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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20704Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4.2. LTR - Win10 - Crashes *every time* at Settings ==> Options.2019-02-24 01:12 AM
20702Bug reportClosedNormalAdd from layer definition file - does not set options edit type widget2019-03-08 11:44 AM
20698Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: saga patch does not run successfully (Unknown option 'INTERPOLATION')Nyall Dawson2018-12-04 01:35 AM
20697Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4.2 crashes on exit2018-12-14 08:53 AM
20696Bug reportClosedHighProcessing: r.plane does not run successfully2018-12-03 11:54 PM
20695Bug reportClosedHigh Crash when adding new feature with editing feature turned on qgis 3.4.22019-01-15 04:09 AM
20693Bug reportClosedNormalLAYERTITLESPACE in GetLegendGraphic is not taken into accountAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-05 09:39 PM
20689Bug reportClosedNormalPrint Composer Fonts and Styling Inaccessible Mac OS Mojave 10.142018-12-02 10:56 PM
20688Bug reportClosedHighProcessing Toolbox Crash2019-01-01 02:32 PM
20686Bug reportClosedNormalProblem met with QGIS 2.18.21 linked with GRASS 7.4.1 plug-in on Windows 7 and on Linux Ubuntu release 18.04 LTS2019-02-24 10:05 AM
20685Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS raster 3d settings is not scroll-able2019-02-04 09:47 AM
20684Bug reportClosedNormalZamkniecie QGIS Desktop przy odpieciu zewnętrznego źródla danych2018-12-03 04:58 PM
20683Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 2.18.21 desktop en interface avec GRASS 7.4.12018-11-30 03:14 PM
20682Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4 ToggleEditingAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-01 09:42 AM
20681Bug reportClosedHighGenerate Shapefile to PostGIS2019-02-24 12:56 AM
20680Bug reportClosedNormalDecoration -> Scale Bar should use ellipsoidal measurement rather than planimetric2018-11-29 07:26 PM
20679Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crashed when closing project without saving2018-11-30 08:40 AM
20677Bug reportClosedNormalVery often crashes. Quite 2 each day2018-11-29 04:07 PM
20676Bug reportClosedHighQgis Crash while executing modelNyall Dawson2018-11-30 12:53 AM
20675Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS crashes after successful saving the project and trying to quit2018-11-29 04:06 PM
20674Bug reportClosedHighDB Manager - load sql query as layer with geom columnAlessandro Pasotti2018-12-19 05:23 PM
20673Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3.4 Organize columns, data integrity compromisedJulien Cabieces2019-01-21 02:17 PM
20672Bug reportClosedHighmysql 5.7.22 connection/feature viewing & editing2019-03-09 11:07 AM
20671Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3 crashes when getting canvas scene items2018-11-30 11:05 AM
20670Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing raster calculator error when re-rerunning the algorithmAlessandro Pasotti2018-11-30 09:16 AM

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