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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18768Bug reportFeedbackNormalNodata issue with TIN interpolation's cubic method Marco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:35 PM
9614Bug reportClosedNormalDatum transformation dialog box does not appear with EPSG 20790Marco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
8524Bug reportClosedNormalRaster tiling offset in composer output from zoomed in resamplingMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7826Bug reportClosedNormalServer: composer picture does not work with relative pathMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
7497Bug reportClosedNormalOWS server settings: The Exclude composers feature should rather read "Include composers"Marco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6685Bug reportClosedNormalEmbedded layers in groups cannot be movedMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6684Bug reportClosedNormalEmbedded layers should not allow renameMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
6561Bug reportClosedNormal'cubic' resambling for "zoomed in" (scale > 100%) rasters creates undesired visual glitches with contrast set to stretch to min maxMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2059Bug reportClosedLowConstrained Delaunay triangulation is not always correctMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 04:04 PM
10800Bug reportClosedNormalDatum Transformation with target_crs_code different than 4326 gives huge errorsMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 03:12 PM
9774Bug reportClosedNormalAdd OSTN02 to srs.dbMarco Hugentobler2019-03-09 03:11 PM
4475Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Data Type to Raster CalculatorMarco Hugentobler2019-02-13 09:43 PM
4520Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS mapserver: Spaces in GetFeatureInfo filter string values are rejectedMarco Hugentobler2018-10-15 04:07 PM
18247Bug reportClosedHighqgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS requestMarco Hugentobler2018-08-23 01:04 AM
15406Bug reportOpenNormalIdentify panel: clicking on a curved line doesn't always show the radiusMarco Hugentobler2018-02-27 07:47 PM
3208Feature requestOpenLowexclude proxyes based on suffixMarco Hugentobler2018-01-29 07:05 PM
2786Feature requestOpenLowLive GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devicesMarco Hugentobler2017-09-22 10:07 AM
14522Bug reportClosedHighQGIS SERVER FILTER not workingMarco Hugentobler2017-09-22 10:05 AM
3457Feature requestOpenLowConnect to WMS service should provide STOP/Cancel buttonMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3239Feature requestOpenLowText alignment in Print Composer LegendMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4924Feature requestFeedbackNormalJoin attributes - add the option of creating a shapefile with matching attributes onlyMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
6707Feature requestOpenNormal"Save as" - Allow to specify field names when they need to be shortenedMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6275Feature requestOpenNormalWMS GetLegendGraphic should respect the requested WIDTHMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:48 AM
12430Feature requestOpenNormalGetFeatureInfo with INFO_FORMAT=text/html should only send HTML maptip content when enabledMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:47 AM
3683Feature requestOpenLowComposer legend items inherit label font settingsMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:42 AM
1813Feature requestOpenLowSupport for WFS with NTLM authenticationMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:42 AM
2738Feature requestClosedLowLegend customizations are not saved in Composer TemplateMarco Hugentobler2017-03-21 11:15 PM
15470Bug reportClosedNormaladd part tool creates a MultiGeometry for CurvePolygon geometry typeMarco Hugentobler2017-03-08 02:46 AM
5794Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS_mapserv crashes if I add an empty layer in the mapfileMarco Hugentobler2017-03-07 10:55 AM
7563Feature requestClosedNormalQGIS Server WMS: Enable transparency for font color of text annotationsMarco Hugentobler2017-01-29 03:10 PM
7562Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS Server WMS: Annotation text shows up in white instead of blackMarco Hugentobler2017-01-29 03:10 PM
192Feature requestClosedLowprint composer, when using not "north-up" projections make images (north arrows) be in sync with canvas northMarco Hugentobler2016-10-17 09:20 PM
8609Bug reportClosedNormalHTML Annotation does not display HTMLMarco Hugentobler2016-10-11 09:25 PM
11007Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDeleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other software packagesMarco Hugentobler2016-10-07 02:49 AM
15116Bug reportClosedNormalBad interpretation of CircularString representing full circleMarco Hugentobler2016-06-27 07:15 AM
4124Feature requestClosedNormalAdd support for wfs 1.1.0Marco Hugentobler2016-06-07 02:18 AM
7258Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionGetFeatureInfo request with a FILTER doesn't find anythingMarco Hugentobler2016-01-31 10:10 AM
13893Bug reportClosedNormalShort arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circles to mapMarco Hugentobler2015-12-22 02:39 AM
3466Bug reportClosedLowExtremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.Marco Hugentobler2015-12-20 11:06 AM
3991Bug reportClosedNormalWFS 1.1 data is not displayedMarco Hugentobler2015-12-20 08:25 AM
4473Bug reportClosedNormalForm annotations broken in master and 1.7.1Marco Hugentobler2015-12-20 03:25 AM
4525Bug reportClosedNormalComposer map rotation / itemsMarco Hugentobler2015-12-20 03:24 AM
6269Feature requestClosedNormalBetter tokens for text replacement in Print Composer labelsMarco Hugentobler2015-12-14 01:12 PM
3728Feature requestClosedLowWFS with Filter EncodingMarco Hugentobler2015-11-20 07:25 AM
3305Bug reportClosedLowlat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?Marco Hugentobler2015-11-19 05:06 AM
2841Feature requestClosedLowMore options for chart decorationsMarco Hugentobler2015-11-18 06:41 AM
13317Bug reportClosedNormalCreate circular string enabled for point layersMarco Hugentobler2015-09-29 12:37 AM
13276Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionnode tool regressions and issuesMarco Hugentobler2015-09-29 12:03 AM
13275Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionrubberband when using node tool on point layerMarco Hugentobler2015-09-10 01:21 AM
13257Bug reportClosedHighright click should cancel the node toolMarco Hugentobler2015-09-10 01:19 AM

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