Feature request #9098

Offer a global OSM TMS as default map services

Added by Noone Noone about 11 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:17743


More and more novice users join GIS even due to open data (encouraged citizens...datajournalists) and QGIS is one of the few open solutions to view and analyse geodata. A very first bad impression is, that they need to find a provider for a background-layer, to get a global orientation of their data and to check if it's projection is ok.

Thus, I recommend to add a list of global TMS/WMTS to QGIS to improve user experience. This might need further discussions on the server policies before you add a server to the list http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TMS So people don't have to understand about all kind of protocols, find a service that suites also for their area etc.


#1 Updated by Antonio Locandro about 11 years ago

Have you tried the openlayers plugin? Are you looking for something similar?

#2 Updated by Noone Noone about 11 years ago

Basically yes. But IMHO we need to focus esp. beginners to GIS that just want to work with data. The consequence would be: it need to be easy and straight forward. (so adding a plugin, choosing a provider, ... seems to be no option).

What would be great is a list of some TMS servers, that can be added using the WMS dialog. Sadly WMTS doesn't seem to be TMS that is even confusing for me as mapper :/

#3 Updated by Otto Dassau about 11 years ago


as a first step we could add some global WMS/WMTS into the documentation and/or the new training manual. It would be great, if you provide some more, that from your point of view are useful? As an example:

Several free OpenStreetMap Layers are available here:


#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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