Feature request #1694

New Geologic symbology SVGs for including with distributions

Added by matter - almost 16 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Assignee:Tim Sutton
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:11754


To add to the qGIS symbology database:
Geology specific SVGs created using the US FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization
I'm posting them one at a time, because I am only working on them in my spare time, and I hope they will get included into the qGIS symbology bundle.

All are made with Inkscape and released into the public domain.

sm_horizontal_joint1.svg - Small, minor horizontal joint (1st option) Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. (4.72 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:27 AM

sm_horizontal_joint2.svg - Small, minor horizontal joint (2nd option) Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. (4.72 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:28 AM

sm_inclined_joint_SD1.svg - Small, minor inclined joint (1st option, RHR)—Showing strike and dip. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For symbols representing a single observation at one locality, point of (4.78 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:44 AM

sm_inclined_joint_SD2.svg - Small, minor inclined joint (2nd option, RHR)—Showing strike and dip. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For symbols representing a single observation at one locality, point of (4.85 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:45 AM

sm_vertical_joint1.svg - Small, minor minor vertical or near-vertical joint (1st option - RHR)—Showing strike. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For symbols representing a single observation at one loc (4.78 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:50 AM

sm_vertical_joint2.svg - Small, minor minor vertical or near-vertical joint (2nd option - RHR)—Showing strike. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For symbols representing a single observation at one loc (4.8 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 08:51 AM

sm_inclined_joint_SD1_multiple_R.svg - Small, minor inclined joint for multiple observations, dip direction to right (1st option)—Showing strike and dip. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For multiple observations a (5.18 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 09:31 AM

sm_inclined_joint_SD1_multiple_L.svg - Small, minor inclined joint for multiple observations, dip direction to the left (1st option)—Showing strike and dip. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For multiple observation (5.29 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 09:37 AM

sm_vertical_joint1_multiple.svg - Small, minor vertical or near-vertical joint, for multiple observations (1st option)—Showing strike. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For multiple observations at one locality (5.93 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 09:47 AM

sm_inclined_joint_SD2_multiple_R.svg - Small, minor inclined joint with multiple observations at one locality, dip direction to right (2nd option)—Showing strike and dip. Use to show small, minor joints that are observed in outcrop but that cannot be traced away from that outcrop. For multip (5.34 KB) matter -, 2009-05-13 10:52 AM

4.3.x_FGDC_Joints.zip - Complete set of Joint symbols (4.3.1-12) from the FGDC. PDF included. (70.2 KB) matter -, 2009-07-23 04:42 AM


#1 Updated by matter - almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to In Progress

Note that all directional symbols uploaded by me (matter) are right-hand-rule oriented; that is, the dip direction of the symbol is oriented 90° Clockwise of the azimuth.

#2 Updated by cgsbob - almost 16 years ago

Replying to matter:

To add to the qGIS symbology database:
Geology specific SVGs created using the US FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization
I'm posting them one at a time, because I am only working on them in my spare time, and I hope they will get included into the qGIS symbology bundle.

All are made with Inkscape and released into the public domain.

I'm interested in these symbols too. Can you tell me what is your workflow so that I can help?

Btw, I am cc'ing wonder_sk since he expressed an interest in these symbols.

#3 Updated by matter - over 15 years ago

I've actually just been going through the PDFs in the order they have there on their site; as you can see I started with the Joints. Whatever order or workflow people want do do them in is fine...

Please make sure that the symbols are rotated vertically so that the symbol would be facing 000AZ, that way we can exploit the QGIS rotate symbol feature based on strike directions in the shapefile etc.

I've also been doing all of mine Right Hand Rule, (Dip is clockwise from the strike) so continuing on that would be nice. Other than that- grab a couple of the symbols and use them as templates. The metadata on the symbols should match the descriptions I have above.

If you get any done, thanks for the help! I'm a working geologist, so when I get free time to do this kind of stuff is very much related to the ebb and flow of my work. Cheers!


#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 15 years ago


these symbols have been already added to qgis?

#5 Updated by matter - over 15 years ago

Replying to [comment:4 lutra]:


these symbols have been already added to qgis?

Not as far as I can tell - I'm running "pan" and the symbols have not been incorporated yet- but of course, the complete set hasn't been finished yet as I have not had much time lately. Updates to come soon.

#6 Updated by matter - over 15 years ago

Update: I just added the complete set of Joints (4.3.x) as a zip file. Since we are adding so many symbols, I may delete the individual files and just upload them in zip archives. Also, I don't know how to properly incorporate these into qGIS- as simply placing them under /usr/share/qgis/svg/ does not seem to do the trick. Does anybody have information about how to let qGIS find the files? Perhaps this is something that needs to be incorporated with the Symbology-NG plugin. Any thoughts?

#7 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 15 years ago

see also #746 (partial duplicate)

#8 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Open

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Users can now add new svg symbols by going in "options -> svg and rendering -> svg paths". I'll make an archive of this symbols and ask someone to make them available on the qgis site.

Also available in: Atom PDF