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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6494Feature requestClosedNormal"Show selected features" setting should cooperate with the override in the attribute table window2015-12-22 12:21 PM
6492Bug reportClosedNormalSave-as to csv fails2014-04-08 09:11 PM
6485Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS WFS Server GML is not validRené-Luc ReLuc2012-11-18 07:13 AM
6484Feature requestClosedNormalAtlas: support for multiple mapsHugo Mercier2014-01-14 04:13 AM
6483Bug reportClosedHighQgis crashes when trying to classify huge vector (postgis db) with Natural Breaks(Jenks) Vincent Mora2013-09-15 02:10 AM
6482Bug reportClosedNormalLabel rotation with angles between 90 and 270 degreesLarry Shaffer2012-10-10 09:00 AM
6481Bug reportClosedNormalftools function "Export/Add geometry columns" produces incorrect dbase field length in results2017-05-01 01:22 AM
6480Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS WFS-T doesn't send updates2012-10-07 10:48 PM
6479Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS WFS-T doesn't send feature ids for delete operation2012-10-07 10:49 PM
6476Bug reportClosedNormaldata defined ellipse symbols on polygon centroid fill2013-11-24 10:54 PM
6474Bug reportClosedNormalQGis hang when loading large project2014-06-21 01:45 PM
6473Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer2013-06-01 03:16 PM
6472Bug reportClosedNormalQgis 1.8.0 converts WGS84 to OSGB36 incorrectly2014-06-21 03:50 AM
6469Feature requestClosedNormalAllow selecting features by selecting symbology classes in TOC2014-06-20 06:47 AM
6468Bug reportClosedNormalloadNamedStyle does not apply labelfield2015-12-20 10:15 AM
6466Bug reportClosedNormalMac OSX: QGIS Browser not available in Applications2014-10-11 07:49 AM
6465Bug reportClosedNormalMap composer window only saves the current QGIS window2014-05-31 11:10 PM
6464Feature requestClosedLowPlease create a demo QGISserver2018-02-23 07:26 PM
6461Bug reportClosedNormalHelp about functions missing2014-06-23 08:12 AM
6459Bug reportClosedNormalNew Python console: if a newline is inserted, the console freezesSalvatore Larosa2012-10-05 01:38 PM
6458Feature requestClosedNormalPlease add "Import Qt class" to the new Python consoleSalvatore Larosa2012-10-05 02:46 PM
6457Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin Grass-qgis miss parameter in v.centroids2012-10-05 04:28 AM
6456Bug reportClosedNormalIcons and help missing for the new Python consoleSalvatore Larosa2012-10-05 01:27 PM
6454Bug reportClosedNormal"Add new map" in print composer showing blank2014-05-31 10:52 PM
6451Bug reportClosedNormalWrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in imported vectors with overlapping partsRadim Blazek2013-06-12 11:52 AM

1 ... 445 446 447 448 449 ... 659 (11151-11175/16468) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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