Bug report #9161

Gridding from SAGA fails. Output layers could not be open.

Added by Ramiro Romero about 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:2.0.1 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:17794


I'm using Qgis 2.1.0 and SAGA 2.1.0 modules. When processing the module Gridding/inverse distance(and more) I get a message:
Oooops! The following output layers could not be open
Grid: /tmp/processing/27f2a3e9e788460791a74cd94fa004a3/USERGRID.tif
The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm
Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not created as expected
This algorithm requires SAGA to be run. A test to check if SAGA is correctly installed and configured in your system has been performed, with the following result:
SAGA seems to be correctly installed and configured

The log messages are:
Algorithm Inverse distance weighted starting...
grid_gridding "Inverse Distance Weighted" -SHAPES "/sclim/acq/indices_15082013_UTM.shp" -FIELD "RIESGO" -TARGET 0 -WEIGHTING 0 -WEIGHT_POWER 2 -WEIGHT_BANDWIDTH 1 -SEARCH_RANGE 1 -SEARCH_RADIUS 100 -SEARCH_DIRECTION 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX 10 -USER_XMIN -88695.1942309 -USER_XMAX 1161424.80192 -USER_YMIN 3929805.96327 -USER_YMAX 4896687.50859 -USER_SIZE 2500 -USER_GRID "/tmp/processing/output.tif.sgrd"
io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/output.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "/tmp/processing/output.tif"

  1. ## ##### ##
  1. ### ## ###
  2. # ## ## #### # ##
  3. ##### ## # #####
    1. # ## ##### # ##

library path: /usr/local/saga/2.1.0/lib/saga/libgrid_gridding.so
library name: Grid - Gridding
module name : Inverse Distance Weighted
author : O.Conrad (c) 2003

Load shapes: /sclim/acq/indices_15082013_UTM.shp...


Points: indices_15082013_UTM
Attribute: RIESGO
Target Grid: user defined
Search Range: global
Maximum Search Distance: 100.000000
Number of Points: maximum number of nearest points
Maximum Number of Points: 10
Search Direction: all directions
Distance Weighting: inverse distance to a power
Power: 2.000000
Bandwidth: 1.000000

Warning 1: libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff 3.X, but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff >= 4.0.0
ERROR 1: tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: /tmp/processing/output.tif:Error writing data for field "StripOffsets"
ERROR 1: /tmp/processing/output.tif, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 1
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 1

  1. ## ##### ##
  1. ### ## ###
  2. # ## ## #### # ##
  3. ##### ## # #####
    1. # ## ##### # ##

library path: /usr/local/saga/2.1.0/lib/saga/libio_gdal.so
library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR
module name : GDAL: Export Raster
author : O.Conrad (c) 2007

Load grid: /tmp/processing/output.tif.sgrd...


Grid system: 2500; 501x 388y; -88695.194231x 3929805.963270y
Grid(s): 1 object (output.tif)
File: /tmp/processing/output.tif
Format: GeoTIFF
Data Type: match input data
Set Custom NoData: no
NoData Value: 0.000000
Creation Options:

Band 1

Converting outputs
Loading resulting layers
Algorithm Inverse distance weighted finished


This is with a Linux machine. I have the same versions in Windows and I don't have any problems to run the SAGA modules.




#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 11 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Category set to 94

you have an issue with your Saga installation

Warning 1: libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff 3.X, but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff >= 4.0.0
ERROR 1: tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: _tiffSeekProc:Invalid argument
ERROR 1: /tmp/processing/output.tif:Error writing data for field "StripOffsets"
ERROR 1: /tmp/processing/output.tif, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 1
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 1

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago

  • Category changed from 94 to Processing/Core

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