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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6520Feature requestRejectedNormalINSPIRE support for QGIS Mapserver2012-10-16 01:07 AM
6495Feature requestClosedNormalUse list view instead of combobox to select edit widget2012-10-11 05:24 AM
2783Feature requestClosedLowZoom to group2012-10-09 02:30 AM
5980Feature requestClosedHighClearly mark experimental plugins in installer2012-10-08 05:25 AM
5276Feature requestClosedNormalNew Symbology: allow transparency separately for fill and border of objects2012-10-06 06:16 AM
1771Feature requestClosedLowLine widths should allow map units next to mm2012-10-06 02:48 AM
1386Feature requestClosedLowEnhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators2012-10-06 02:39 AM
5214Feature requestClosedNormalfield-calculator: a new function to fill a string of repeated chars2012-10-05 06:06 AM
6444Feature requestClosedNormalSetting up a linux qgis nightly build repository for soon-to-be-released Ubuntu 12.10's Quantal Quetzal (Oct 18, 2012)2012-10-04 03:00 PM
5865Feature requestClosedNormalImprove the WFS capabilities GUI in "project properties" -> "ows server"2012-10-04 09:57 AM
6432Feature requestClosedNormalKeep map object under the pointer still while zooming in2012-09-28 08:55 AM
6325Feature requestClosedNormalAdd PAL labelling features for Python access2012-09-20 10:50 AM
6285Feature requestClosedNormalSet Offsets for Point Labels2012-09-17 02:29 PM
6308Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Proxy server for OnlineResource GetCapabilities to Qgis Server projects2012-09-06 12:06 PM
3492Feature requestClosedLowlabel-ng: add X,Y offset2012-09-04 11:57 PM
6287Feature requestClosedLowThousand separators to numeric scalebar in map composer2012-09-03 05:11 AM
6268Feature requestClosedNormalQgis WMS server : error when asking data with qgis-web-client2012-08-29 08:34 AM
6239Feature requestClosedNormalGet username and password from qgis environment2012-08-24 07:34 AM
4594Feature requestClosedNormalidentify feature on ecw extremely long2012-08-23 01:43 AM
4920Feature requestClosedNormalAdd python actions examples to documentation2012-08-20 05:13 AM
6159Feature requestClosedNormalWMS provider: retrieve the legend with a getLegendGraphic call2012-08-18 05:21 AM
6198Feature requestClosedNormalAbility to make Groups transparent2012-08-16 02:09 AM
4517Feature requestClosedNormalAdd rotation option to PAL labelling2012-08-13 04:32 AM
2568Feature requestClosedLowMore predefined color tables for raster maps2012-08-10 12:39 PM
6128Feature requestClosedNormalFollow the link outside of an Identify window2012-08-01 02:54 PM
2777Feature requestClosedLowAdd EPSG:38122012-07-22 04:40 PM
4337Feature requestClosedNormalMissing EPSG codes: EPSG:3874-38832012-07-22 04:38 PM
6080Feature requestClosedNormalThe Feature_Count param should be greater than zero2012-07-22 07:07 AM
6079Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Left & Right to field calculator2012-07-22 03:44 AM
5866Feature requestClosedNormalCan we have a universal infrastructure to wrap 3rd party CLI tools?2012-06-25 11:26 PM
4551Feature requestClosedLowExpression parser: automatic conversion to string should be consistent2012-06-22 11:20 AM
5836Feature requestClosedNormalRule based labelling2012-06-21 11:52 PM
4840Feature requestClosedNormalNew feature: Being able to have more than one labeling feature for a single layer2012-06-21 11:52 PM
5211Feature requestClosedNormalCalculator - add 10^2012-06-16 07:20 AM
5219Feature requestClosedNormalCoordinate reference system for multiple shp file open 2012-06-16 07:19 AM
5494Feature requestClosedNormalBetter search matching for CRS selection dialog2012-06-16 03:17 AM
5476Feature requestClosedNormalAutoselect gid as view primary coloums 2012-06-16 02:55 AM
5783Feature requestClosedNormalMake the "move feature(s) tool" support snapping2012-06-15 08:11 AM
5784Feature requestClosedNormalAutomatically create spatial index on shape file when adding it to project2012-06-11 11:39 PM
5589Feature requestClosedNormalUseability issues with scalebar component in composer2012-05-14 10:52 AM
5592Feature requestClosedNormalRight-clicking to "lock" things in composer2012-05-14 10:05 AM
5383Feature requestClosedNormalDXF feature2012-05-07 06:41 AM
3565Feature requestClosedLowAdd layer by drag'n'drop to map frame2012-05-06 06:41 AM
5127Feature requestClosedNormalActions: add default/sample/templates2012-05-06 06:37 AM
5412Feature requestClosedLowMake the About>Developers page more human2012-05-06 05:27 AM
5530Feature requestClosedLowToolbar icons for Georeferencer2012-05-06 04:43 AM
1726Feature requestClosedLowStyled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Support2012-04-27 02:12 AM
5451Feature requestClosedNormalworking with DWG format2012-04-22 05:31 AM
1493Feature requestClosedLowImpossible to use internal ID field to label features2012-04-18 01:09 AM
4855Feature requestClosedHighImprove curved labels2012-04-16 05:16 AM

1 ... 331 332 333 334 335 (16601-16650/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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