Feature request #9083

Make contextmenus context aware

Added by Noone Noone almost 11 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:17728


In #9072 I refer to some problems in UI design. As the team wished more specific suggestions, I like to discuss on how the QGIS contextmenus might be improved.

Currently the contextmenues are filled with a lot of stuff, that doesn't look (to me) well ordered and sometimes mix the context. Thus I suggest:
  • contextmenus should be limited to features that correspond to the current clicked object-type context (layer, style, object at workspace)
  • contextmenus should reflect the usual system UI design guide ordering (copy, paste, select, ...)
  • in contextmenu use seperators to group sets of tools
  • menu entries should explain what objects they refer to

This results in the new ordered layer contextmenu:

copy layer
paste layer
remove layer
Open Attribute table...
Filter ...
Set Layer CRS
Set Project CRS from layer (? is this copy CRS? then better implement a 'paste layer properties' feature where the user can select what should be overwritten by the pasted layer)
-- (maybe the following section would be better as buttons in the layer window?)
zoom to layer extend
show in overview (maybe better move to layer properties?)
show feature count
expand all 
collapse all
-- (maybe the following section better as mainmenu entries or contextmenu in the map workspace?)
Save as...
Save selection as...

Please note, that I skipped some entries and some I move to different contextmenus

So the style contextmenu looks now like this:

copy style
paste style
rename style
add new group
update drawing order

IMHO it's wise to add a contextmenu to the map workspace that have a stronger visual link to the following aspects:
  • selection (on current layer)
  • data objects at mouse cursor (just on current layer or at all visible layers?)

I would be interested on see other opinions and from the devs on that aspect of usability.

qgis_layer.png (36.8 KB) Noone Noone, 2013-11-19 03:31 AM

qgis_style.png (17 KB) Noone Noone, 2013-11-19 03:31 AM


#1 Updated by Richard Duivenvoorde almost 11 years ago


I think we should maybe start some UI design group which could have a look into this kind of things, and formulate and prioritize clear tasks for interested developers

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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