Bug report #14110

Spatialite / DbManager - Error fetching indexes with recent sqlite version

Added by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Category:DB Manager
Affected QGIS version:2.12.2 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:Yes Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:22115


Some users reported a bug in DbManager. When you connect to a sqlite/spatialite database, and then click on one layer, the plugin tries to fetch information about the layer and its indexes.

The method "getTableIndexes" situated in line 371 of the file "db_manager/db_plugins/spatialite/connector.py"expects to get 3 fields from the sqlite method "PRAGMA index_list"

In recent version of SQLite, though, this method now returns 5 fields, for example

sqlite> pragma index_list(geo_parcelle);

This leads to a Python error :

File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/db_manager/db_plugins/spatialite/connector.py", line 371, in getTableIndexes
num, name, unique = idx
ValueError: too many values to unpack

A change has been made in sqlite code, see https://github.com/mackyle/sqlite/commit/efa3207797a6ff4eb6a514fad5c99cf67c056492

We need to backport a bug fix, if it is done in DbManager

Associated revisions

Revision bae86515
Added by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago

[bugfix][DbManager] 14110 - Error fetching layer indexes with recent sqlite version

Fixes #14110

The method `getTableIndexes`, situated in line 371 of the file `db_manager/db_plugins/spatialite/connector.py`,
expected to get 3 fields from the sqlite method `PRAGMA index_list` .
In recent versions of SQLite, since 3.8.9, though, this method now returns 5 fields.
This commit fixes this issue by checking the length of columns returned by the method.

Revision 472fa9bb
Added by Giuseppe Sucameli about 9 years ago

Merge pull request #2696 from mdouchin/debug_dbmanager_sqlite_layer_info

[bugfix][DbManager] Fix indexes fetch with sqlite >= v3.8.9 (fix #14110)

Revision ac77a34e
Added by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago

[bugfix][DbManager] 14110 - Error fetching layer indexes with recent sqlite version

Fixes #14110

The method `getTableIndexes`, situated in line 371 of the file `db_manager/db_plugins/spatialite/connector.py`,
expected to get 3 fields from the sqlite method `PRAGMA index_list` .
In recent versions of SQLite, since 3.8.9, though, this method now returns 5 fields.
This commit fixes this issue by checking the length of columns returned by the method.

Revision 1f77694c
Added by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago

[bugfix][DbManager] 14110 - Error fetching layer indexes with recent sqlite version

Fixes #14110

The method `getTableIndexes`, situated in line 371 of the file `db_manager/db_plugins/spatialite/connector.py`,
expected to get 3 fields from the sqlite method `PRAGMA index_list` .
In recent versions of SQLite, since 3.8.9, though, this method now returns 5 fields.
This commit fixes this issue by checking the length of columns returned by the method.


#1 Updated by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago

I have seen a commit had been added in sqlite to revert the columns number changed for index_info. I added a comment in this commit to ask the same revert for index_list : https://github.com/mackyle/sqlite/commit/53555d6da78e52a430b1884b5971fef33e9ccca4#commitcomment-15471730

#2 Updated by Michael Douchin about 9 years ago

  • Pull Request or Patch supplied changed from No to Yes

#3 Updated by Giuseppe Sucameli about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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