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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21575Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS doesn't work properly with WFS 2.0.0 combined with OGC HTTP URI srsName style (e.g. 11:32 AM
21574Bug reportFeedbackNormalcrash while trying to import a DWG into a geopackageJürgen Fischer2019-03-13 11:40 AM
21571Feature requestOpenNormalGDAL Warp (Reproject) tool: make the target CRS parameter optionalGiovanni Manghi2019-03-14 01:03 PM
21569Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA Error layerpath input with QGIS LTR 3.4.5 and QGIS 3.6Nyall Dawson2019-03-18 09:24 AM
21568Bug reportOpenNormalQgis from not installable on Ubuntu 18.042019-03-12 04:03 PM
21567Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS intersection reporting incorrect intersections & Unions2019-03-12 03:12 PM
21565Bug reportFeedbackNormalXMDF file type missing from Madiera 3.4.5Peter Petrik2019-03-21 07:32 AM
21564Feature requestFeedbackNormalsince 2.18 was deprecated, the latest Mac versions are unavailable2019-03-12 11:53 AM
21563Bug reportFeedbackNormalbuggy profile results in two instances starting2019-04-11 04:20 PM
21562Bug reportFeedbackNormalopening filesystem dialogs very slow on MacOS2019-03-31 10:28 PM
21561Bug reportFeedbackNormalRevert to old-style select method for mouse actions2019-03-15 06:06 PM
21558Feature requestOpenNormalAllow none/empty as possible values for Processing QgsProcessingParameterRange2019-03-19 09:55 AM
21556Bug reportClosedNormalBbox processing error with MSSQL2019-03-20 11:17 AM
21555Bug reportOpenNormalalgorithms extract by location or select by location no longer respect the deactivation of irrelevant operators.2019-03-11 11:52 AM
21554Bug reportClosedNormalquery as view works in 2.14 LTR and does not in 3.4.5 LTR2019-03-11 11:50 AM
21553Feature requestOpenNormalDefault Setting Label Rendering 2019-03-11 11:22 AM
21551Bug reportClosedNormalrunAndLoadResults does not work in QGIS 3.6Nyall Dawson2019-03-14 11:37 PM
21549Feature requestFeedbackNormalCustom dash on polygon stroke2019-03-11 11:42 AM
21548Bug reportClosedNormalError on install: in both python3-qgis and python3-qgis-common2019-03-18 09:49 PM
21547Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS crashed when use file browser2019-03-11 02:29 PM
21543Feature requestOpenNormalextend selectiion in table of attributes with "shift + Up Arrow" or "shift + page up/page down"2019-03-10 05:58 PM
21542Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot paste copied/cut features into temporary scratch layer (Ctrl+Alt+V) or new vector layer2019-03-15 06:17 PM
21541Bug reportOpenNormalPseudocolor renderer - discrete color ramp interpolation ignores specified Min/Max2019-03-10 05:55 PM
21540Feature requestClosedNormalCreate 3D Cross-sections2019-03-10 08:23 AM
21539Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Advanced Digitizing] 2019-03-12 03:15 PM

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