Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
16608Bug reportClosedNormalImporting or exporting to gpx does not work2017-05-24 11:11 AMNo
16607Bug reportClosedNormalerror when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.42017-09-25 04:44 PMNo
16606Bug reportClosedNormalQgis 2.18.8 Ubuntu 16.04 : crash with add new layer from delimited text2017-05-23 04:03 PMNo
16605Bug reportClosedNormalTauDEM MoveOutletsToStreams cannot find executableAlexander Bruy2017-08-30 07:54 AMNo
16604Bug reportClosedNormalNatural Neighbour execute errorGiovanni Manghi2017-10-17 03:59 PMNo
16603Bug reportClosedNormalGeodatabases ESRI in Browser Panel (QGIS Desktop 2.18.8 i 2.99.x)2017-05-23 03:41 PMNo
16600Bug reportClosedHighAdd delimited text crashes QGIS2017-05-26 05:12 PMNo
16599Bug reportClosedNormalBuffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set2017-06-02 09:20 AMNo
16598Bug reportClosedHighAdding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)Alexander Bruy2017-05-22 09:46 PMNo
16595Bug reportClosedHighNo "Recently used expressions" in expression editor2017-05-23 12:18 AMNo
16594Bug reportClosedHighWFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.82017-05-22 09:46 PMNo
16593Bug reportClosedHighSegmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates2017-05-22 09:46 PMNo
16591Bug reportClosedHighRules-based styling feature crash2017-07-27 03:43 PMNo
16590Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS - query / python error2017-05-22 02:35 AMNo
16589Bug reportClosedHighNo fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)2017-05-26 04:54 PMNo
16588Bug reportClosedNormalCannot save duplicated layer back to GeoPackage2017-09-25 04:43 PMNo
16585Bug reportClosedNormalCannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XPJürgen Fischer2017-05-26 09:15 AMNo
16581Bug reportClosedHighPython init form is also called in table modeMatthias Kuhn2017-05-19 03:40 PMNo
16580Bug reportClosedLowDate widget: cosmetic issue with NULL valuesDenis Rouzaud2018-02-22 11:23 AMNo
16579Bug reportClosedLowDate widget: current date can't be pickedDenis Rouzaud2018-02-22 11:13 AMNo
16577Bug reportClosedHighExtremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2.14.142017-05-25 12:36 AMNo
16575Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 2.18.7 crashes on macOS 10.12.4 when undocking the label panel2019-01-28 01:15 PMNo
16574Bug reportClosedNormalDXF export always changes colors to nearest Indexed color2019-03-09 03:09 PMNo
16572Bug reportClosedHighTable join between two shape files crashes qgis2017-09-19 11:03 AMNo
16571Bug reportClosedHighEdit Widget Properties dialog shrinks fields while resizing2017-05-23 11:19 PMNo

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