Bug report #19992

Select tool switch on Pan tool

Added by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Category:Map Tools
Affected QGIS version:3.2.3 Regression?:Yes
Operating System:Windows 7 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:27814


Hi all,
I noticed that:
when I switch from the active layer to another in TOC,
the "Select tool" I've previously choosed,
It switch automatically to "Pan tool" (hand tool),
this is a useless waste of time for those who need to select geometries from different layers.
Please go back to the old hold tool mode

best regards


plugin.png (104 KB) Antonio Viscomi, 2018-10-02 11:39 AM

plugin_installed.png (75.9 KB) Antonio Viscomi, 2018-10-04 09:48 AM

bug_select tool.wmv (1.66 MB) Antonio Viscomi, 2018-10-04 09:57 AM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Category changed from Editing to Map Tools
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Cannot confirm here on master/linux.

#2 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

Cannot confirm here on master/linux.

I confirm this bug also in master 80723e89fd on Windows 7

On Windows 10 there isn't this bug both in 3.2.3 as in Master also
on debian stretch it works fine on 3.2.3 stable

#3 Updated by Nyall Dawson over 6 years ago

Perhaps it's plugin related?

#4 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Nyall Dawson wrote:

Perhaps it's plugin related?

which plugin could it affect hold of native core tool?

#5 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

Nyall Dawson wrote:

Perhaps it's plugin related?

which plugin could it affect hold of native core tool?

I attached here a screenshot with all the pluin I've installed...
I also tried to delete the plugin folder from qgis and restart it... the anomaly it still present

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

I attached here a screenshot with all the pluin I've installed...

the fact that you have "gdal tools" in the plugin list for QGIS 3 does not seems right.

I also tried to delete the plugin folder from qgis and restart it... the anomaly it still present

what folder (specify the path) have you deleted? have you tested creating a new profile in qgis3, restart qgis and try again?

#7 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

I attached here a screenshot with all the pluin I've installed...

the fact that you have "gdal tools" in the plugin list for QGIS 3 does not seems right.

I also tried to delete the plugin folder from qgis and restart it... the anomaly it still present

what folder (specify the path) have you deleted? have you tested creating a new profile in qgis3, restart qgis and try again?

My Profile was corrupted with a new profile all works fine
many thanks

#8 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to invalid

#9 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Hi Giovanni,
today I've start to work with a new clean profile
-I've reinstalled the plugins approved and tested by you... (listed in the attacched screenshot)
-when I switch selection of active layer in TOC with select tool previously choosed the result is:

-the result is that the "select tool" switches on "pan tool" again

I hope you can consider to investigate which of this plugin acts on core interface giving birth to this Bug

on screenshot it is clear that my new profile is "prova" (with plugins added) as well as "project.qgz" attached in #19996 Issue

many thanks in advance

#10 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

Hi Giovanni,
today I've start to work with a new clean profile
-I've reinstalled the plugins approved and tested by you... (listed in the attacched screenshot)
-when I switch selection of active layer in TOC with select tool previously choosed the result is:

-the result is that the "select tool" switches on "pan tool" again

I hope you can consider to investigate which of this plugin acts on core interface giving birth to this Bug
screencast of bug
on screenshot it is clear that my new profile is "prova" (with plugins added) as well as "project.qgz" attached in #19996 Issue

many thanks in advance

#11 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

today I've start to work with a new clean profile
-I've reinstalled the plugins approved and tested by you... (listed in the attacched screenshot)
-when I switch selection of active layer in TOC with select tool previously choosed the result is:

I (we QGIS) don't test any 3rd party plugin (or audit the code). The approval is only regarding the respect of some minimal condition (code repository and bug tracker available, etc.).

I hope you can consider to investigate which of this plugin acts on core interface giving birth to this Bug
screencast of bug

I suggest you to install the 3rd party plugins you use one by one, and after each one see what is the one that causes the problem, then let the author(s) know about the issue.


#12 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

today I've start to work with a new clean profile
-I've reinstalled the plugins approved and tested by you... (listed in the attacched screenshot)
-when I switch selection of active layer in TOC with select tool previously choosed the result is:

I (we QGIS) don't test any 3rd party plugin (or audit the code). The approval is only regarding the respect of some minimal condition (code repository and bug tracker available, etc.).

I hope you can consider to investigate which of this plugin acts on core interface giving birth to this Bug
screencast of bug

I suggest you to install the 3rd party plugins you use one by one, and after each one see what is the one that causes the problem, then let the author(s) know about the issue.


great answer!!!!
I congratulate you!
I'm not a developer and I spend my time uselessly

thanks for huge backward sstep you are having this software done

sorry for my tracking

I suggest to you to test third parts plugin first before publishing them in the repository

Have a good day

#13 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened

dear Giovanni Manghi,
users, usually report and developers investigate problems...
you will never grow going like this

nobody forced you to be a developer

#14 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

dear Giovanni Manghi,
users, usually report and developers investigate problems...
you will never grow going like this

nobody forced you to be a developer

issues caused by 3rd party plugins are not a QGIS problem (this is the rationale has always been followed). Also I'm personally not a developer. I'm more a tester, and in the context of the QGIS bug tracker I help keeping this platform as clean as possible, in a way that effectively only QGIS issues (so not issues caused by external plugins, or issues depending on specific local conditions) are tracked helping developers focus on real QGIS problems.

#15 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

dear Giovanni Manghi,
users, usually report and developers investigate problems...
you will never grow going like this

nobody forced you to be a developer

issues caused by 3rd party plugins are not a QGIS problem (this is the rationale has always been followed). Also I'm personally not a developer. I'm more a tester, and in the context of the QGIS bug tracker I help keeping this platform as clean as possible, in a way that effectively only QGIS issues (so not issues caused by external plugins, or issues depending on specific local conditions) are tracked helping developers focus on real QGIS problems.

in my humble opinion anything acting on the main interface abnormally even if it or is not a direct problem of the software
becomes it when the software does not respond as it should

#16 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

Antonio Viscomi wrote:

dear Giovanni Manghi,
users, usually report and developers investigate problems...
you will never grow going like this

nobody forced you to be a developer

the plugin that causes this anomaly is "Advanced Line Editor"


issues caused by 3rd party plugins are not a QGIS problem (this is the rationale has always been followed). Also I'm personally not a developer. I'm more a tester, and in the context of the QGIS bug tracker I help keeping this platform as clean as possible, in a way that effectively only QGIS issues (so not issues caused by external plugins, or issues depending on specific local conditions) are tracked helping developers focus on real QGIS problems.

in my humble opinion anything acting on the main interface abnormally even if it or is not a direct problem of the software
becomes it when the software does not respond as it should

#17 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

in my humble opinion anything acting on the main interface abnormally even if it or is not a direct problem of the software
becomes it when the software does not respond as it should

I (we) respect your opinion. It is just that the project has a different one: 3rd party plugins are super important but ultimately if they mess up QGIS this is not a QGIS problem (example: a LOT of tickets about QGIS crashes are reported here, many of those crashes are caused by 3rd party plugins and we always close such tickets as invalid).

#18 Updated by Antonio Viscomi over 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

in my humble opinion anything acting on the main interface abnormally even if it or is not a direct problem of the software
becomes it when the software does not respond as it should

I (we) respect your opinion. It is just that the project has a different one: 3rd party plugins are super important but ultimately if they mess up QGIS this is not a QGIS problem (example: a LOT of tickets about QGIS crashes are reported here, many of those crashes are caused by 3rd party plugins and we always close such tickets as invalid).

Thanks for the explanation but I do not think it's right to delegate to end-users the burden of communicating with third-party developers

best regards ;)

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