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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17777QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalText goes over itself in text areas on display that has different display scaling than the main display.2019-03-09 04:34 PM
21654QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash after geometry check2019-04-06 02:16 PM
21792QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when creating mapset2019-04-10 05:38 PM
21802QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalOverwrite of layer within Geopackage does not trigger updates/cleanups/maintenance as it should2019-04-10 06:12 PM
19091QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalv.vect.stats creates cat & cat_ then fails2019-05-23 06:46 AM
21621QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed Windows when close qis2019-03-20 06:47 PM
21660QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalBoth IDW interpolation and clip raster with mask indicate 100% complete, but hangs forever2019-05-22 07:17 PM
21585QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes if unsaved edits (with attribute modifications via plugin) are discarded while closing2019-03-14 03:41 PM
22015QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalCrash on export image2019-05-09 12:50 PM
22021QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalGeoReferencer crash2019-05-09 12:46 PM
21809QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalwhen pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key do not have the values pasted2019-04-11 11:15 PM
22027QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
22031QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighv.clean UnicodeDecodeError when special character (German Umlaute) in path2019-05-09 12:42 PM
22030QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalError importing cover from Geoserver WFS service2019-05-09 12:38 PM
22129QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes when opening a new project2019-05-24 02:37 AM
22014QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed2019-05-09 09:18 AM
21898QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work2019-04-23 03:31 PM
21563QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalbuggy profile results in two instances starting2019-04-11 04:20 PM
21886QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS Crashes on exit2019-04-19 10:19 AM
21562QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalopening filesystem dialogs very slow on MacOS2019-03-31 10:28 PM
21935QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighClear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration causes crash2019-05-02 01:22 PM
21930QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters2019-05-01 05:46 PM
22049QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPersistent crashes when editing nodes2019-05-23 11:20 PM
17696QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormal[globe plugin] build failure with recent osgearth (FeatureQueryTool removal)Pirmin Kalberer2019-03-11 02:15 PM
21999QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash on update pg layer (postgis)2019-05-07 09:39 AM
22003QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalAlmost Instant Crash2019-05-07 06:45 PM
21831QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-11 04:16 PM
21837QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements2019-04-12 10:30 PM
21819QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalgdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.182019-04-18 02:02 PM
21806QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashes after panning the map canvas2019-04-10 05:20 PM
22084QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalTool Icons disappear from menu2019-05-18 12:25 PM
21851QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashed in add field text2019-04-16 12:50 AM
22090QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalDialog when removing not available layers2019-05-17 07:44 PM
21844QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalI get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in QGIS 3.4.62019-05-06 01:09 PM
21948QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashing while using Advanced Digitizing with snapping enabled2019-05-01 06:08 PM
21995QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPlugin Crash / FragScape2019-05-04 09:37 AM
21841QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-18 01:08 PM
21834QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalSplit feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that2019-04-11 11:28 PM
22091QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
21965QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalDifferent length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.42019-05-02 10:06 AM
22133QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalform not loaded properly from qml file2019-05-23 07:32 PM
21975QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalpython support not enabled after install2019-05-02 02:12 PM
22132QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalSlow Vector Layer Line Rendering Speed2019-05-23 07:26 PM
21812QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalCopy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken2019-04-10 09:34 PM
20873QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Server 3.4 broken on Windows2019-05-03 11:43 AM
18799QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash on exit from qgis 3.0.22019-04-10 04:30 PM
21954QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalchange data source and style gets overridden2019-04-30 09:21 AM
21771QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalmap freezes after add via "Add PostGIS Layers"2019-04-07 07:17 PM
20018QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalServer and desktop too slow with Postgis views2019-05-23 08:59 PM
21850QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS crashed after abort a plugin process2019-04-16 12:49 AM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 64 (101-150/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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