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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17934Bug reportFeedbackNormalrepository files modified by `make check`Sandro Santilli2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17593Bug reportClosedHighPostgreSQL and virtual fields: can add virtual fields but cannot remove themSandro Santilli2018-02-22 11:45 AM
17681Bug reportClosedHighNegative values for age in expressionsSandro Santilli2018-02-22 11:42 AM
17722Bug reportClosedNormalASSERT: "expression4.hasEvalError()"Sandro Santilli2017-12-31 11:30 AM
16473Bug reportClosedHighVirtual layer: QGIS crashes when testing a wrong expressionSandro Santilli2017-12-05 07:50 PM
15566Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCrash when clicking on magnifier spinboxSandro Santilli2017-09-22 09:55 AM
15698Bug reportClosedLow[Processing] Import Vector into PostGIS database doesn't work with file geodatabaseSandro Santilli2017-09-07 05:45 PM
16722Bug reportClosedNormalWrong result for curveToLine with max angle 70 on a semicircleSandro Santilli2017-08-25 11:06 PM
16717Bug reportClosedNormalcurveToLine introduces duplicated pointsSandro Santilli2017-08-25 11:06 PM
16833Bug reportClosedHighUnicode character in query in db_manager makes appear a never ending hourglassSandro Santilli2017-07-19 10:17 PM
15188Bug reportClosedLowImporting .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)Sandro Santilli2017-07-11 12:17 AM
16626Bug reportClosedNormalDBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connectionsSandro Santilli2017-06-02 05:39 PM
16625Bug reportClosedHighDBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connectionSandro Santilli2017-06-02 04:49 PM
10600Bug reportClosedNormaldb_manager is unable to load rasters from connections with no dbname specifiedSandro Santilli2017-05-26 01:39 PM
15463Bug reportClosedHighLayer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16Sandro Santilli2017-05-26 01:24 PM
13952Bug reportClosedLowQGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomlySandro Santilli2017-05-19 09:13 AM
15507Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4Sandro Santilli2017-05-16 06:32 PM
12179Feature requestOpenNormalMap rotation: more userfriendly interactive rotation toolSandro Santilli2017-05-01 12:47 AM
15487Bug reportClosedNormal"Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part" option brokenSandro Santilli2017-01-02 07:20 AM
13760Bug reportClosedNormalOGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax Sandro Santilli2017-01-02 06:29 AM
13635Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiondifferent handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master versionSandro Santilli2016-10-18 03:16 AM
15719Bug reportClosedNormalobject of type 'NoneType' has no len()Sandro Santilli2016-10-18 02:44 AM
15226Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPrimary key issue when copying a table by Drag&DropSandro Santilli2016-10-14 01:02 AM
11371Bug reportClosedHighMap Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crashSandro Santilli2016-06-18 12:19 AM
14976Bug reportClosedNormalrepository files modified by "make check"Sandro Santilli2016-06-16 09:27 AM

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