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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
22123QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormaltest 12019-05-22 02:50 PM
4508QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormaluser image is missing from planet pagesTim Sutton2012-10-05 08:26 AM
10713QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportFeedbackNormalPlugin name sort order is case-sensitive2016-02-08 12:35 AM
4879QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportReopenedNormalPlanet not updated2016-01-30 12:55 PM
14913QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalFresh plugin includes obsolete stuff2016-05-27 10:49 PM
6478QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd user comments2016-01-31 11:40 PM
6617QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalPlugin licence2012-11-03 10:58 PM
20125QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportFeedbackNormalDIGITIZING TOOLS PLUGIN2019-02-02 08:26 AM
23QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowAdd an option "Create a bugtracker"2016-01-22 12:21 AM
3986QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowSupport for presenting index.html info about plugins2012-10-05 08:11 AM
21715QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowAdd "Requirements" as optional field in metadata.txt2019-04-01 01:39 AM
16479QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLow"None" results in plugin search results on Django site2019-03-11 03:51 PM
19806QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowWhen uploading a new plugin version with metadata changed, repo URL is not changed2018-09-10 02:13 PM
15652QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighAdd option for OGR data sources to be opened in read only modeEven Rouault2019-04-17 11:03 PM
13465QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighIdentify Results panel : clicking on "Clear results" should close all feature attribute's form2017-05-01 12:46 AM
13283QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackHighRelative paths to files and photos2017-05-01 12:46 AM
7581QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighraster calculator really needs support for conditional statements (to allow reclassify rasters)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
12058QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighFunction Editor in Expression widget : a button to delete a useless functionNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:47 AM
11888QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighWarn the user when OGR "stretched" the column width to accommodate values2017-05-01 12:47 AM
16096QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighQGIS Server proxy settings2018-11-28 11:26 PM
6255QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackHighAdd button to force recalculating stats of raster layers2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7706QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighGeometry constructors (EWKT/EWKB)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7235QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighAdd option to avoid users producing invalid topologies while digitising2017-05-01 12:48 AM
16315QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighProper Mask Functionality 2017-05-19 03:51 PM
7145QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighShow layer groups in "identifiable layers" and "snapping options" panels2017-05-01 12:48 AM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 127 (51-75/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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