Bug report #3426

WFS attribute table is missing most of the data

Added by tybion - over 13 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Assignee:Even Rouault
Category:Web Services clients/WFS
Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:13486


To observe problem -
1. Create WFS layer with URL - http://ogi.state.ok.us/geoserver/wfs (502)
2. Read layer ogi:doq_centroids (about 5,048 points)
3. After points have appeared on the screen, open the Attribute Table
4. Look at row where gid=1 - only gid, tot_q_sqmi and usgs_qd_id have data - all other fields are blank

If I download the WFS as a file, the data for gid=1 is as follows.
ie. many of the fields have data.

 <ogi:doq_centroids fid="doq_centroids.nfm-374592a4_12d9b67bb06_-e80">
    <gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326">
      <gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-103.03125032,36.96874905 -103.03125032,36.96874905</gml:coordinates>
  <ogi:sdsm_id   >1</ogi:sdsm_id   >
  <ogi:area      >0.016000</ogi:area      >
  <ogi:perimeter >0.500000</ogi:perimeter >
  <ogi:q_24ks_   >1878</ogi:q_24ks_   >
  <ogi:q_24ks_id >31191</ogi:q_24ks_id >
  <ogi:quad_name >Goodson School</ogi:quad_name >
  <ogi:map_edit  >1</ogi:map_edit  >
  <ogi:st_fips1  >35</ogi:st_fips1  >
  <ogi:st_name1  >New Mexico</ogi:st_name1  >
  <ogi:st1_sq_mi >58</ogi:st1_sq_mi >
  <ogi:st_fips2  >8</ogi:st_fips2  >
  <ogi:st_name2  >Colorado</ogi:st_name2  >
  <ogi:st2_sq_mi >1</ogi:st2_sq_mi >
  <ogi:st_fips3  >40</ogi:st_fips3  >
  <ogi:st_name3  >Oklahoma</ogi:st_name3  >
  <ogi:st3_sq_mi >1</ogi:st3_sq_mi >
  <ogi:st_fips4  >0</ogi:st_fips4  >
  <ogi:st4_sq_mi >0</ogi:st4_sq_mi >
  <ogi:date_pub  >75</ogi:date_pub  >
  <ogi:urlcode   >36103/36103h11</ogi:urlcode   >
  <ogi:file_loc  >36103\\36103h11.bil</ogi:file_loc  >
  <ogi:mrsidurl  >36103/mrsid/36103h11</ogi:mrsidurl  >
  <ogi:utmdrgurl >36103/data/o36103h1</ogi:utmdrgurl >
  <ogi:albdrgurl >36103/al36103H1</ogi:albdrgurl >
  <ogi:utmzone   >13</ogi:utmzone   >
  <ogi:centerx   >-103.031250</ogi:centerx   >
  <ogi:centery   >36.968750</ogi:centery   >
    <gml:Point srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326">
      <gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-103.03125032,36.96874905</gml:coordinates>

Associated revisions

Revision e5f7cdcb
Added by Even Rouault almost 8 years ago

[WFS provider] Be robust to field names ending with spaces in DescribeFeatureType

Fixes #3426

Revision fb50a3e3
Added by Even Rouault almost 8 years ago

[WFS provider] Be robust to field names ending with spaces in DescribeFeatureType

Fixes #3426

Revision 5cd7efac
Added by Even Rouault almost 8 years ago

[WFS provider] Be robust to field names ending with spaces in DescribeFeatureType

Fixes #3426


#1 Updated by dr - over 13 years ago

Confirm. I think this problem because your xml tags contains many spaces, eg: <ogi:area >0.016000</ogi:area > (see source code of XML answer). Tags without spaces shows correctly in attribute table.

#2 Updated by tybion - over 13 years ago

Thanks, DR.

Good work.
This GML comes straight out of Geoserver, but there must be something weird in the PostGIS table. Will ask the provider to check it out.

Regards, Tybion

#3 Updated by dr - over 13 years ago

It will be so useful if wfs provider could remove whitespace from the start and end of the tag name.

#4 Updated by dr - over 13 years ago

... or works with such tags correctly (shows in attribute table).

#5 Updated by tybion - over 13 years ago

Regarding '.. or works with such tags correctly (shows in attribute table)'

Should Quantum be able to -
1. handle spaces in XML
2. report that the XML is incorrectly formatted

Isn't it a bug that Quantum does not at least tell the user that there is a problem with the XML?

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 1.7.0 to Version 1.7.4

#7 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 12 years ago

  • Crashes QGIS or corrupts data set to No
  • Affected QGIS version set to master
  • Target version changed from Version 1.7.4 to Version 1.8.0

#8 Updated by Paolo Cavallini almost 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 1.8.0 to Version 2.0.0

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 12 years ago

  • Category changed from Web Services clients/WMS to Web Services clients/WFS
  • Status info deleted (0)
  • Pull Request or Patch supplied set to No

#10 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.0.0 to Future Release - Lower Priority

#11 Updated by Even Rouault almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

#12 Updated by Even Rouault almost 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Marco Hugentobler to Even Rouault
  • Target version changed from Future Release - Lower Priority to Version 2.16

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