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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21448QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.42019-03-02 11:04 PM
21447QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalVectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count2019-03-04 02:12 PM
21446QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.6 plugin slow?2019-03-02 10:55 PM
21444QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalcrop data to map extent when exporting to vector PDF2019-03-01 09:21 PM
21441QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMultiple issues and deadlocks with WFSNyall Dawson2019-03-11 12:33 PM
21440QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowMDAL: improve the style of wind arrows2019-04-01 09:32 AM
21438QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalApply a pre-defined style to mesh layer through the API2019-03-01 12:16 PM
21437QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWrong result with unaryUnion in python plugin2019-03-01 08:29 PM
21436QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDBManager: spatial indexes are not reamed when a table is renamed2019-03-05 06:04 PM
21435QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowChanging page size in layout editor display2019-03-01 09:56 PM
21429QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalerror adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier that does not match table name2019-03-02 09:01 AM
21428QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
21427QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Server Labels character problem2019-03-02 10:11 PM
21423QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalUse more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response2019-03-01 03:16 PM
21421QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalOption to clear cache for WMS/WMTS service capabilities2019-03-01 08:21 PM
21420QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalUI cleanup for 3.6 on MacOS2019-02-28 11:58 AM
21418QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo2019-03-02 11:57 AM
21417QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalFor polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also in the simple snapping configuration2019-03-01 08:37 PM
21408QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalUnable to retrieve list of QgsActionScope from PyQGIS2019-03-01 08:15 PM
21406QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3 dialog size to small when when adding features to shape2019-03-05 08:41 AM
21403QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAbility to add processing tools as favorites2019-02-27 08:26 AM
21401QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21400QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowInstall with check for operating system (e.g. win64 vs. win32)Jürgen Fischer2019-02-27 12:02 AM
21399QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLow"There is a new QGIS version available. Visit...." always visible on Mac OS2019-02-27 12:00 AM
21398QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalFeature Count unavailable for geopackage layers displayed after running a processing algorithm2019-03-01 09:40 PM

1 ... 17 18 19 20 21 ... 127 (451-475/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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