Bug report #7159
PostGIS geometry columns with parens in field name not supported
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Data Provider/PostGIS | ||
Affected QGIS version: | master | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 16216 |
I've a table with a geometry field named "A+(B-a)" but qgis refuses to open it with the message:
dbname='strk' port=5432 key='edge_id' srid=0 type=POLYGON table="strk"."marcobug" (A+(B-A)) sql= is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.
This is as of 314d144
Associated revisions
quote closing parens within column names (fixes #7159)
Updated by Sandro Santilli about 12 years ago
The problem persists with current master (c036e7e)
Updated by Sandro Santilli about 12 years ago
Console log shows:
ERROR: column "A+(B-A" of relation "marcobug" does not exist
The first bogus trace in the logs I see is here:
Debug: src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp: 58: (QgsPostgresProvider) URI: dbname='strk' port=5432 key='edge_id' srid=0 type=POLYGON table="strk"."marcobug" (A+(B-A) sql=
Updated by Sandro Santilli about 12 years ago
At time of
emit addDatabaseLayers( mSelectedTables, "postgres" );
The mSelectedTables
correctly contains the field name.
What handles that QStringArray
before it gets to QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider( QString const & uri )
where it is found to be already corrupted ?
Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Fixed in changeset b630692c747bb102ae8e1cc549b4aaa92a0c7447.