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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3356Bug reportClosedLowError when spatialite select statement returns only one fieldGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-19 07:15 PM
3340Bug reportClosedLowRaster clipper: shifted resultsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-04-13 03:31 PM
3332Bug reportClosedLowGdalTools: define extent for grid analysesGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-27 08:58 AM
3329Bug reportClosedLowError for postgres's provider when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schemaGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-15 03:37 PM
3254Bug reportClosedLowGdalTools - Managing render flag in batch toolsGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-08 04:54 PM
3180Bug reportClosedLowVRT files missing 2 lines for each layerGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-19 08:12 PM
3170Bug reportClosedLowmany GDAL Tools don't work in OS X standaloneGiuseppe Sucameli2011-12-09 08:43 AM
3151Feature requestClosedLowEnable "Source SRS" when SRS availableGiuseppe Sucameli2010-10-29 03:10 PM
3118Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools (warp): add support for ntv2 grid and +towgs84 transformationsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-08 11:35 AM
3100Bug reportClosedLowGDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 09:02 AM
3095Feature requestClosedLowGdal-tools: create virtual catalog with recurse scan of dirsGiuseppe Sucameli2010-12-21 07:26 PM
3092Bug reportClosedLowGdal Tools Merge tool fails to read extentsGiuseppe Sucameli2010-11-05 07:23 AM
3066Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools: clipping based on a shapefile maskGiuseppe Sucameli2011-04-15 10:58 AM
3064Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools: add gdaldem and other new GDAL toolsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-09-01 02:46 AM
3048Bug reportClosedLowSeg-fault on Debian Squeeze invoking any of GdalToolsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-04-09 02:09 AM
3041Feature requestClosedLowMake the GdalTools command window editableGiuseppe Sucameli2011-10-06 04:44 PM
3040Feature requestClosedLowLocal gdal man page clicking on GdalTools' Help buttonGiuseppe Sucameli2010-11-11 07:35 AM
2941Feature requestClosedLowGDALTools - Grid: allow for more control of the outputGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-14 01:51 AM
2932Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools: improve Build Overviews dialog by adding more options, and translatable Translate dialogGiuseppe Sucameli2010-08-18 03:30 AM
2930Feature requestClosedLowGdalTools: improve Translate dialog by adding more optionsGiuseppe Sucameli2010-08-06 09:45 AM
2914Feature requestClosedLowgdal tools: allow (in user interface) to choose for +towgs84 or +nadgrids parametersGiuseppe Sucameli2011-03-08 11:30 AM
2902Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes when using contour plug inGiuseppe Sucameli2010-07-25 06:57 AM
2901Bug reportClosedLowsave as image should remember last user's choiceGiuseppe Sucameli2010-07-24 11:38 PM
2810Bug reportClosedLowQgis Trunk (r13619M) crashes applying a a raster style (qml) to GRASS rasterGiuseppe Sucameli2011-04-15 12:47 PM
2808Feature requestClosedLowaccess wktraster using gdaltoolsGiuseppe Sucameli2011-12-23 01:12 PM

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