Bug report #15404

Updated by Nyall Dawson almost 6 years ago

A QGIS-Project, that runs smooth with QGIS 2.8.X (32 or 64bit) makes QGIS 2.14.5 and 2.16.1 Crash immediately, when a certain rule based Symbol layer is rendered. No difference between 32 and 64bit this time.

Our Project uses SQL Server 2012 spatial as datasource.

To reproduce from attached files:

* restore QGISTest.bak to SQL Server 2012 or higher

* unpack 214crash.qgs + SvgSymbols-Folder

* edit 214crash.qgs in line 56 to adapt datasource to your Server

* open 214crash.qgs with QGIS 2.8.X, it will display a couple of symbols

* open 214crash.qgs with QGIS 2.14 or higher. It tries to load the one layer of the project (wait indicator is running infinitely, or at least 10 min, I haven't waited longer...)

As QGIS just hangs wihtout a stack trace or anything, only crash Information available seems to be Windows Error Report (WER), which is created after Shooting off QGIS. See Folder ErrorLog in attachment.

The Bug might have some relation with #15369. Much less classes though. Also, the layer works fine, if I use Database->Offline editing to export data to sqlite. So SQL Server connection seems to play a role.
