Mark completed release checklists with (./)

Release Version Release Date Checklist completed Notes
Release Checklist 0.8.1 'titan' 15 June 2007 /
Release Checklist 0.9 'ganymede' 26 October 2007 /
Release Checklist 0.9.1 'ganymede' /
Release Checklist 0.9.2rc2 'ganymede' Feb 2008 /
Release Checklist 0.10.0 (was 0.9.2) 'Io' 25 April 2008 /
Release Checklist 0.11.0 'Metis' 21 July 2008 /
Release Checklist 1.0 'Kore' 29 Dec 2008 / complete qt4 port and adds rewritten map composition
Release Checklist 1.0.1 16 Feb 2009 / Stable 'kore' bugfix release 1
Release Checklist 1.1 'Pan' 28 Feb 2009 /
Release Checklist 1.2 'Daphnis' 2 September 2009 /
Release Checklist 1.3 'Mimas' 12 September 2009 /
Release Checklist 1.4 'Enceladus' 10 January 2010 /
Release Checklist 1.5 'he who shall not be named' 7 July 2010 /
Release Checklist 1.6 - Copiapo 27 November 2010 /
Release Checklist 1.7 - Wroclaw 1 April 2011 raster on the fly projection, 3D globe mode
Release Checklist 1.8 - Lisboa 1 July 2012 Full GUI freeze for 2.0, no more old symbology, old labelling
Release Checklist 2.0 - Not yet named 1 September 2010 API changes finalised, all deprecation wrappers removed, API docs tidied up.

Important Notes

  • Please note all future release dates are tentative and depend on a number of factors. If you have strong feelings about features needed in the next (or future) version, please use the QGIS user Mailing Lists to express your opinion. All dates are YYYY/MM/DD.
  • As of 0.8.1 for each release you should create a release checklist and mark of each step as completed for the release. This will ensure consistency between releases and help to prevent oversights in the release process. Use the Release Checklist Template as the basis for each release checklist.
  • As of version 0.2, releases were named after the developer's favourite pets. Since 0.8, this practice has been suspended and each point release will be named after a planetary moon.
  • Do not create the checklist until the release immediately before has been done. This is because the Release Checklist Template changes often and the release checklist should be based on the most current version of the template.

Release Schedule and Specifications

Do not edit: The following are legacy release plans before I implemented the new release checklist system. Please do not add any more here, rather use the checklist template system above.