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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2992Feature requestClosedLow"file name" widget, QGIS on Windows hosts & actionsJürgen Fischer2011-12-13 05:36 AM
4251Feature requestClosedLow"keep base unit" option should affect "derived" identify results2016-02-27 04:19 PM
4988Feature requestClosedLow"merge selected features" and "merge attributes of selected features" have the same icon2014-06-12 02:27 AM
4699Feature requestOpenNormal"no data value" should accept multiple values2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5915Feature requestClosedNormal"rotation field" and "size scale field" missing from rules in rule based symbology2014-06-12 02:44 AM
15929Feature requestOpenNormal"save to" full layer recorded in order, but selection of features not in same order ?2017-09-22 09:56 AM
10422Feature requestClosedHigh"select by expression" dialog should be named with the layer name2014-06-02 11:53 PM
4123Feature requestClosedNormal"single symbol", "categorised" and "graduated" renderering should be removed as they are like subsets of "rule based" rendering2015-10-09 08:06 PM
6544Feature requestClosedNormal"vector -> analysis tools -> basic statistics", allow grouping results2017-05-01 01:22 AM
19978Feature requestOpenNormal'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing textJürgen Fischer2019-03-31 11:52 AM
12810Feature requestOpenNormal'Default setting of data-link-paths on program-level instead /in addition of on a project level2017-05-01 12:47 AM
14687Feature requestClosedNormal'Import into PostGIS' - encoding option missingVictor Olaya2016-05-25 01:48 PM
14889Feature requestClosedNormal'Import into PostGIS' misses 'Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part' optionVictor Olaya2016-05-27 01:24 AM
12418Feature requestOpenNormal'Layer Order' Dialog and New Layers2017-05-01 12:47 AM
13945Feature requestOpenLow'Mutually Exclusive Group' for categorized layers2017-09-22 10:07 AM
14905Feature requestOpenNormal'Processing Toolbox' - Add 'Save to virtual layer' option2017-09-22 10:05 AM
2765Feature requestClosedLow'Remove from style' button is absent, but 'Add to style' is present in new symbologynobody -2011-01-31 02:30 PM
5185Feature requestClosedLow'Select All' command in core2016-02-01 02:09 AM
14747Feature requestClosedNormal'Select features by freehand' should support single click2017-09-22 10:05 AM
3919Feature requestClosedLow'and' is undefined keyword in C++Gary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
364Feature requestClosedLow'better' SQL to return results faster from the sample button in the query builderGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:46 AM
4598Feature requestClosedNormal'save as' 'Save selection as vector file' dialog enhancement2012-02-02 01:19 PM
9039Feature requestClosedNormal(a) quick mode to edit table attributes2018-02-23 06:19 PM
4397Feature requestClosedNormal(fTools) Check Geometry Validity - Save error messages as new point layer2017-05-01 01:22 AM
1873Feature requestOpenLow*db.dropcol missing2018-02-24 03:57 PM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 175 (51-75/4358) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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