Bug report #20867

QGIS 3.4.2 - Extension disabled because it caused QGIS to crash

Added by Fabien Wl about 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Category:Python plugins
Affected QGIS version:3.4.2 Regression?:Yes
Operating System:Windows 8.1 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:up/downstream
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:Yes Copied to github as #:28686


Hello, I just freshly installed the new QGIS 3.4.2 but I encountered an error with the "go2streetview" plugin.
When I activate this plugin I have a Window pop-up error which states:

"This Windows version (6.3.9600) does not support the required Bluetooth API. Consider updating to a more recent Windows (10.0.10586 or above)"

It seems that this issue is related to a pyQT5 version.. (see related issue here:https://github.com/winpython/winpython/issues/592)

I opened an error on the bugtracker page of the plugin (https://github.com/enricofer/go2streetview/issues/41)
but a developper stated that this issue should be fixed ultimately in QGIS or the pyQT dependency and recommended to open an issue here

Thanks for your help

PS: everything runs fine with this extension in QGIS 3.2.3


#1 Updated by Alexander Bruy about 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to up/downstream
  • Status changed from Open to Rejected

Please file bugreport in the plugin bugtracker, as QGIS itself does not requires Bluetooth. Seems that in the plugin code there is a incorrect import.

#2 Updated by Jan Lippmann almost 6 years ago

I can confirm the issue with QGIS 3.4.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2: 6.3 Build 9600.

When i try to activate my own plugin...qgis crash/close without report. Only a Window Dialog "This Windows version (6.3.9600) does not support the required Bluetooth API. Consider updating to a more recent Windows (10.0.10586 or above)" do appear.

In my case was the problem:

from PyQt5.Qt import *

After delete this import line, everything works.

#3 Updated by Jan Lippmann almost 6 years ago

BTW: The subject of this issue is not optimal...

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