Bug report #1460

crash when closing project that has an open GRASS mapset

Added by Maciej Sieczka - about 16 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:All Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:11520


1. open a GRASS mapset

2. save a project

3. close mapset

4. start a new project - QGIS crashes because of "Uncatched fatal GRASS - MAPSET is not set"

Associated revisions

Revision c772a068
Added by Jürgen Fischer almost 16 years ago

fix #1460

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgis@10596 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c

Revision e59c8d5c
Added by Jürgen Fischer almost 16 years ago

fix #1460

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk@10596 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c


#1 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 16 years ago

not reproducable here.

#2 Updated by Maciej Sieczka - about 16 years ago

Replying to [comment:1 jef]:

not reproducable here.

Still reproducable here. Add step:

0. Load some map from the mapset you will open in step 1.

BTW - the error message in Polish locale has a corrupted char:

MAPSET nie został ustawiony

instead of:

MAPSET nie został ustawiony

#3 Updated by Paolo Cavallini almost 16 years ago

I confirm the bug:

Debug: current properties:
Debug: name: properties
Debug: key: <GRASS> subkey: <GRASS>
Debug: name: GRASS
Debug: key: <WorkingLocation> value: CEA_location
Debug: key: <WorkingGisdbase> value: /home/Documenti/datigrass/
Debug: key: <WorkingMapset> value: Cea_GRASS
Debug: key: <Gui> subkey: <Gui>
Debug: name: Gui
Debug: key: <SelectionColorBluePart> value: 0
Debug: key: <CanvasColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <SelectionColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <SelectionColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorBluePart> value: 255
Debug: key: <PositionPrecision> subkey: <PositionPrecision>
Debug: name: PositionPrecision
Debug: key: <DecimalPlaces> value: 2
Debug: key: <Automatic> value: true
Debug: there are 3 property scopes
Debug: current properties:
Debug: name: properties
Debug: key: <GRASS> subkey: <GRASS>
Debug: name: GRASS
Debug: key: <WorkingLocation> value:
Debug: key: <WorkingGisdbase> value:
Debug: key: <WorkingMapset> value:
Debug: key: <Gui> subkey: <Gui>
Debug: name: Gui
Debug: key: <SelectionColorBluePart> value: 0
Debug: key: <CanvasColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <SelectionColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <SelectionColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorBluePart> value: 255
Debug: key: <PositionPrecision> subkey: <PositionPrecision>
Debug: name: PositionPrecision
Debug: key: <DecimalPlaces> value: 2
Debug: key: <Automatic> value: true
Debug: there are 3 property scopes

#4 Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 16 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

fixed in /

#5 Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Milestone Version 1.0.2 deleted

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