workaround for Qt5.10 instability
- 01:52 PM Revision 78c79a92 (qgis): [dbmanager] fix shortcut execute query
12:57 PM Revision ea9480ef (qgis): Don't set focusProxy in QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic when compiled again...
12:08 PM Revision a7ca742d (qgis): fix double/int comparison
12:08 PM Revision 9e2e99fe (qgis): snapToCurrentLayer correctly handles Area type
12:08 PM Revision 965a4e87 (qgis): revert adding tolerance to QgsSnappingUtils::snapToCurrentLayer
- since it already uses digitizing settings
12:08 PM Revision 1d0043ed (qgis): add test for QgsPointLocator::nearestArea
12:08 PM Revision 3f9963e2 (qgis): tweak match from nearestEdge to return an Area type
- also make that VisitorArea return the given point as the match point
11:46 AM Revision 337fa7b1 (qgis): Merge pull request #6379 from NathanW2/browser_sort_order
- Better sort order for browser node
- 11:43 AM Revision 19328dda (qgis): Change order of XYZ tiles
11:37 AM Revision a303ef5a (qgis): fix disabled map unit widgets when opening project prop. dialog
- (fixes #17208)
11:34 AM Revision 8fd35c3a (qgis): [layouts] add missing items in the toolbars sub-menu
11:34 AM Revision 69956717 (qgis): [layouts] hide atlas/report items in the window right-click menu
11:34 AM Revision 007009f9 (qgis): [layouts] improve right-click popup menu
- - as with the main window, show bold titles
- sort toolbars and panels alphabetically -
11:34 AM Revision ae956d7f (qgis): [layouts] improve default window state for reports
11:34 AM Revision 2f70dd0a (qgis): [layouts] sort panels and toolbars sub-menus
11:09 AM Revision 26cf3172 (qgis): Use pk as WFS id in GeoJSON export
10:45 AM Revision b3eaedea (qgis): Consider pk/fid in wfs transaction
- 10:01 AM Revision 6da78b95 (qgis): Merge pull request #6187 from DelazJ/rulebaseDialog
- Show "Edit rule" dialog instead of widget when in Layer properties dialog
09:43 AM Revision d7edf6c5 (qgis): fix e606b795d
- 09:43 AM Revision 4868e6c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6210 from DelazJ/218_DBManager
- [DB Manager]Allow preset query combobox to expand
- 09:42 AM Revision 39e1c46b (qgis): Merge pull request #6167 from DelazJ/DBManagerQueryDialog
- [DB Manager]Allow preset query combobox to expand
09:18 AM Revision 0e3af9c6 (qgis): [layouts] Remove use of QStyleOptionGraphicsItem from QgsLayoutItem API
- Turns out the useful methods in QStyleOptionGraphicsItem were deprecated
in Qt 5.10. To future protect our API this r... -
09:18 AM Revision 89259e85 (qgis): [layouts] Move responsibility for matching map colors to project
- background color to app
This fits better in app - the silent auto setting of background
colors should not apply to s... -
09:17 AM Revision 99112092 (qgis): Merge pull request #6375 from nyalldawson/interupt
- Remove QgsInterruptionChecker and replace with QgsFeedback
07:57 AM Revision 627a590c (qgis): Fix geometry checker cannot export errors to gpkg
- Fixes #18128
Also exposes other format choices in dialog - 07:41 AM Revision fc98c840 (qgis): Better sort order for browser node
06:56 AM Revision 605ea376 (qgis): Fix uuid() function returns the same uuid
- Fixes #18130
06:56 AM Revision b759fc92 (qgis): Prepare expression for faster field calculation in attribute table dialog
- 06:07 AM Revision 71a7de68 (qgis): [FIX] Fix loading projects with . in name
- At least on Windows 2.18.qgs is a valid name for a file.
01:18 AM Revision d830821b (qgis): Remove QgsInterruptionChecker and replace with QgsFeedback use
- There's little need for two classes with similar goals here.
01:16 AM Revision 1014e5c7 (qgis): Remove unused QgsVectorLayerInterruptionCheckerDuringCountSymbolFeature...
08:53 PM Revision 2c536307 (qgis): add missing copyright headers
06:23 PM Revision e606b795 (qgis): fix selective download of translations
05:35 PM Revision dcfe5ca6 (qgis): update translation strings
02:07 PM Revision 688e9646 (qgis): Merge pull request #6373 from DelazJ/QMessageBoxTitles
- Fix message box title
02:01 PM Revision 03354eea (qgis): INSTALL is a output file (followup 1dd6db384f)
01:28 PM Revision 28e282ac (qgis): Fix message box title
01:00 PM Revision 65f6a909 (qgis): [ui] update script
01:00 PM Revision c5b6f576 (qgis): [needs-docs][layout] rename command history to undo history
01:00 PM Revision 9d56c383 (qgis): [ui] update default windows state and geometry
01:00 PM Revision 24cbbcfa (qgis): [layout] use nicer default state and geometry
11:58 AM Revision 323e75c0 (qgis): Merge pull request #5823 from pblottiere/bugfix_curvedstrings_z
- [bugfix] Fixes #17576 and #17574 Add Z support and fixes crashes
11:00 PM Revision 4b5fc403 (qgis): [welcomepage] fixes #18118 remove last item causes a crash
07:33 PM Revision f1123501 (qgis): make QgsTolerance a Q_GADGET
- to use Q_ENUM
07:33 PM Revision 2f385da9 (qgis): [offset tool] handle rings and allow selecting by area
- * correctly handles rings and parts
* allow to select polygon by area (not only edge) -
07:33 PM Revision b0bc2b20 (qgis): improve test for QgsSettings::enumSettingValue
07:33 PM Revision cad45c0b (qgis): test geometry validity before applying offset
07:33 PM Revision 45bfa50c (qgis): [offset tool] fix #18115 improved offset calculation
- * use QgsGeometry::contains for polygons (contains => negative offset)
* use the geometry part and not the whole geom... -
07:33 PM Revision 6c64c5a5 (qgis): fix spelling
05:02 PM Revision 08bcb1cd (qgis): drastically speedup with Qt5's lupdate
04:56 PM Revision 37f180c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6365 from 3nids/geom_gadget
- make QgsGeometry a Q_GADGET
04:50 PM Revision a8a449f8 (qgis): [processing] fix variable name
04:47 PM Revision 4c95b6bf (qgis): [processing] fix execution of SAGA algorithms under macos
04:28 PM Revision f31ba78c (qgis): Merge pull request #6364 from 3nids/setting_enum_value
- [settings] add method to get value for a setting associated to an enum
04:16 PM Revision 91e98ef5 (qgis): run
03:46 PM Revision bda67ada (qgis): add test for QgsSettings::enumSettingValue
02:14 PM Revision 12537007 (qgis): string truncations now uses ellipses (followup c3573b163)
11:33 AM Revision c3573b16 (qgis): more translation string fixes and updates
11:33 AM Revision 030714c8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6329 from DelazJ/QMessageBoxTitles
- Fix some message boxes titles
- 09:42 AM Revision dedfb5cc (qgis): Updated and vectorized several icons (#6362)
- mActionFileExit
mActionRemove... -
09:41 AM Revision b3b17b65 (qgis): More message box fixes
09:10 AM Revision 7e4cdc02 (qgis): Update test
09:10 AM Revision 1f3ee050 (qgis): [processing] Always report errors if features cannot be written
- to a destination
Before we silently ignored these - now algorithms will automatically
push errors to the log if a fe... -
09:10 AM Revision 0e68a3e7 (qgis): Rollback rejection of features with too many attributes
- Turns out editable joins rely on this situation. Instead change
the providers to warn on this occurance, and make the... -
09:10 AM Revision 877efca8 (qgis): Correct test
09:10 AM Revision 141caddb (qgis): Add test that providers always accept features with null geometry
09:10 AM Revision 84d2443b (qgis): Try to fix postgres provider handling of missing attributes
09:10 AM Revision 4ae476da (qgis): Add provider test to ensure that adding features to a provider
- with MORE attributes than expected results in a failure
We need to flag these and not silently discard the extra
att... -
09:10 AM Revision 453c56e0 (qgis): Fix adding features with geometry to geometryless memory layer
09:10 AM Revision 0a5d4861 (qgis): Add provider test to ensure providers reject adding features
- with geometry type mismatch
09:10 AM Revision 7187ae35 (qgis): Ensure ogr, postgis and memory providers reject features
- with too many attributes
09:10 AM Revision 5ee54e09 (qgis): Fix test
07:41 AM Revision 17039ff1 (qgis): Adapt packaging to c988dd291
02:46 AM Revision 710beffd (qgis): make QgsGeometry a Q_GADGET
- so Q_ENUM can be used
02:37 AM Revision 1198dbad (qgis): [settings] add method to get value for a setting associated to an enum
- this will make sure the returned value is actually an existing entry of the enum
- 03:00 PM Revision bbcd332a (qgis): Fix raster layer names in geopackage browser data items
02:43 PM Revision d1a8a6b5 (qgis): remove build QGIS image at each commit
- let it for cron jobs
02:08 PM Revision 5a049555 (qgis): correctly set working path
01:57 PM Revision 53aafb48 (qgis): Z value from snapped point is kept
12:36 PM Revision 6d3b37a8 (qgis): Add provider test to ensure that features added with missing attributes
- are transparently padded out with NULL attributes to the required fields
Currently the behavior is inconsiste... -
12:36 PM Revision 52585cf2 (qgis): Fix memory provider handling of missing attributes when adding features
- Ensure that features added to a memory provider (and returned when
fetching features from a memory provider) always h... - 11:47 AM Revision 8628ba1b (qgis): Merge pull request #6356 from elpaso/bugfix-17721-color-picker
- [bugfix] Restore color picker from layer styling panel
11:06 AM Revision 76a57b83 (qgis): The first point in 3D is used to propagate Z dimension
11:06 AM Revision d91bd457 (qgis): Take into account z dimension from center points
11:06 AM Revision 12392f75 (qgis): Some clean
11:06 AM Revision 58610b42 (qgis): Add some tests for circle map tools
11:06 AM Revision ce9e012b (qgis): Add some tests for regular polygon map tools
11:06 AM Revision d7860e25 (qgis): Add some tests for ellipse map tools
11:06 AM Revision 868c869e (qgis): Add some tests for ellipse map tools
11:06 AM Revision b4be0ce7 (qgis): Fixes build
11:06 AM Revision 35d0f578 (qgis): Update documentation
11:06 AM Revision 916e4bae (qgis): Add some tests for circular string map tools
11:06 AM Revision cd4d9d0b (qgis): Drop z dimension in case of circle from tangential points
11:06 AM Revision 47ba3a02 (qgis): Fixes variables' names
11:06 AM Revision a6a3e0b1 (qgis): Fix spelling check and sip binding
11:06 AM Revision d2ed783d (qgis): Add test for z values on QgsMapToolAddFeature with LineStringZ
11:06 AM Revision 4bfc7b78 (qgis): Add Z support to AddRegularPolygon map tools
11:06 AM Revision 79cdaa60 (qgis): Add Z support for AddEllipse map tools
11:06 AM Revision d3b9c983 (qgis): Rename pointFromPointXY to fromPointXY
11:06 AM Revision 45ca0eb5 (qgis): Fixes #17576 Avoid crash during node editor cleanup
11:06 AM Revision 4c6d03ca (qgis): Add Z support for AddRectangle map tools
11:06 AM Revision 7a698f23 (qgis): Fixes #17574 Add Z support in AddCircularString map tools
11:06 AM Revision 4e729178 (qgis): Add Z support for AddCircle map tools
11:06 AM Revision 5d921cc9 (qgis): Fixes crash in map tool
- 10:18 AM Revision f3349616 (qgis): Change button color when picking around
- So that we have a consistent behavior with the
Sample Color action. - 09:57 AM Revision 0310c1d2 (qgis): Merge pull request #6354 from elpaso/NathanW2-settings_17670
- Nathan w2 settings 17670
09:49 AM Revision 14787ffb (qgis): [processing] Add easy method to retrieve layers from context
- Allows python algorithms to call
layer = context.getMapLayer(other_alg_results['OUTPUT'] ) -
09:13 AM Revision ceee370b (qgis): debian nightlies: ignore dash submission errors
- 09:11 AM Revision 26edd8ac (qgis): Check for application instance before calling init
04:33 AM Revision 3836cd32 (qgis): followup 6dfedc3, fix processing tests
02:36 AM Revision a6a36acc (qgis): Merge pull request #6316 from nyalldawson/locator_thread
- Make QgsLocator more thread safe
02:34 AM Revision 838bde33 (qgis): [dbmanager] Workaround Python error when vacuuming spatialite table
- Workaround
Fixes #18079 -
02:33 AM Revision d380c610 (qgis): Merge pull request #6353 from nyalldawson/proc_normalize
- [processing] Don't replace " with ' when handling layer paths
01:34 AM Revision b6111d29 (qgis): fix 6dfedc38
10:31 PM Revision 6dfedc38 (qgis): translation string fixes and cleanups
06:23 PM Revision 74f2b3f8 (qgis): correctly set working path
04:07 PM Revision f103156a (qgis): correctly set working path
03:44 PM Revision 5c942dfa (qgis): correctly set working path
03:41 PM Revision 3e6d164d (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
03:32 PM Revision 720de722 (qgis): set ccache
- 03:24 PM Revision 948452b7 (qgis): [bugfix] Restore color picker from layer styling panel
- Fixes #17721
Successfully tested on Windows 10 and Linux with Qt 5.10 -
03:04 PM Revision c32a8d1f (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
02:56 PM Revision 5132540e (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
- 02:39 PM Revision f1f1c3d1 (qgis): [server] Stop messing with app initialization paths
- 02:39 PM Revision e4407c6b (qgis): Remove debug output from stdout
02:30 PM Revision bf579de8 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
02:20 PM Revision 991a70d4 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
02:20 PM Revision 4f959954 (qgis): fix distance area test
02:20 PM Revision 7a67acda (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
02:20 PM Revision 779aa909 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
- 12:23 PM Revision 6701371b (qgis): Add init() to QGSTEST_MAIN
- Now that it's not called from ctor anymore
11:17 AM Revision fa815f02 (qgis): Fix warning
09:56 AM Revision 4aef3b71 (qgis): [processing] fix python error with OSM vector layers
- 09:48 AM Revision f8f87702 (qgis): Merge pull request #6344 from elpaso/bugfix-18084-save-as-titles
- [bugfix] Homogenize the vector and raster dialog titles
- 09:25 AM Revision 79a924ef (qgis): Spelling and docs
08:57 AM Revision 19ab0c86 (qgis): Merge pull request #6352 from OSGeo-jp/tr30
- [tr] Add a Japanese translator
08:54 AM Revision aa8b6296 (qgis): osgeo4w: remove explicit setting of QGISDEBUG
- 08:39 AM Revision 0e14a46e (qgis): ... -> Ellipsis
07:45 AM Revision 46dc2f6e (qgis): [processing] Avoid losing static, user-entered parameter values
- in model child algorithms
Prior to this change if you edited an algorithm in a model and
tried to enter a preset str... -
07:45 AM Revision 12fcfac0 (qgis): [processing] Ensure algorithms which add attributes to features
- always add a consistent amount of attributes regardless of the
code paths taken
Some algorithms were adding features... -
07:43 AM Revision 5c40975f (qgis): [processing] Don't replace " with ' when handling layer paths
- Since netcdf, and possibly other gdal drivers, use layer uris
of the format NETCDF:"/tmp/":var1 we can't safel... -
06:48 AM Revision dd5448f8 (qgis): Add a Japanese translator
05:43 AM Revision a8110369 (qgis): [processing] Don't throw an exception if an expression cannot
- be prepared
There's cases where this happens without reflecting an invalid
expression. So we can try to prepare, but... -
05:43 AM Revision 8697c799 (qgis): [needs-docs][ui] harmonize title of panels
05:43 AM Revision e0b1d37c (qgis): [ui] sort items in the view > panels sub-menu
02:45 AM Revision dc211fef (qgis): fix distance area test
02:11 AM Revision bc23f1d6 (qgis): Ensure QgsMapLayer private QObject members are correctly parented
- to the layer
02:10 AM Revision 4ff6bb54 (qgis): remove local file
11:14 PM Revision 2defaff7 (qgis): [processing] Much faster random points in polygon by using
- prepared geometries
11:14 PM Revision 81aa2f95 (qgis): [processing] Misc fixes and improvements to Random Points in Polygons
- - Fix missing format call for string when calculated number
of points is 0
- Fix incorrect progress reports which wer... -
11:14 PM Revision 8154a85f (qgis): Fix Python exception in Random Points in Polygon alg
- Fixes #18103
11:14 PM Revision e0cf5780 (qgis): [processing] Add some missing sources to expression contexts
07:58 PM Revision c0f18158 (qgis): add Qt 3D to deps Dockerfile
- 07:36 PM Revision a5246734 (qgis): [bugfix] Homogenize the vector and raster dialog titles
- Fixes #18084
07:20 PM Revision 792c19ba (qgis): nightlies: also submit build errors to dash
05:02 PM Revision cf5d415b (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
04:49 PM Revision aecb717d (qgis): install ubuntugis xenial on beaver
04:19 PM Revision 022fabf8 (qgis): try with ubuntu 18.04
03:47 PM Revision 21c69281 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
- also bump cmake to 3.10.2
03:25 PM Revision 543e4f0d (qgis): [attribute table] fix long UI freeze when resizing columns for large fi...
11:05 AM Revision a817d0e8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6334 from mhugent/dxf_mtext_escape_spaces
- Escape blanks in MTEXT and add unit test
10:06 AM Revision b664f12e (qgis): Merge pull request #6340 from nyalldawson/batch_layer_name
- [processing] In batch dialog, use layer names for input layers
07:46 AM Revision 8ceb6fc0 (qgis): [processing] In batch dialog, use layer names for input layers
- if they are unique in the current project
Instead of always using the layer id, which is generally
gibberish and mea... -
06:27 AM Revision 5cd452a6 (qgis): Slightly shift default outline back toward black
- Original commit shifted it a bit too light
05:35 AM Revision cd24adbf (qgis): [needs-docs] Rework arrangement of buttons in categories tab in
- metadata editor to make their operation more self-explanatory
for users.
Also add tooltips to the buttons describing... -
01:43 AM Revision 2d24bbf8 (qgis): [needs-docs][processing] update raster calculator help to reflect updat...
06:09 PM Revision 345088c8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6192 from slarosa/fix_shortcut_macos
- Fix displaying keyboard shortcut under macos
05:02 PM Revision b082ba8f (qgis): Merge branch 'release-2_18' of into releas...
04:59 PM Revision 4ab983e7 (qgis): fix link to Qt 4.8 doc
- fix #18088
04:59 PM Revision 5293044d (qgis): Escape spaces in MTEXT
04:51 PM Revision abeef257 (qgis): macOS: fix shortcut even for processing tool button
04:46 PM Revision 856dd08a (qgis): display correctly keyboard shortcut in toolbar tooltip under macOS
04:46 PM Revision 27cbfafd (qgis): shortcut config. dialog: display correctly keysequence on macOS
04:40 PM Revision 33915947 (qgis): Merge pull request #6302 from slarosa/split_v_drape
- Split v.drape command
03:50 PM Revision 256e4419 (qgis): Escape blanks in MTEXT and add unit test
03:11 PM Revision 231dae31 (qgis): various fixes to rotation map tool
- * do not go through the user input to do the rotation (avoid rounding in spin box, except when magnet is on)
* allow ... -
02:19 PM Revision e1d481fa (qgis): various fixes to the offset map tool
- code has been refactored, hopefully things are clearer now
fix #17367
fix #14751 -
02:19 PM Revision 79d224e3 (qgis): add advanced config to offset map tool widget
- fix #14750
02:19 PM Revision 77f864b8 (qgis): fix offset side for polygons
02:19 PM Revision 5d7eb198 (qgis): fix invalid value for offset_join_style in main options
11:45 AM Revision ca0cb9b8 (qgis): [ui] resize statistical summary columns to content
10:46 AM Revision bf4ba08a (qgis): Merge pull request #6331 from mhugent/dxf_label_layers_v3
- Fix dxf export for label layers and add unit test
10:40 AM Revision fc51b82f (qgis): [save as vector] use the save/restore geomtry API
09:49 AM Revision ad849615 (qgis): Fix python error when trying to export db manager table
09:49 AM Revision 6b4e734d (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix inconsistent capitalization, HIG violations,
- and unprofessional strings
09:49 AM Revision ea40f1e8 (qgis): More capitalization homogenization
09:49 AM Revision c08e4c53 (qgis): Fix invalid (deprecated) escape strings in db manager
09:49 AM Revision fa56aa55 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix python error when scrolling postgis results
- Fixes #17835
09:48 AM Revision 70644f1d (qgis): Fix undo stack does not correctly roll back geometry edits
- in a granular manner
Fixes #17658 -
09:37 AM Revision 265bc686 (qgis): Merge pull request #6319 from mhugent/dxf_label_layers
- Fix dxf export for label layers with labeling but without symbology
09:23 AM Revision c996c617 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into dxf_label_layers_v3
08:55 AM Revision 5c3a7554 (qgis): Fix dxf export for label layers and add unit test
07:38 AM Revision 576030b0 (qgis): Revert arg simplification attempt
06:35 AM Revision e6a57437 (qgis): Fix message boxes titles
05:24 AM Revision 66b9b435 (qgis): [processing] Fix destination files are silently ignored when relaunching
- algorithms from the history panel
04:40 AM Revision 1994c446 (qgis): [processing] harmonize results viewer action behavior
03:18 AM Revision a1a45536 (qgis): Merge pull request #6221 from nyalldawson/var_leak
- Fix massive memory leak in PyQGIS, pt 1
02:02 AM Revision 0c6f2238 (qgis): Drop some legacy sip conversion code
05:53 PM Revision c2baf1b9 (qgis): [dxf] use struct instead of QPair for addLayers (#6323)
- fix #11790
04:54 PM Revision 59b17f25 (qgis): Merge pull request #6321 from 3nids/dxf_addlayers
- [dxf] use a struct instead of QPair for layers
04:29 PM Revision 2a7aeafb (qgis): doxygen, init in header
- 04:10 PM Revision 94b644e9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6324 from qgis/revert-6320-try-to-fix-collapsible-c...
- Revert "Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10"
- 03:08 PM Revision 03e49f1f (qgis): Revert "Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10"
02:48 PM Revision 53f4464b (qgis): [dxf] followup 31e93aecae fix server
02:22 PM Revision 338a73b3 (qgis): [sip] remove unused QPair conversion
02:22 PM Revision 31e93aec (qgis): [dxf] use a struct instead of QPair for layers
- there was a crash in Python in QgsDxfExport.addLayers due to a bad conversion
12:44 PM Revision ec86fcb1 (qgis): Merge pull request #6169 from landryb/fix/desktopfile
- Don't hardcode the path to qgis binary in .desktop file
- 12:40 PM Revision 9e79d8a7 (qgis): Merge pull request #6320 from elpaso/try-to-fix-collapsible-crash-on-qt510
- Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10
12:09 PM Revision 4ada4989 (qgis): [processing] automatically open results viewer panel when items added
12:09 PM Revision 207a9473 (qgis): [processing] offer hyperlink to file path in the results viewer
- because users don't always get that there is a dbl-click action
against the tree view items. - 11:52 AM Revision d4063e8b (qgis): Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10
- Automatic memory management: prevent button to be
deleted too early. -
11:42 AM Revision 2c6100ea (qgis): Doxygen
11:28 AM Revision 7609ab7c (qgis): Allow certain locator filters to operate on the main thread
- Some filters are fast enough to return results that it's overkill
to run them in a background thread - add a flag to ... -
11:28 AM Revision 44df58e5 (qgis): Simplify code
11:28 AM Revision fabda536 (qgis): Add missing docs
11:28 AM Revision d5e64929 (qgis): Fix error when running gdal algorithms through locator
11:26 AM Revision 981afb3d (qgis): Make QgsLocator more thread safe
- - add a clone() method to filters, and always search using the
clone instead of the original filter
- add a prepare()... -
11:26 AM Revision a9d61ff5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6285 from tudorbarascu/dpi
- fix server issue for double devicePixelRatio leading to DPI requests with decimals
11:07 AM Revision c9e637e6 (qgis): Fix dxf export for label layers with labeling but without symbology
10:24 AM Revision 6096e5c2 (qgis): Fix crash after running GDAL alg from processing (fixes #18004)
- This was happening only with GDAL trunk
Processing first tries to load output as a vector, then as a raster
and outp... - 09:57 AM Revision 2ded9c2e (qgis): Merge branch 'settings_17670' of into ...
- 09:45 AM Revision fbc6e4d1 (qgis): add Server DPI test
08:00 AM Revision a7870afa (qgis): Merge pull request #6303 from alexbruy/help-logging
- log requested help URLs
07:51 AM Revision e5d7733b (qgis): [processing] harmonize order of result panel (latest first) and add tim...
- 07:34 AM Revision 32076009 (qgis): Don't call init in QgsApplication
- 06:50 AM Revision 9198971c (qgis): FIx
- 06:48 AM Revision c988dd29 (qgis): Move settings to resource folder
- 06:17 AM Revision 3b6d37fe (qgis): Lets try fix this
04:13 AM Revision f10758e1 (qgis): partial revert of 5dc91b4 to fix regression (fixes #18073)
- setMaximumHeight() stays, so hopefully we are still protected
from infinit canvas redraw loop. -
03:43 AM Revision 5431a2db (qgis): Fix crash when repairing zero length linestring geometry
- Fixes #18077
03:42 AM Revision 0eda7766 (qgis): Fix loss of checkbox widget settings when a default expression is set
- Fixes #18076
03:29 AM Revision efdaf5fc (qgis): Merge pull request #6312 from nyalldawson/field_exp_null
- Don't silently discard requests to set QgsFieldExpressionWidget to an empty expression
02:56 AM Revision ac28714a (qgis): Fix data defined properties in cluster/displacement renderer
- do not evaluate for isolated features
Fixes #18074 -
02:18 AM Revision 9dca6da0 (qgis): Don't silently discard requests to set QgsFieldExpressionWidget
- to an empty expression
This causes issues in lots of places - e.g. a field constraint
is always set to the first fie... -
01:14 AM Revision 46d7a428 (qgis): Merge pull request #6300 from nyalldawson/opts
- Misc optimizations for everything
12:04 AM Revision e4ab1a67 (qgis): Don't generate symbol expression context scope when it's not
- being used
Refs #17809 -
12:04 AM Revision 24fb28f7 (qgis): Avoid unused expression context updates in more places
12:04 AM Revision db12f006 (qgis): Avoid cloning in QgsGeometry::convertToMultiType where possible
- Refs #17809
12:04 AM Revision c7e257ef (qgis): More efficient simplification of linestring geometries during rendering
- Refs #17809
12:04 AM Revision b60489db (qgis): More efficiency improvements for map to pixel simplification
- Refs #17809
12:04 AM Revision 180d878d (qgis): Much more efficient QgsRectangle->QgsGeometry conversion
11:56 PM Revision 65827adc (qgis): Provide an optimised constructor for a null QgsRectangle
- This is used a lot, yet the current constructor calls the
normalize() method which does a bunch of operations for no
... -
11:56 PM Revision ff7bb9aa (qgis): Remove inefficient method for creating empty geometry of same
- WKB type, and use optimized method instead
Refs #17809 -
11:19 PM Revision 6698fb89 (qgis): Merge pull request #6310 from 3nids/pd_domain_218
- [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
10:58 PM Revision 42dd9713 (qgis): make code compatible with QGIS 2.x
10:34 PM Revision 2cbcf74e (qgis): Merge pull request #6304 from 3nids/pg_domain
- [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
10:29 PM Revision bfe35c26 (qgis): [postgres] use pg_type rather than information_schema.domain_constraint...
- otherwise there is no warranty to retrieve the correct constraint as its name is not unique
10:21 PM Revision 1f051ff1 (qgis): [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
- fix #18053
see PR #6304 -
01:40 PM Revision c3a4b117 (qgis): Merge pull request #6309 from alexbruy/processing-enums
- [processing] add enums support for fields and feature source parameters
01:05 PM Revision 17850934 (qgis): [processing] add enums support for fields and feature source parameters
- (follow up 068d74d5)
10:42 AM Revision 52f83b34 (qgis): write to log when help location is not configured
08:52 AM Revision 367aba17 (qgis): Merge pull request #6308 from nyalldawson/multi_out
- [processing] Add explicit output type for multiple layers
08:38 AM Revision e20410a6 (qgis): also log help "key" used to construct URI
08:38 AM Revision edcd2a18 (qgis): fix typos
08:38 AM Revision a71912b0 (qgis): log requested help URLs
08:38 AM Revision f4094af6 (qgis): add default help location to the global settings (refs #17670)
02:44 AM Revision dd3ba342 (qgis): Fix ui build warning
02:44 AM Revision db9db58e (qgis): Fix undefined behavior when closing layout designer
02:00 AM Revision 414c3a4b (qgis): Fix unavailable layer inputs for multi-layer inputs set to any map laye...
02:00 AM Revision 54a99c27 (qgis): [processing] Add multi layer outputs to Package Layers and Vector Split...
01:57 AM Revision 4bcc9df5 (qgis): [processing] Add explicit output type for multiple layers
- This was a missing capability in the processing API - while algorithms
could declare multiple layer input parameters,...
08:27 PM Revision 781b5870 (qgis): add test for postgres domains
08:26 PM Revision 498e5518 (qgis): [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
- fix #18053
correctly set enumeration widget in case the domain is not in public schema
also fixes an issue if two dom... -
12:10 PM Revision 779fe1a9 (qgis): set name to feature action when shortName is not available
03:58 AM Revision 9ce02ce4 (qgis): Fix windows build warnings
09:08 PM Revision 9dd81367 (qgis): Don't show group type layers in AFS source select
- These layers cause an error if you try to add them to QGIS.
TODO: change source select to use a nested tree and corr... -
09:08 PM Revision b6ad9204 (qgis): Show stacktrace in debug when hitting a GEOS exception
09:08 PM Revision 75d88afb (qgis): Quieten some overlay debug noisy methods
09:08 PM Revision 8bb297d5 (qgis): Fix layer id sorting in ArcGIS rest source select dialogs
09:08 PM Revision d229ec1f (qgis): Fix qt warning throw by AFS provider due to invalid QString arg usage
- And make debug message about unsupported field types more useful
07:36 PM Revision 1be269ad (qgis): split v.drape alg to be used without where command
- 12:23 PM Revision e1876f53 (qgis): Merge pull request #6294 from elpaso/bugfix-17845-take2
- [bugfix] Try harder to fix raster properties color picker
- 12:06 PM Revision 6dbd0b95 (qgis): [mxe] Better packaging and fix Qt5 plugins path
10:28 AM Revision 2ee0bc87 (qgis): Fix incorrect layer type icons for some geopackage layers (e.g. curve t...
- 10:23 AM Revision e435d79d (qgis): Fixes #17845 tested on Linux KDE and Win 10
10:13 AM Revision 2e5d538a (qgis): Fix memory layers with spatial index crash when rendering
- Fixes #17705
10:13 AM Revision abcaba85 (qgis): Add method to force a detach for QgsSpatialIndex
- Since the underlying libspatialindex is not thread safe
on some platforms (e.g. Windows), manual calls to detach()
mu... -
10:13 AM Revision 98d43ea4 (qgis): Fix deep copy of QgsSpatialIndexData
10:13 AM Revision 426c72f2 (qgis): Avoid deep copy of spatial index when features are fetched on
- main thread
10:13 AM Revision 50a88136 (qgis): Include job preparation time in layer rendering timer
- This prevents layers which are slow to prepare from rendering
in map preview jobs -
10:13 AM Revision 8f902e77 (qgis): Implement manual locks on QgsSpatialIndex
- Since libspatialindex is not thread safe on all platforms, and
have expressed desire to remove the thread safety that... - 10:08 AM Revision 2a4ab6b0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6292 from elpaso/mxe
- Scripts for cross build QGIS for windows on Linux with mxe
09:38 AM Revision 9302613f (qgis): fix #18066
08:08 AM Revision 603d2e63 (qgis): Merge pull request #6293 from alexbruy/processing-enums
- [processing] allow enums values to be used in description files
08:07 AM Revision 90cc17b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6298 from nyalldawson/fix_17231
- [processing] Allow providers to return a different helpId() vs their unique id()
08:05 AM Revision c4874b31 (qgis): [processing] use feedback object in raster calculator
08:05 AM Revision 2ed225d5 (qgis): [processing] ressurect raster calculator and add CRS parameter
08:05 AM Revision e27847d3 (qgis): [processing] make output crs optional in the raster calculator
08:05 AM Revision 9562b9da (qgis): [processing] only pass needed raster entries in QgsRasterCalculator con...
08:05 AM Revision 5fa5b868 (qgis): [raster calculator] use feedback when reprojecting raster block
08:05 AM Revision bcb68dda (qgis): [processing] fix batch input selection panel for multiple layers parameter
03:33 AM Revision f340eecc (qgis): [delimited] Don't reset geometry type from "No geometry" when
- changing other settings
Fixes #17971 -
02:26 AM Revision 2d1e9188 (qgis): [processing] Allow providers to return a different helpId() vs
- their unique id()
This is used when generating the QgsHelp url for algorithms
attached to the providers.
Implement ... -
01:44 AM Revision 9da5fd32 (qgis): Always save newly created features, even if no attributes are
- modified in the form popup after feature creation
Fixes #18056
- 06:28 PM Revision 4bd385ff (qgis): [mxe] autopep8
- 06:25 PM Revision b817a3f8 (qgis): [mxe] Fix typos and qt.conf
04:22 PM Revision 068d74d5 (qgis): [processing] allow enums values to be used in description files
- 01:38 PM Revision 1dd6db38 (qgis): [mxe] Add install instructions for mxe
- 01:38 PM Revision d19eef0c (qgis): [mxe] Restore build
12:25 PM Revision fcb50a68 (qgis): Revert "[processing] throw error if no layers selected in raster calcul...
- This reverts commit c09c3018035eb7a4f47acbde7f3dae405ba444db.
11:08 AM Revision 50a103f5 (qgis): [raster calc] use new API to save/restore geometry
11:08 AM Revision a29d6d27 (qgis): [raster calc] use active layer to setup dialog to harmonize
- the behavior with that of processing
11:08 AM Revision 90e353bc (qgis): [raster calc] use a monospace font for the expression editor (fixes #17...
11:08 AM Revision 605bb758 (qgis): [raster calc] cancelling the process should cancel the process
11:08 AM Revision b6ff4014 (qgis): [raster calc] make use of qgsfilewidget and fix some labels
- 09:30 AM Revision 6eac6ac8 (qgis): [cmake] MXE build changes
08:44 AM Revision fb53ebfe (qgis): fix xenial build
08:12 AM Revision 839fa508 (qgis): [attribute table] fix crash when adding creating a field on field-less ...
06:06 AM Revision 75843a8b (qgis): Make tooltip capitalization consistent
06:06 AM Revision 14790312 (qgis): [needs-docs] Use correct open form icon in identify results toolbar
- Before we used a different (non obvious) icon for "open form"
in the toolbar. This changes the toolbar icon to reuse ... -
06:06 AM Revision 3d23cde4 (qgis): Add some separators to identify results toolbar
04:34 AM Revision e2c713e2 (qgis): [raster] prevent pseudocolor auto-classify following color customizatio...
04:05 AM Revision 234540f0 (qgis): [attribute table] fix crash when removing layer with show selected feat...
- 11:55 AM Revision f54cc372 (qgis): fix server issue for devicePixelRatio leading to DPI requests with deci...
- Some requests send the DPI parameters with decimals due to
devicePixelRatio and the Server doesn't cope with that. Th... -
10:30 AM Revision 2cbf139b (qgis): [ui] save vertical space for the delimited text add layer dialog
- (fixes #17972)
07:27 AM Revision 0885414d (qgis): update the stats gatherer to use qgstask
07:27 AM Revision dd7c168e (qgis): document api break
07:27 AM Revision 715677ee (qgis): move getValues, getDoubleValues to vector layer utils source file
07:27 AM Revision 8495e8be (qgis): [stats] gather field/expression values in a thread to prevent long UI f...
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