Feature Freeze

Feature Freeze will take place on 18 June 2004. All new features for the 'baby' release must be in CVS by 2359 GMT on this date.

Code Freeze

Code freeze will take place 22 June 2004. No additional changes to CVS will be allowed after this time, with the exception of last minute bug fixes.

Release Date

25 June 2005


These are the remaining tasks that must be addressed prior to release of QGIS 0.4 'baby'

Code Changes

  1. Implement a scale bar plugin (ts and pb) (./)
  2. Enable orientation button in copyright label (ts and pb) (deferred)
  3. Enable algorithm selection for pyramiding (ts) (./)
  4. Optimise pyramid generation to not regenerate if level not selected.(ts) (deferred)
  5. Implement new cursor - 'Capture cursor' that can be used by plugins to capture mouse clicks on mapanvas.(ts) (./)
  6. Implement ability to determine image output size when doing "save as" operations.(ts)
  7. Create first draft of generic vector file writer (ts hopefully in collaboration with others) (20% implemented, deferred)
  8. Stabilise and move into HEAD http_server plugin (ts) (./ stabilised but not moved into head at this time)
  9. Re-attempt at legend overview implemented as second mini-mapcanvas (ts with input from others) (./)
  10. Plugins check that version of qgis is correct before building / loading (jo) (deferred)
  11. Data transfer to and from GPS devices using GPSBabel (ll) (./)
  12. Importing other GPS file formats using GPSBabel (ll) (./)
  13. Load / save support for delimited text layers in project files
  14. Layer definition query for PostGIS layers to define the features that make up a layer (deferred)
  15. Clean up menu management so plugins can appear (and create if needed) in their own menus. (deferred)
  16. Add basic printing support (ts) (./) (Currently only a4 landscape gives decent output)
  17. Test build qgis on QT-Windows and sort out any problems relating to win-buildability (gs)
  18. Add version name to splash screen.(ts) (./)
  19. Change legend item text to a sans / serif font (ts) (./)
  20. Add option to add all layers to overview (ts) (./)
  21. Add option to remove all layers from overview (ts) (./)
  22. Add option to hide all layers in mapview (ts) (./)
  23. Add option to show all layers in mapview (ts) (./)
  24. Show progress on qgisapp progress bar as layers are rendering (ts) (./)



  1. Update Install documentation
  2. Update User guide
  3. Update website (don't deploy until release)