Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
17133Bug reportClosedHighQGIS has stopped running when startup after new installation2018-02-23 10:39 AMNo
17131Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: Union and Intersection wrong resultsVictor Olaya2018-06-01 04:04 AMNo
17127Bug reportClosedNormalControl order by which bands are stacked2017-11-13 01:00 PMNo
17126Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.18.12 dxf export generates one layer per feature2017-09-18 05:21 PMNo
17125Bug reportClosedHigh"Show Selected Features" option renders QGIS unusable with large layers2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
17123Bug reportClosedNormalAdding WMS/WFS/WCS layers through the browser ignores service specific settings2018-08-15 07:35 PMNo
17120Bug reportClosedNormalMissing namespace declaration when searching by bounding boxTom Kralidis2017-11-07 01:04 PMNo
17118Bug reportClosedHighreshape tool reset Z values when extending lines - only with some data providers2017-10-16 11:10 AMYes
17117Bug reportClosedHighComposer crashes with large number of raster images loaded2019-02-11 12:25 AMNo
17115Bug reportClosedHighclosing editing 2017-09-25 03:30 PMNo
17114Bug reportClosedHighloading NetCDF files causing crash2019-02-11 12:25 AMNo
17111Bug reportClosedNormalTrouble with value maps in any shapefile in QGIS 2.182017-09-13 09:13 AMNo
17110Bug reportClosedNormalLoading any CSV causing crash2017-09-22 02:06 PMNo
17109Bug reportClosedNormalAdding WFS layer fails with "unexpected end of file"2017-11-09 07:35 PMNo
17100Bug reportClosedNormalcrash composer qgis2017-09-25 04:31 PMNo
17099Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS init error on fresh install2017-09-03 10:51 AMNo
17098Bug reportClosedHighComputer crashes when using color picker2017-09-25 03:30 PMNo
17097Bug reportClosedNormalCan't define offset (simple line style) as value of attribute field2017-09-01 05:38 PMNo
17096Bug reportClosedNormalPC crasht bij gebruik color picker2017-08-31 01:26 PMNo
17093Bug reportClosedNormalProblem clipboard when copying from a virtual layer2017-08-30 10:17 PMNo
17091Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA 'Add raster values to points/features' and INTERPOL optionVictor Olaya2017-09-01 05:45 PMNo
17090Bug reportClosedNormalShow/hide rule based styling issue in layers panel2019-01-21 10:39 AMNo
17088Bug reportClosedNormalBug Legend 2017-08-30 10:16 AMNo
17086Bug reportClosedNormalComposer items excluded from export get exported to PDF2017-09-02 05:19 AMNo
17085Bug reportClosedNormalColours of legend wrong for polygons coloured/categorised with column valueImmo Blecher2017-08-28 03:12 PMNo

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