
From 2006-06-03 to 2006-07-02


11:41 PM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
-anti-aliasing turned of in qgis= 11 minuts to download d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp
-anti-aliasing turned on in qgis...
anonymous -
05:18 PM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
Do you have anti-aliasing turned on in qgis? Could you try loading your layer with and without anti-aliasing to see i... Gavin Macaulay -
10:43 AM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
Version of Qgis : Qgis-user] QGIS 0.8.0 Preview Release 1 source downloaded and compiled this morning.
The layer d09...
Redmine Admin


09:51 PM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
Turns out this is not a bug. The current UI creates a list of eligible layers from those loaded in QGIS. To import a ... Gary Sherman
09:51 PM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
Turns out this is not a bug. The current UI creates a list of eligible layers from those loaded in QGIS. To import a ... Gary Sherman
09:28 AM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
When using these tools from the GRASS toolbox, no file selection dialog is opened to allow section of the input vecto... Gary Sherman
07:52 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
After trying out 4.1.4 myself i also observe such crashes (under KDE). The backtrace is not very usefull as i didn't ... Marco Hugentobler
07:38 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
Hm, this tarantella environment seems to be strange. Do you have a backtrace so we can see where the crash exactly ha... Marco Hugentobler


01:22 AM Bug report #73 (Feedback): Can't load vector layer
see shapefiles on
When I try to load shapefile d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp layer w...
Redmine Admin
01:22 AM Bug report #73 (Feedback): Can't load vector layer
see shapefiles on
When I try to load shapefile d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp layer w...
Redmine Admin
07:50 AM Bug report #162 (Closed): QGIS crashes when you select "delete attribute" at attribute table
QGIS crashes when you select "delete attribute" at attribute table Redmine Admin
07:35 AM Bug report #161 (Closed): Attributes are set to numbers although attribute type character
1. Create a geometry table with character attribute "text".
2. Open attribute table and click "start digitizing".
3. ...
Redmine Admin
07:21 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
Good news and bad news.
Good: I just made an upgrade QT-4.1.2 to QT-4.1.3 and now start digitzing doesn't lead to a ...
Redmine Admin
05:34 AM Bug report #160 (Closed): GRASS: Deleting attributes
Dear devs,
when I try to delete an Attribute in GRASS digitize-mode (from edit attribute-menu) I get a confirmation ...
holl-gdf-hannover-de -


03:24 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
>I would be surprised (at qgis) if the zoom to a single selected point gave a view with
>lots of other, unselected, p...
Redmine Admin
03:09 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
After some more thought, I think the problem (and solution) comes down to: what does the user expect when zooming int... Gavin Macaulay -
03:11 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
Yep! Now it looks to be fixed. Thank you very much. Redmine Admin
02:16 AM Bug report #134: After create a postgis layer and filldata, Qgis dont display attributes
I think that this has been fixed in the latest SVN (#5553) version of Qgis, and is related to ticket #153. We will ho... Gavin Macaulay -


01:57 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
Should be fixed in SVN commit:814974bf (SVN r5554). I'll be bold and close the bug again, confident that the bug is f... Gavin Macaulay -
01:57 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
Should be fixed in SVN commit:814974bf (SVN r5554). I'll be bold and close the bug again, confident that the bug is f... Gavin Macaulay -
01:56 PM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
Oh dear. I'll have another go at fixing it :) Gavin Macaulay -
05:55 AM Bug report #153 (Feedback): Last column of Postgis table is missing
For me it doesn't work. There are much more empty columns than before. All columns right of the geometry column are n... Redmine Admin
05:55 AM Bug report #153 (Feedback): Last column of Postgis table is missing
For me it doesn't work. There are much more empty columns than before. All columns right of the geometry column are n... Redmine Admin
03:32 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
Fixed in SVN commit:c8e57255 (SVN r5553).
Actual problem was with tables where the geometry column was not the last ...
Gavin Macaulay -
03:32 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
Fixed in SVN commit:c8e57255 (SVN r5553).
Actual problem was with tables where the geometry column was not the last ...
Gavin Macaulay -
02:56 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
Got it - I can now reproduce the problem. Will try to fix it now... Gavin Macaulay -
11:07 AM Bug report #152 (Closed): Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
Redmine Admin


06:53 PM Feature request #59: copy to clipboard support
Note that as a workaround in the subversion head version, you can select the point in question and copy it - the clip... Brendan Morley -
10:34 AM Bug report #148: Legend groups capture legend items
If a legend layer is inside a legend group, an item called 'make to toplevel item' appears in the right click menu. C... Marco Hugentobler


01:44 AM Bug report #147: Labels not displayed for GRASS vector layers
Mac OSX.4.6 --
I am having very similar problem, except with an imported .shp/.dbf layer.
Attributes are present. -...
amagine-telus-net -
12:35 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
Sounds like a reasonable solution to let the user decide whether to zoom in to a very large scale or to zoom to a pre... Gavin Macaulay -
11:56 PM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
Now it works but the selected point will be shown in a very very large scale. I think the best way to zoom to one sel... Redmine Admin
12:15 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
The file contains two tables. The table good_col.sql creates a table public.test and was created by QGIS.... Redmine Admin
02:50 AM Bug report #159 (Closed): SVG export doesn't crop layers to page size
if I export a map in svg and if I zoomed in this map, svg export wil export all the map, not only the extended zoom.
yajcolin-nospam-free-fr -


02:28 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
Fixed in SVN commit:69f024ef (SVN r5542).
anonymous -
02:28 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
Fixed in SVN commit:69f024ef (SVN r5542).
anonymous -
02:22 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
Works for me. Can you provide some details on the table definition and an example of some of the data in it? Gavin Macaulay -


02:08 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
Zoom to selection for a single point now does something more sensible (SVN commit:57a21ca7 (SVN r5539)). Not sure if ... Gavin Macaulay -


12:39 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
Works for me, except that selecting just one point and then zooming to selection results in a very zoomed out map. anonymous -
12:29 AM Bug report #38: Saved WMS layers do not reload
Some more details are in ticket #156.
Gavin Macaulay -
12:29 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
This is the same bug as in ticket #38. Gavin Macaulay -
12:29 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
This is the same bug as in ticket #38. Gavin Macaulay -
02:30 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
Dear Devs,
saving a qgs.-project with WMS-layers inside cannot be opened again. The WMS-layers are not found anymore...
holl-gdf-hannover-de -
09:54 AM Bug report #158 (Closed): loading a float raster layer returns an integer when the no-data value ...
If you have an AAIGrid raster layer no-data value set to -9999, such as when you export an AAIGrid from [[ArcMAP]], t... ken-rockies-ca -
09:42 AM Bug report #157 (Closed): Add a Rastor Layer dialog defaults the file type to tif regardles of th...
When you open the Add a Raster Layer Dialog: 'Open a GDAL supported Raster Data Source' the 'Files of Type' drop down... ken-rockies-ca -
03:48 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
OK. I made some tests and it looks like a GNOME problem. Our Tarantelle secure network based on GNOME. When I start Q... anonymous -


01:58 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
This seems to be a harder problem.
It depends on the platform/system I start QGIS. From a native KDE environment it ...
Redmine Admin
10:46 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
Unfortunately, this also works in my computing environment. Does the database report anything unusual when clicking t... Marco Hugentobler
01:31 AM Bug report #152: Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
I can't reproduce the mentioned behavior too now. Perhaps I detected this error at an older rev. With rev 5...
Redmine Admin
10:38 AM Bug report #152: Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
This works correctly when i do it on my computer(kubuntu 6.06, svn version updated 21.06.06). Probably you could post... Marco Hugentobler


06:15 AM Bug report #155 (Closed): Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS L...
The attribute table disappears and it is not possible to recover the attribute table after a click on the start digit... Redmine Admin
04:28 AM Bug report #154 (Closed): Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer Redmine Admin
04:27 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
When opening the attribut table of a postgis layer the last column of the postgis table is empty.
After identifying ...
Redmine Admin


08:22 AM Bug report #152 (Closed): Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
1. Add Group: Add layers to group
2. Save Project
3. Load Project
As the result all prior grouped layers appears as ...
Redmine Admin


12:55 AM Feature request #151 (Closed): Copying of basic symbology (e.g. colour) to other layers needed
Dragging and dropping files between different file groups in the legend works sometimes and doesn't work other times.... anonymous -
12:33 AM Feature request #150 (Closed): User should be able to change the copyright text colour
The user should be able to change the copyright text colour.
This would be handy when the background is an image of ...
Gavin Macaulay -
12:27 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
The map rendering toggle on the status bar doesn't stop rendering from happening when changes are made to the legend ... Gavin Macaulay -
12:27 AM Bug report #148 (Closed): Legend groups capture legend items
1. Add a couple of layers to qgis
2. Create a legend group
3. Drag and drop a layer into the legend group
4. It i...
Gavin Macaulay -
09:21 PM Bug report #147 (Closed): Labels not displayed for GRASS vector layers
When turning on labels for GRASS vector layers, the default word "Label" is displayed instead of the value of the sel... Gary Sherman
03:51 PM Bug report #146: Save project dialog breaks text instead of wrapping
Looks fine under Linux, perhaps due to the smaller icon to the left. Gavin Macaulay -
11:58 AM Bug report #146 (Closed): Save project dialog breaks text instead of wrapping
When exiting QGIS, the dialog that asks if you want to save the project breaks the text at the edge of the box inste... Gary Sherman
12:33 PM Bug report #74 (Closed): Spit dialog gets lost behind main window whenever it loses focus
This works properly now. Note that since the SPIT dialog is non-modal, it is still possible for it to be hidden when ... Gary Sherman
12:33 PM Bug report #74 (Closed): Spit dialog gets lost behind main window whenever it loses focus
This works properly now. Note that since the SPIT dialog is non-modal, it is still possible for it to be hidden when ... Gary Sherman


11:40 PM Bug report #104: GRASS-shell does not produce output
If QGIS is started from a GRASS shell (e.g. by running grass61 then starting QGIS), then g.list rast does produce out... Gary Sherman
11:09 PM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
I have modified the trac settings to always notify the original reporter of changes to a ticket. Gary Sherman
11:09 PM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
I have modified the trac settings to always notify the original reporter of changes to a ticket. Gary Sherman


03:22 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
This is a bug in Qt, the status of which can be followed at Gavin Macaulay -
03:31 AM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
The comments about white speckle in polygons may be caused by this Qt bug ( Gavin Macaulay -
03:27 AM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
it would be great to receive comments on my
tickets - somehow they don't reach me.
Maybe an issue in
neteler-itc-it -
03:24 AM Feature request #144 (Closed): GRASS-shell: close button
please add a "close" button to the GRASS-shell.
neteler-itc-it -


02:42 PM Bug report #143 (Closed): postgis view load error
Ticket has been resolved in SVN commit:0b12acaa (SVN r5519) mainly through improved communication of the problem to t... Gavin Macaulay -
02:42 PM Bug report #143 (Closed): postgis view load error
Ticket has been resolved in SVN commit:0b12acaa (SVN r5519) mainly through improved communication of the problem to t... Gavin Macaulay -
09:30 AM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
I just rebuilt the latest SVN. I tried to load the postgis layer and see the new message you put in there, "N...
anonymous -


01:59 PM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
By 'error dialog box' I mean the dialog box that says that the view couldn't be loaded, and also lists the col...
Gavin Macaulay -
06:36 AM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
Not to beat this to death but.... The problem is that the view creates an (for lack of better term) an inner join. Th... anonymous -


08:42 PM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
That 'f' result is why qgis is not using the gid column as a key - as qgis will of stated in it's error dialog box, i... Gavin Macaulay -
08:19 PM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
the sql statement gives the following:
mn_timber=# select count(distinct gid) = count(gid) from public.all_timber_da...
anonymous -


02:52 AM Bug report #143 (In Progress): postgis view load error
Committed some changes to svn (commit:7eb8a7c8 (SVN r5515)). I'm not sure if this will fix the problem, but it should... Gavin Macaulay -


01:49 AM Bug report #141: crashes when printing on pdf
Further testing: printing to cups-pdf produces an empty ~/PDF/_stin_.pdf file Redmine Admin
07:30 PM Bug report #143 (Closed): postgis view load error
I am trying to load a postgis view in a a new build of 0.8 qgis. The error complains about now column being usable as... kwythers-umn-edu -
02:32 AM Bug report #83 (In Progress): Strange polygon fill rendering
An update.
After writing some code to load and display the polygons in question, the problem appears to be in QImage...
Gavin Macaulay -


02:39 PM Bug report #142 (Closed): QGIS Crashes on Windows XP When Opening A DTS File
Steps to repro:
1. Open the "Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer" dialog.
2. Select a DDF file.
3. Click the Open but...
anonymous -


10:53 PM Bug report #132: qgis crashes when viewing PostGIS tables
This is an strace (last lines):
ioctl(7, FIONREAD, commit:d028a068 (SVN r33)) = 0
read(7, "\\5\\1:\\2...
Redmine Admin
10:43 PM Bug report #130: database default fields
It works - great improvement. To be really perfect, default values should show up in the dable during digitizing, oth... Redmine Admin
10:24 AM Bug report #141 (Closed): crashes when printing on pdf
When I print on a virtually pdf printer I get this error
Debug: XP@�����@�Ͷ��ο0�0�@�}0��}8�8��}8��}�_(��x�����‹...
scarselli-faunalia-it -
03:19 AM Bug report #139: "Update during drawing feature" does not work
This is loss of functionality is a consequence of moving to Qt4, and is unlikely to be resolved before version 0.8 of... Gavin Macaulay -


12:16 AM Bug report #132: qgis crashes when viewing PostGIS tables
I am not able to reproduce the second crash with my database. Do you have a debug version and a backtrace? Or what is... Marco Hugentobler
11:17 PM Bug report #132: qgis crashes when viewing PostGIS tables
After recent commit by mhugent (#5507) things have improved, but not solved; the crash does not occur in the first ca... Redmine Admin
10:59 PM Feature request #126 (Closed): When editing polygon or linestring vertex should be visible
QGIS now displays vertex markers for line and polygon layers. I know the size and shape of the markers should be user... Marco Hugentobler
10:59 PM Feature request #126 (Closed): When editing polygon or linestring vertex should be visible
QGIS now displays vertex markers for line and polygon layers. I know the size and shape of the markers should be user... Marco Hugentobler
10:57 PM Bug report #130: database default fields
This is changed in commit:44339a85 (SVN r5510) to take DEFAULT as default value for the postgres provider instead of ... Marco Hugentobler
02:49 PM Bug report #138: Opening dataset dialogs
Updated version Jeremy Palmer
02:39 PM Bug report #138 (Closed): Opening dataset dialogs
In the 2006-06-05 win32 build of qgis selecting the "open" raster and vector dialogs seems to take un-natural length ... anonymous -
02:48 PM Bug report #140 (Closed): Color selection buttons do not show selected color
In the 2006-06-05 win32 build of qgis, in the options dialog, the selection color and background color buttons do no ... Jeremy Palmer
02:44 PM Bug report #139 (Closed): "Update during drawing feature" does not work
In the 2006-06-05 win32 build of qgis the "Update during drawing" feature does not work anymore. The canvas is only r... Jeremy Palmer


07:54 PM Feature request #137 (Closed): On-the-fly postgres simplify of geometries
It would be neat if qgis could do an on-the-fly postgis simplify of geometries based on map scale and user preference... Gavin Macaulay -
07:53 PM Bug report #136 (Closed): Qgis crashes when accessing a postgres view of a view
Qgis crashes when accessing a postgres view of a view. An assertion asserts itself thus:
qgis: qgspostgresprovider....
Gavin Macaulay -
07:47 PM Bug report #135 (Closed): Qgis slow to show the attribute table with lots of rows
Qgis is slow to show the attribute table when there are lots of rows. Improvements can probably be made in the vector... Gavin Macaulay -


12:14 PM Bug report #134 (Closed): After create a postgis layer and filldata, Qgis dont display attributes
Dear sirs,
We are beginning to use QGis, however we have some problems that could be errors on your software.
We ha...
Redmine Admin

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