

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
19187QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowMake search more inclusive for special characters (letters with accents)QGIS Translation Team2018-06-13 06:57 PM
19081QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowAbility to clear Log Messages panel, and to reload it2018-06-01 05:06 AM
19075QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowDisplay file names when loading multiple GPX files to project2018-05-31 09:46 PM
19072QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowsaving a virtual layer makes qgis crash2018-05-31 10:02 AM
18950QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowUsing Package Layer with same layer names2018-05-14 02:38 PM
18918QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowImprove CMake error messages when libraries are missing.2018-05-06 10:26 PM
18867QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowGeoreferencer incorrectly shows last image when reopened2018-04-27 05:59 PM
7775QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackLowAdd option to see feature count by default2018-04-18 12:01 PM
18623QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowZoom feature by double clicking on its row number.2018-04-04 01:53 PM
17273QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackLowRespect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON2018-04-04 11:01 AM
18560QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowOption to Change Cursor Size2018-03-27 08:44 PM
18547QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLow[Processing toolbox] Search box (result) not updated when list of providers changeVictor Olaya2018-03-26 05:47 PM
18483QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowCrash on opening a .qgs project in a second instance of QGIS 3.02018-03-19 05:14 PM
18466QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowLook and feel - Switch Add - Close button2018-03-16 05:21 PM
18386QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowdelete multiple tables based on selection in QGis browser not possible2018-03-08 12:56 PM
12398QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowWrong sort order in symbol sharing2018-03-07 05:38 PM
2058QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowinconsistency in the GUI: commas and full stops2018-03-07 04:22 PM
3769QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowPostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?2018-03-07 04:21 PM
13008QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowProcessing: batch processes loading files dialog always shows all layers2018-03-06 06:52 PM
14093QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowPrefer the QGIS-providers over the OGR-provider2018-03-06 06:23 PM
3806QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowMake click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol is bigger than the actual object)2018-03-03 09:26 AM
12679QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowatlas generation : output filename textbox with default expression after warning message remains empty Nyall Dawson2018-02-27 08:02 PM
2570QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackLowGRASS notice on top of the shell2018-02-27 01:14 PM
18225QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowPython console text size bug2018-02-26 12:33 PM
7443QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowGPX and KML files should always be saved as EPSG:43262018-02-25 06:51 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 127 (76-100/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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