Bug report #19419

QGIS 3.2 crashes when preparing a QSqlQuery with PyQGIS

Added by Jochen Schwarze about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Assignee:Jürgen Fischer
Affected QGIS version:3.2 Regression?:No
Operating System:Win10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:Yes Copied to github as #:27247


I created a simple test spatialite db (cp. attached screeshot) and try to query it from PyQGIS using QSqlDatabase / QSqlQuery classes.
The following done on the python console works fine:

from PyQt5.QtSql import *
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSPATIALITE')
q = QSqlQuery(db)

But when trying to prepare the query like q.prepare('SELECT * FROM test') QGIS crashes.

User Feedback

Report Details

Crash ID: 63da86ddcb0c96ee912d9d8b7f0158abc9388167

Stack Trace

QSqlCachedResult::detachFromResultSet :
PyCFunction_FastCallDict :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyErr_Occurred :
PyEval_EvalCode :
PyDict_SetItemId :
PyDict_SetItemId :
PyCFunction_FastCallDict :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyErr_Occurred :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyErr_Occurred :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyObject_GenericGetAttr :
PyEval_EvalFrameDefault :
PyFunction_FastCallDict :
PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs :
PyObject_Call :
PyInit_sip :
PyInit_Qsci :
QWidget::event :
QFrame::event :
QAbstractScrollArea::event :
PyInit_Qsci :
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper :
QApplication::notify :
QgsApplication::notify :
QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 :
QSizePolicy::QSizePolicy :
QSizePolicy::QSizePolicy :
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper :
QApplication::notify :
QgsApplication::notify :
QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 :
QGuiApplicationPrivate::processKeyEvent :
QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents :
QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents :
CallWindowProcW :
DispatchMessageW :
QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents :
qt_plugin_query_metadata :
QEventLoop::exec :
QCoreApplication::exec :
main :
BaseThreadInitThunk :
RtlUserThreadStart :

QGIS Version: 3.2.0-Bonn
QGIS code revision: bc43194061
Compiled against Qt: 5.9.2
Running against Qt: 5.9.2
Compiled against GDAL: 2.2.4
Running against GDAL: 2.2.4

System Info
CPU Type: x86_64
Kernel Type: winnt
Kernel Version: 10.0.17134

create_test_spatialite.jpg - steps to reproduce test spatialite db (124 KB) Jochen Schwarze, 2018-07-15 01:27 PM

Associated revisions

Revision 6551913a
Added by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago

qspatialite: 'update' qt5 port (fixes #19419)

Revision 028a8bee
Added by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago

qspatialite: 'update' qt5 port (fixes #19419)

(backport 6551913a, c7e914cd, 1201df57 & 67e846e3)


#1 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jürgen Fischer

#2 Updated by Jochen Schwarze about 6 years ago

seems to work at first sight when using QSQLITE driver instead of QSPATIALITE but this does of course not work when geometry involved in queries:

>>>db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSPATIALITE')
q = QSqlQuery('select some_int, geometry from test', db)
>>>while q.next():
>>>... print(q.value(0), q.value(1))
'no such table: test Unable to execute statement'

#3 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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