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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6950Bug reportClosedLowraster "save as..." dialog does not remember the last folder used for output2015-03-16 02:48 AM
6949Feature requestClosedNormalraster "save as..." dialog misses the "add result to map" option2015-05-20 06:23 AM
6948Bug reportClosedNormalDxf to Shape plugin doesn't work any more2014-03-26 05:52 PM
6945Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA vector produced without .prj if the input layer does not have it2018-02-24 11:08 AM
6942Bug reportClosedLowLegend title bounding box cutting off letters2013-01-03 02:56 PM
6941Bug reportClosedNormalWMS requests exceeding extents2018-08-16 10:29 AM
6940Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCrash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7Salvatore Larosa2013-01-04 08:29 AM
6939Bug reportClosedNormalInconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS2013-01-03 10:29 AM
6938Bug reportClosedNormalLegend group visibility computation is wrong2014-10-21 03:44 AM
6937Bug reportClosedNormalStrange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected2013-01-01 01:13 PM
6932Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiongdaltools stopped to work on qgis master2014-06-29 10:13 AM
6931Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionOSM Plugin crashes after API change2013-01-06 08:14 AM
6930Bug reportClosedNormalSaving the current layers edit needs to many clicksLarry Shaffer2013-01-07 08:03 PM
6926Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionUsing "save as..." on WMS layer causes QGIS master to crash2013-01-03 03:52 PM
6925Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionEliminate slivers polygon creates wrong outputBernhard Ströbl2017-05-01 01:22 AM
6924Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"save edits" icon disappeared from table of attributesLarry Shaffer2012-12-28 03:20 PM
6923Bug reportClosedNormalWFS 1.1.0 & 2.0.02013-01-04 08:03 AM
6922Feature requestClosedNormalProxy - use System settingsJürgen Fischer2015-01-20 04:03 PM
6921Bug reportClosedNormalNo Coordinate systems for adding WFS2013-02-04 08:39 AM
6920Bug reportClosedNormalEdit session only enabled for last selected layer2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6918Bug reportClosedHighqgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributesVictor Olaya2015-09-30 02:46 PM
6913Bug reportClosedNormalPython interpreter starts hardwired to search buildSourcePath when run from build directory2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6911Bug reportClosedNormalqgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use original raster.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6910Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a multiband grey option to raster rendererRadim Blazek2014-06-23 06:40 AM
6907Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionimporting shapefile into PG with drag and drop does not work2014-06-29 10:13 AM

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