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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21717Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS is assuming first column from Oracle DB is the primary keyJürgen Fischer2019-04-01 06:01 AM
22095Bug reportOpenNormalInstaller does not honour drive selection nor provides warnings on C drive space when C drive is not the chosen driveJürgen Fischer2019-05-17 01:26 PM
21267Bug reportOpenNormalGeometries stored in Oracle table fail sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context(..) checkJürgen Fischer2019-02-14 10:42 AM
17214Bug reportOpenNormalOracle Table list acting strangeJürgen Fischer2019-03-11 11:41 AM
21200Bug reportOpenNormalinstallation differences if you change the installation directory of QGIS (standalone version)Jürgen Fischer2019-02-08 10:53 AM
21574Bug reportFeedbackNormalcrash while trying to import a DWG into a geopackageJürgen Fischer2019-03-13 11:40 AM
21130Bug reportOpenLow"Couldn't load SIP module." with MadeiraJürgen Fischer2019-01-30 03:34 PM
21081Bug reportOpenLowQGIS logo not displayed on taskbar for additional windowsJürgen Fischer2019-01-23 08:31 PM
20872Bug reportReopenedHighQGIS 3.5 not loading or saving multi-dimensional arrays properly from PostGIS layersJulien Cabieces2019-03-22 10:34 AM
20439Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayers not being properly added to canvas from spatialiteJulien Cabieces2019-03-03 06:42 PM
14239Bug reportOpenNormalRenaming Spatialite tables in DB Manager makes them disappear!Julien Cabieces2019-03-02 12:20 PM
15600Bug reportOpenHighSelecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong resultsHugo Mercier2019-01-01 05:24 PM
21848Bug reportOpenNormal"export to postgesql" (OGR) does not handle correctly WFS input layersGiovanni Manghi2019-04-15 02:09 AM
21356Bug reportOpenNormalProcessing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)Giovanni Manghi2019-02-23 01:27 PM
21294Bug reportOpenNormalProfiles from Lines, SAGA tool, produces invalid files. Giovanni Manghi2019-02-18 02:22 PM
19746Bug reportOpenNormalDisappearing -180 / 180 longitude grid lines on certain zoom levelsEven Rouault2018-09-01 12:29 PM
21609Bug reportOpenNormalOGR_ORGANIZE_POLYGONS unconditionally set in OGR providerEven Rouault2019-03-18 01:12 PM
19219Bug reportOpenNormalTIN Interpolation Issue Eric Andelin2018-06-18 09:14 PM
21863Bug reportOpenHighissues with embedded layersDenis Rouzaud2019-04-19 08:54 AM
20266Bug reportOpenHighCopy/paste style form widget typeDenis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:40 AM
21712Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Mac crashes when quittingDenis Rouzaud2019-03-30 08:52 PM
17695Bug reportIn ProgressNormalscale lock doesn't work when resizing canvasDenis Rouzaud2018-03-03 09:23 AM
20615Bug reportFeedbackNormalMac OS QGis installer cannot find python 3.6Denis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:34 AM
18891Bug reportOpenNormalChanged Ruler distance units do not "stick" - instead always revert to Meters when Ruler Tool is re-selectedDenis Rouzaud2019-05-15 11:25 PM
20380Bug reportOpenNormalTiny Identify Results window Denis Rouzaud2019-03-04 08:18 PM

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