Bug report #10932

qgis not parsing pg_service.conf properly

Added by Gavin Fleming about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Affected QGIS version:2.4.0 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:19290


I have set up .pg_service.conf for several users on a network. It is working fine on Linux clients and some Windows clients.

But on several Windows clients I get the attached error when connecting to the service.

On these machines the same connection works fine in QGIS browser but gives this error in QGIS desktop. I have experimented with unix vs windows line endings and different string quotes for the parameters but QGIS seems to add a space to one or more of the parameters no matter what I try.

QGIS 2.4 in all cases.

pgservice_error.png (6.54 KB) Gavin Fleming, 2014-07-23 05:41 AM

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#1 Updated by Tim Sutton about 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jürgen Fischer

#2 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 10 years ago

  • Category changed from Data Provider to Data Provider/PostGIS
  • Resolution set to up/downstream
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

qgis isn't parsing .pg_service.conf, but libpq does. So this might be a packing problem in osgeo4w

#3 Updated by Gavin Fleming about 10 years ago

  • Category changed from Data Provider/PostGIS to Data Provider
  • Resolution deleted (up/downstream)
  • Assignee deleted (Jürgen Fischer)

how do you account for it working in qgis browser but not in qgis desktop using the same osgeo4w install on the same machine?

#4 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 10 years ago

The blank in "gis " was a hint. libpq apparently expects the file to have unix style line endings (ie. only LF instead of CRLF).

#5 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 7 years ago

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