Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
19203Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.0 postgis rendering2018-06-16 07:35 AMNo
19201Bug reportRejectedNormalAuthentification in QGIS doesn't ask master password - security breachAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-05 03:23 PMNo
19200Bug reportClosedHighQgis 2.18.20 crashing when exporting mbtiles2018-06-15 04:18 PMYes
19199Bug reportClosedHighregression: vector layer legend symbol / children (i.e. rules) aren't shown when in groupAlessandro Pasotti2018-06-17 04:25 PMNo
19197Bug reportRejectedNormalCrash when activating Digitizing Tools2018-06-15 12:07 PMNo
19196Bug reportClosedNormalHandle Bad Layers bulk edit2018-08-16 12:01 AMNo
19195Bug reportClosedNormalWMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panelAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-28 03:21 PMYes
19194Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing plugin crashes during startup - QGIS 3.0.3 2018-06-14 10:00 PMNo
19192Bug reportClosedNormalgdalbuildvrt can fails handling wildcards under win10 18032018-07-13 02:57 PMNo
19191Bug reportClosedNormalPolar projection polygon visualization bug2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
19189Bug reportClosedNormalDashed line showing incorrectly in legend2019-03-08 11:59 AMNo
19188Bug reportClosedNormal~6000 lines of Python errors on every 3.0.3 startup - could this be my problem? 2018-06-18 10:40 AMNo
19186Bug reportClosedHighGRASS module (v.net.steiner) works in QGIS2 but not in QGIS32018-07-25 11:50 AMNo
19185Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.14 (Essen) crashes when clicked on projection button2019-02-11 12:22 AMNo
19184Bug reportClosedNormalQGis 3.0.3 crash using QSqlTableModel2018-06-13 12:02 AMNo
19181Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on Start2018-09-23 03:44 PMNo
19180Bug reportClosedNormalTreating UUID like text2018-09-19 01:20 PMNo
19178Bug reportClosedNormal[Processing]Double Reset icon in spinbox widget2018-06-13 11:22 AMNo
19177Bug reportClosedNormalPhyton Error: checkOnLayerChange [attributePainter.py:254]2018-06-12 12:45 PMNo
19176Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.0.3 crashes when using 'DB Manager' and 'PostGIS execute SQL'2019-01-26 10:43 PMNo
19174Bug reportClosedNormal"Add layers to a group" does not respect the setting "By default new layers added to the map should be displayed"2018-11-22 09:00 PMNo
19173Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.0.3 line widths not screen scaled in Win 102019-02-23 08:36 PMNo
19172Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.0.3 main window does not remember chosen size (Win 10 with scaling...)2018-07-11 12:10 AMNo
19170Bug reportClosedNormalAttribute values changed when deleting adjacent features in table2019-02-07 01:26 PMNo
19169Bug reportClosedHighqGIS crashed after saving, Styling panel opened2018-07-20 09:00 AMNo

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