

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3457Feature requestOpenLowConnect to WMS service should provide STOP/Cancel buttonMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3683Feature requestOpenLowComposer legend items inherit label font settingsMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:42 AM
4924Feature requestFeedbackNormalJoin attributes - add the option of creating a shapefile with matching attributes onlyMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
6275Feature requestOpenNormalWMS GetLegendGraphic should respect the requested WIDTHMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6707Feature requestOpenNormal"Save as" - Allow to specify field names when they need to be shortenedMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:48 AM
12430Feature requestOpenNormalGetFeatureInfo with INFO_FORMAT=text/html should only send HTML maptip content when enabledMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:47 AM
2241Feature requestOpenLow"Node tool" should remember last feature which it was used on after switching to other tools and returningMartin Dobias2017-05-01 11:59 AM
3200Feature requestOpenNormalFeature cacheMartin Dobias2017-05-01 12:50 AM
10453Feature requestOpenNormalEnable Incremental rendering of WMT-S tiles onto map canvasMartin Dobias2017-05-01 12:47 AM
17559Feature requestOpenNormalQGIS 3D view - WMTS layers slow to loadMartin Dobias2017-11-26 07:15 PM
9471Feature requestOpenNormalattribute table isn't refreshed after saveMatthias Kuhn2017-09-22 10:07 AM
10845Feature requestOpenNormalImprove Snapping OptionsMatthias Kuhn2017-12-21 09:28 AM
14911Feature requestOpenNormalRelations dialog misses 'Edit Relation' buttonMatthias Kuhn2017-05-01 12:46 AM
17829Feature requestIn ProgressNormal[Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style of a layerMatthias Kuhn2018-01-10 01:52 PM
21167Feature requestOpenNormalmake relations show up in Identify ResultsMatthias Kuhn2019-02-05 05:24 AM
21892Feature requestOpenNormalDefault value for empty JoinMatthias Kuhn2019-04-21 12:52 PM
3619Feature requestOpenLow[FEATURE] Extended tooltips for tool barsNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4080Feature requestOpenNormalHtml formatted labelsNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4815Feature requestOpenNormalApply expression builder to raster calculatorNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:50 AM
6247Feature requestOpenLowExternal HTML img maptipsNathan Woodrow2017-09-22 10:07 AM
6858Feature requestOpenNormalreplace the vector query builder with the new expression builderNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7564Feature requestOpenNormalautoload form when stored with .shpNathan Woodrow2017-09-22 10:06 AM
7919Feature requestOpenNormalExpose invert selection as a map toolNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:48 AM
9287Feature requestOpenNormalLive linked layer stylesNathan Woodrow2017-09-22 10:07 AM
10158Feature requestOpenNormalthe identity result panel should be init'ed upon qgis launchNathan Woodrow2017-09-22 10:07 AM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 73 (51-75/1819) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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