Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
18792Bug reportClosedNormalSimplify for Polyline does not work2018-05-16 05:42 PMNo
18791Bug reportClosedNormalDiagrams: Histogram - Bar width limited to 99.99 but units linked bar length.2018-05-01 03:30 AMNo
18790Bug reportClosedNormal[Layout] drag-and-drop a layout template from file browser can create layout with empty name2018-05-01 08:55 PMNo
18789Bug reportClosedNormalImport of CSV-Data2019-02-23 08:39 PMNo
18784Bug reportClosedHigh«Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual fieldNyall Dawson2018-09-25 03:36 PMNo
18781Bug reportClosedNormalQgsProject.instance().geometry().asPolyline() not working on QGIS 32018-05-03 02:21 AMNo
18779Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on editing a vector layer2018-04-21 01:47 AMNo
18775Bug reportClosedNormalPermission denied error when connecting to PostGIS DB with auth config using DB Manager 2018-04-20 08:49 AMNo
18774Bug reportClosedNormalmaster does not build in fedora 28 after final freeze using buildrpmsh -u2018-04-28 10:51 AMNo
18772Bug reportClosedNormalimproving a paragraph about 1:n relationsGiovanni Manghi2018-04-19 06:34 PMNo
18766Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crash when opening a layout2018-04-25 09:28 AMNo
18763Bug reportClosedNormalBUG round function crash 2019-02-11 12:22 AMNo
18762Bug reportRejectedNormalRaster > Conversion > Rasterize errorPaul Day2018-04-25 10:26 AMNo
18759Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Crash when setting South Africa Lo and kml layers (wgs84)2018-08-19 11:25 AMNo
18756Bug reportRejectedNormalcrash opening a map with UTF-8 character type2018-04-18 09:18 PMNo
18754Bug reportClosedNormalEmbedded form: data stays in form when last feature in relation is removed2018-06-21 09:49 PMNo
18749Bug reportClosedNormal3.0.1-Girona crashes when Adding ArcGIS Feature Layer2018-04-18 02:16 PMNo
18747Bug reportRejectedLowQGIS Server GetPrint issue on Desktop Linux installations2018-07-23 10:19 AMNo
18746Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3 crashed2018-07-20 09:04 AMNo
18744Bug reportClosedNormaltext exportJürgen Fischer2019-03-09 04:55 PMNo
18743Bug reportClosedHighVector / Geometry tools / lines to Polygons2018-08-16 12:03 AMNo
18742Bug reportClosedNormal[Layout] In multisize pages layout, exporting to PDF does not behave correctly when first page is excludedNyall Dawson2018-10-23 08:40 AMNo
18740Bug reportClosedHighis a WFS layer is large enough then identifying a feature in QGIS with the "auto open form" option active leads to memory leak/crashesEven Rouault2018-05-23 11:41 AMNo
18739Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server: GML invalid, loss of data2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
18737Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS error when parameter is "pick coordinate" type2019-01-24 06:49 PMNo

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