<!> Mark completed items using the (./) symbol

Note this was a short release cycle for bug fixes only and not all steps were needed below. Skipped steps were marked with n/a.

Packaging Team

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com Release Manager
Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de Ubuntu Packages
Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it Windows packaging
Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de openSUSE Packaging
William kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com OSX Frameworks Build
Niccolo Rigacci qgis at rigacci.org Debian Lenny
Douglas E. Warner silfreed at silfreed.net Fedora 8
Tom Elwertowski telwertowski at comcast.net OSX All in one bundle
Antonio Chay antonio.chay at gmail.com CentOS 5.x
Jeremy Spykerman jeremy.spykerman at gmail.com
Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com Source http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/src/


Release Team

The following table provides a key for release responsibilities, as the release document that follows will be colour coded according to this key:

Tim Sutton
style="background-color:#e4e5ae;" Marco Hugentobler
style="background-color:#ff5339;" Otto Dassau
style="background-color:#bebdbf;" Anne Ghisla
style="background-color:#ffe74b;" Agustin Lobo
style="background-color:#e5aebf;" Richard Duivenvoorde
style="background-color:#aed0e5;" Maning Sambale
style="background-color:#95ff39;" Paolo Cavallini
style="background-color:#f4a100;" Release team all


Two Month Release Timeline for QGIS

Date / Completed?
Small enhancements and bug fixes can continue in trunk
Set date for next release about two months into the future style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Discuss with PSC & Developers which features should be merged into release (in future this will be trunk) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update the splash screen (minor and major releases!) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update top level CMakeLists.txt with release name and version style="background-color:#bee5ae;"


Three weeks before - feature freeze [Date?]

Date / Completed?
Only bug fixes go into trunk from here forward, no new features
Complete merge of new features style="background-color:#e4e5ae;"
Optional: create preview build and make available for bug reports - see packaging helpers list above style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Call for document managers to update docs based on new features in SVN style="background-color:#ff5339;"
Check for changes in project file structure that needs to be handled style="background-color:#e4e5ae;"
Release team start writing press releases, making screenshots etc ["VisualChangeLogX.X.X"] style="background-color:#e5aebf;"


One week before - feature freeze [Date?]

Date / Completed?
Bug fixes can continue in trunk but no more strings can be changed
Ensure any new contributors have been added to AUTHORS along with their mugshot if available (reserved for SVN committers) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Ensure any new contributors have been added to CONTRIBUTORS (reserved for non SVN committers) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Ensure any new sponsors have been added to SPONSORS style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update the ChangeLog with a list of changes implemented in this release (complete changelog section below) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update index.html to reflect what's new, requirements, and documentation (see current index.html in ./doc of the source tree) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update the whatsNew string in qgisapp.cpp to reflect changes (used to display in about box) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Check that INSTALL.t2t install docs are up to date style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update index.html to reflect GRASS and related lib versions in the win build (see current index.html in ./doc of the source tree) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Check that cmake is deploying all headers required to build apps using libqgis_* style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Apply any pending patches or mark them for a future release in the tracker (see bug tracker section below) style="background-color:#e4e5ae;"
Apply fixes for any pending bugs or mark them against a future milestone (see bug tracker section below) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
String freeze announcement for UI style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update and commit ts files using scripts/update_ts_files.sh (GUI Translation Team Lead) after announcement above style="background-color:#ff5339;"
Call for translators to update translations and submit their ts files (see pro-forma email below) GUI Translation Team Lead style="background-color:#ff5339;"


One week before - branch & call for packaging [Date?]

Date / Completed?
No bug fixes, string changes etc. allowed in branch, only packaging related changes
Ensure all submitted translation updates have been applied (GUI Translation Team Lead) style="background-color:#ff5339;"
Branch SVN and call for packaging (see branching notes below) and record revision here: 10639 style="background-color:#bee5ae;" r7730
Edit build_debian_package.sh and set dch -v X.X.X to the apropriate version number style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Update the NSIS installer (win_build/qgis.nsis) to reflect the correct version style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Release team prepare press releases in various formats in anticipation of release (dont publish yet) style="background-color:#bebdbf;"


Day of release [Date?]

Date / Completed?
Close off release branch and announce release to the world
Tag the branch as final release (see tag section below) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Make tag and branch read only (see notes below) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Note the svn revision number for the tagged release here: style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Generate API documentation and upload to download area (using doxygen) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Export the source code to a source tarball style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Upload release packages to download area (see checklist at the top of this page) style="background-color:#bee5ae;"
Release team announce to press and make packages available style="background-color:#f4a100;"


Branching and Tagging Details

Branch the release using syntax below (update this with the actual commands you used to tag).

 svn cp https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis \

Example of how to tag final release:

 svn cp https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/branches/Release-0_9_1 \


Generic (all platforms)
Check that the .ts files have been generated and call for translators to update them
Ensure any new contributors have been added to CONTRIBUTORS, along with their mugshot if available
Ensure any new sponsors have been added to SPONSORS
Update the splash screen (minor and major relases!)
Update the ChangeLog with a list of changes implemented in this release
Update index.html to reflect what's new, requirements, and documentation (see current index.html in ./doc of the source tree)
Update index.html to reflect GRASS and related lib versions in the win build (see current index.html in ./doc of the source tree)
Update the whatsNew string in qgisapp.cpp to reflect changes (used to display in about box)
Edit qgsconfig.h.in_cmake in the top level directory of the QGIS sources and set the version e.g. #define VERSION "0.8.1-Titan". Make sure the version has no spaces in it as it will cause the build to fail on MacOSX.
Check that cmake is deploying all headers required to build apps using libqgis_*
Apply any updated translations
Apply any pending patches or mark them for a future release in the tracker (see bug tracker section below)
Apply fixes for any pending bugs or mark them against a future milestone (see bug tracker section below)


Linux Specific
Edit build_debian_package.sh and set dch -v 0.8.1 to the apropriate version number


Windows Specific
Update the NSIS installer (win_build/qgis.nsis) to reflect the correct version !define PRODUCT_VERSION "0.9.1 Ganymed"
Check the NSIS installer is including any newly added headers, libraries etc.
Use cmakesetup to set the install prefix to c:\program files\qgis<version> e.g. qgis0.8.1


Tag and export
Tag the release (see tag section below)
Note the svn revision number for the tagged release here: r7730
Generate the change log for the release (see below)
Export the source code to a source tarball


Call for packaging
Write to the developers list and ask packagers to create their packages. Point them to PackagingHelpers and ask them to update the table once they are done.


Bug Tracker System

All bugs that are intended to have been fixed in this release should have been marked as closed. All other bugs on the release branch should be marked for a future release. To do this, create a new milestone e.g. we are releasing 0.8.1 now so create a new milestone in trac for 0.8.2

 cd /var/www
 trac-admin ./qgis-trac
 milestone list
 milestone add "Version 0.9.1" 

Now you need to visit each open bug on the branch and reset its milestone. This can be done automatically but it requires direct access to the trac server (i.e. contact Tim of Gary). To do the update do:

 cd /var/www/qgis-trac/db
 sudo cp trac.db trac_nov_01_07.db
 sudo sqlite3 trac.db
 update ticket set milestone = 'Version 0.9.1' where milestone = 'Version 0.9' and status <> 'closed';

After this, add a link on the front of the Trac wiki which links to the current milestone. You can visit https://svn.qgis.org/trac/report/3 to get a report of bugs by milestone.

Tagging Details

Tag the release using syntax below (update this with the actual commands you used to tag).

 svn cp https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis \

Create the source tarball using:

 cd /tmp
 svn export https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/branches/Release-X_X_X \

Then use your favourite compression tool to create zip and .tar.bz2 archives.

Generate the changelog (first no is svn revision of previous release, second is svn revision of this release:

 svn log -r6350:7033 > /tmp/log.txt

Edit your .vimrc file and add this key mapping with a macro to help you tidy up the log:

 :map <F2> :map <F2> ddg|f|d$gJgJ/---^M

Now edit the file with vim and press F2 repeatedly to reformat it (e.g. 100F2 will automatically do 100 F2 presses for you. If the macro approach above does not work for you, just record a new macro using the same keystrokes. Now get rid of all blank lines using this command:


Another way /additional way to generate a changelog is to use trac to get a list of all closed bugs e.g.


Pro-forma call for packaging annoucnement:

Release 0.9.1 has been tagged in SVN. If you are a packager please go ahead and make packages using this:

svn co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/tags/Release-0.9.1 qgis-0.9.1

If you are able to build a package please add yourself to http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/PackagingHelpers indicating which package you are building. If you are building a package that includes qt (mac / win / linux application bundle), it would be great if you could build against Qt version XXX.

I will make the public announcement on this coming XXX DATE XXX so if packagers could get their work to me before then it will be great to be able to announce with binaries already available for download. You can send me the url to the package on your own server (please supply md5 checksums too if possible), or you can send me the file using the free server 'you send it' at:


I have made windows and source packages and these will be uploaded and generally available tomorrow from the official http://download.qgis.org

Many thanks for all the people who dedicated a lot of time and effort into making this release possible - your work is greatly appreciated!


Post Release

Wiki Updates
Update Release Checklists to mark the release as completed.


qgis.org Updates
Up date the 'Current Release' link on the main menu
Update the 'Download' link on the top menu bar
Add release newsflash
Current version page to be updated
svn download of tagged release updated
download page updated
screenshots updated not required


Publicising (see announcing the release section below)


Announcing the release

Create an announcement template

An annoucement templace will save you retypping the same text at the various places of announcement. The following text can be used as a basis:

A Generic release subject

Announcing the release of Quantum GIS version 0.9.1

A generic 20 word summary

Quantum GIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows.

A mailing list announcement

It is our great pleasure to announce the immediate availability of Quantum GIS (QGIS) Version 0.9.1. See below for press release:

Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS lets you browse and create map data on your computer. It supports many common spatial data formats (e.g. ESRI ShapeFile, geotiff). QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from your GPS. QGIS is Open Source software and its free of cost (download here). We welcome contributions from our user community in the form of code contributions, bug fixes, bug reports, contributed documentation, advocacy and supporting other users on our mailing lists and forums. Financial contributions are also welcome. This release introduces several new features including python support and many new GRASS modules. The release also includes numerous bug fixes and stability improvements. QGIS is available is source form, and as binary executables for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux. All versions can be obtained from our download page at http://download.qgis.org . As an open source project, we provide support for using QGIS via our mailing lists and bug tracker:

    * For general inquiries subscribe to our users mailing list at http://lists.qgis.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
    * For developer related inquiries subscribe to our separate developers list at http://lists.qgis.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
    * If you think you have found a bug, please report it using our bug tracker. When reporting bugs, please include some contact information in case we need help with replicating your issue at https://svn.qgis.org/trac

Major changes in this release are:

 * item 1
 * item 2
 * etc

QGIS is a completely volunteer driven project, and is the work of a dedicated team of developers, documenters and supporters. We extend our thanks and gratitude for the many, many hours people have contributed to make this release happen.

A generic short html announcement

It is our great pleasure to announce the immediate availability of Quantum GIS (QGIS) Version 0.9.1. Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIS">GIS</a>) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS lets you <a href="http://qgis.org/flash/flashwrapper.php?filename=qgisdemo1.swf" title="QGIS demo">browse</a> and create map data on your computer. It supports many common spatial data formats (e.g. ESRI ShapeFile, geotiff). QGIS supports plugins to do things like <a href="http://qgis.org/flash/flashwrapper.php?filename=gpx_demo.swf"
title="GPS demo">display tracks</a> from your GPS. QGIS is Open Source software and its free of cost (<a href="http://download.qgis.org/">download here</a>). We welcome contributions from our user community in the form of

<a href = "http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/DevelopersCorner" title="Developers Corner">code contributions</a>, <a href="https://qgis.org/trac">bug fixes</a>, <a href="https://qgis.org/trac/newticket">bug reports</a>, <a href="http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/DocumentationWritersCorner">contributed documentation</a>, advocacy and supporting other users on our <a href="http://qgis.org/content/view/115/96">mailing lists</a> and <a href="http://forum.qgis.org/">forums</a>.
<a href = "http://qgis.org/content/view/97/73/" title = "Contribute">
Financial contributions

 are also welcome.

This release introduces several new features including python bindings and many additional GRASS modules. The release also includes bug fixes and stability improvements. QGIS is available is source form, and as binary executables for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux. All versions can be obtained from our <a href="http://download.qgis.org">download page</a>.

As an open source project, we provide support for using QGIS via our mailing lists and bug tracker:

<li>For general enquiries <a href="http://lists.qgis.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">subscribe</a> to our users mailing list.</li>
<li>For developer related enquiries <a href="http://lists.qgis.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer">subscribe</a> to our separate developers list.</li>
<li>If you think you have found a bug, please report it using our <a href="https://svn.qgis.org/trac">bug tracker</a>. When reporting bugs, please include some contact information in case we need help with replicating your issue.</li>

A generic short plain text announcement

It is our great pleasure to announce the immediate availability of Quantum GIS (QGIS) Version 0.9.1 Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS lets you browse and create map data on your computer. It supports many common spatial data formats (e.g. ESRI ShapeFile, geotiff). QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from your GPS. QGIS is Open Source software and its free of cost (download here). We welcome contributions from our user community in the form of code contributions, bug fixes, bug reports, contributed documentation, advocacy and supporting other users on our mailing lists and forums. Financial contributions are also welcome. This release introduces several new features including python support and many new GRASS modules. The release also includes numerous bug fixes and stability improvements. QGIS is available is source form, and as binary executables for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux. All versions can be obtained from our download page. As an open source project, we provide support for using QGIS via our mailing lists and bug tracker:

For a longer annoucement, include the changelog text and a screenshot of some shiny new feature.

A generic product description

Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS lets you browse and create map data on your computer. It supports many common spatial data formats (e.g. ESRI ShapeFile, geotiff). QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from your GPS. QGIS is Open Source software and its free of cost.

A generic features list

  • Support for spatially enabled PostGIS tables
  • Support for shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages, Mapinfo, and other formats supported by OGR
  • Raster support for a large number of formats
  • Identify/select/label features
  • OGC Support (WMS, WFS)
  • Digitizing OGR/Shape and GRASS files
  • Edit/View/Search attribute tables
  • Export to Mapserver map file
  • GRASS integration including view, edit and analysis
  • Python bindings
  • On the fly projection
  • Georeferencing
  • Print Composer
  • Extensible plugin architecture

Bug fixes:

 760 QGIS crashes when Postgis Layer GeometryType doesn't correspond with geometry_columns  definition
 802 querying a broken polygon crashes QGIS
 803 segfaults editing shapefile with missing dbf file
 815 Delimited text layer provider broken
 828 Features cannot be cut or deleted when using shapefile data.
 839 Crash when moving a vertex
 284 Building pyramids with magphase method cause corrupt resampled images
 402 Attrib table: add "zoom to selection" button
 440 Don't display the qgis window on a second monitor that isn't present
 483 Provide regular expression separators for the delimited text plugin
 520 More verbose MapServer export tool
 522 Major shapefile display error
 567 Shapefile editing oddities and errors
 572 change any property of a vector layer (transparency
 593 SPIT: implement rollback when import of shapes into PGIS get canceled
 611 Allow user to disable snap tolerance warning
 636 Mapserver export tool
 656 qgis crashes if panning during polygon creation
 719 Problem with NTF projection in ECW files
 722 LCC projection not recognized (EPSG 3358)
 738 GRASS modules lock up on attribute table access (Win32 native only)
 739 GRASS Shell non-functional in OS X
 741 identify not working for some postgis layers
 750 CMYK Colorpicker causes crash in  OS X
 759 Bad rendering of symbol points in the map composer
 763 Problem editing a postgis table
 766 Problem with project saved with 0.8 vers or older
 770 lib64 support for x86_64 architectures
 771 Plugin path should be persisted
 772 broken scale dialog
 774 scale changes when panning
 784 Qgis vector multipolygon crash
 789 QGIS has a "hole" in my SHAPE file
 795 WMS Connection doesn't reload from saved project
 798 Cant easily change locale in win or mac and cant override sys locale
 799 spacing between the legend and layer name to small
 800 'Search' in on the fly projection dialogue missplaced
 801 Layer dissapears after change of legend color
 812 QGIS crashes while loading PostGIS layer with insufficient permissions
 817 PostGIS Add Layer does not support non-TCP/IP connections
 818 PostGIS Tables with type GEOMETRY not supported
 820 QGIS doesn't classify a theme by an attribute
 832 Raster cell coount returns incorrect value
 833 Labels text changing method difficult to guess
 835 Qgis assertion when loading a postgres layer when the postgis extent() function is missing
 836 QGIS/GRASS import via v.in.ogr should import pre selected layer features
 837 Saving edited PostGIS layer reports PostgreSQL error
 838 Incorrect label and units in Measure Tool
 842 Digitizing tools are active even though editing mode was not enabled
 843 Import PostGIS data into GRASS via QGIS toolbox
 850 Updated Slovak translation
 851 QGIS reports a negative (sic!) area of a polygon
 35 Adding PDF creation on Print Layout Window
 144 GRASS-shell: close button
 150 User should be able to change the copyright text colour
 167 PostGIS geometry collections are not shown
 180 User-variable line thickness for composer label box
 181 Multi-line labels in print composer
 499 Missing "What's this?" button
 540 Patch for QgsRasterLayerProperties and QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase.ui addresses Ticket   #443
 673 msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
 769 CMake option to define man path installation
 792 Typos error in internationalized string
 793 Missing verb in AttibuteActionDialogBase
 794 Help button in Geospatial bookmarks shows "Close dialog" 
 809 "Save as shapefile..." fails to overwrite
 811 selectionChanged() SIGNAL getting connected and disconnected on raster layers in  qgsmapcanvas.cpp
 556 Field should be Layer in GRASS lingo
 797 Typos error in Delimited Text Plugin
 819 Typos error in "Identify features" help