Bug report #8853

Parameter "-GRIDS" is not passed in SAGA "Grid Calculator", but just in the modeler

Added by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Assignee:Victor Olaya
Affected QGIS version:2.4.0 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:17535


I'm with some errors using SAGA (2.0.8) modules in Modeler. I attached a sample model and a test raster.

If I run the modules individually, it works. When running them in the model, I get the following errors:

SAGA execution commands
grid_calculus "Grid Calculator" -FORMULA "a*1" -RESULT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd" 
io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif" 
SAGA execution console output

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules


C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd grid_calculus "Grid Calculator" -FORMULA "a*1" -RESULT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd" 
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library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    grid_calculus
module name :    Grid Calculator
author      :    Copyrights (c) 2003 by Andre Ringeler
The value for the option 'GRIDS' must be specified.
Usage: Grid Calculator -GRIDS <str> [-XGRIDS <str>] -RESULT <str> [-FORMULA <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-FNAME] [-USE_NODATA]
-GRIDS:<str>      Grids
Grid list (input)
-XGRIDS:<str>     Grids from different Systems
Grid list (optional input)
-RESULT:<str>     Result
Grid (output)
-FORMULA:<str>    Formula
-NAME:<str>       Name
-FNAME            Take Formula
-USE_NODATA       Use NoData

error: executing module [Grid Calculator]

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif" 
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library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    io_gdal
module name :    GDAL: Export Raster
author      :    O.Conrad (c) 2007

Load grid: C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd...


error: Grid file could not be opened.

error: input file [C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\11f86583dc0043c9b50688081ee0daf1\\RESULT.tif.sgrd]

error: empty input list [GRIDS]
Usage: 1 -GRIDS <str> [-FILE <str>] [-FORMAT <str>] [-TYPE <str>]
-GRIDS:<str>     Grid(s)
Grid list (input)
-FILE:<str>      File
File path
-FORMAT:<str>    Format
Available Choices:
[0] Virtual Raster
[1] GeoTIFF
[2] National Imagery Transmission Format
[3] Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
[4] ELAS
[5] In Memory Raster
[6] MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
[7] PCIDSK Database File
[8] ILWIS Raster Map
[9] SGI Image File Format 1.0
[10] Leveller heightfield
[11] Terragen heightfield
[12] HDF4 Dataset
[13] ERMapper .ers Labelled
[14] Raster Matrix Format
[15] Idrisi Raster A.1
[16] Intergraph Raster
[17] Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
[18] Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
[19] ENVI .hdr Labelled
[20] ESRI .hdr Labelled
[21] PCI .aux Labelled
[22] Vexcel MFF Raster
[23] Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
[24] VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
[25] Image Data and Analysis
[26] NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX
[27] NTv2 Datum Grid Shift
[28] ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
[29] SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat)
-TYPE:<str>      Data Type
Available Choices:
[0] match input data
[1] 8 bit unsigned integer
[2] 16 bit unsigned integer
[3] 16 bit signed integer
[4] 32 bit unsigned integer
[5] 32 bit signed integer
[6] 32 bit floating point
[7] 64 bit floating point

error: executing module [GDAL: Export Raster]

SAGA execution commands
grid_calculus "Grid Calculator" -FORMULA "ifelse(gt(a,1),0,a)" -RESULT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd" 
io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif" 
SAGA execution console output

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules


C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd grid_calculus "Grid Calculator" -FORMULA "ifelse(gt(a,1),0,a)" -RESULT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd" 
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library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    grid_calculus
module name :    Grid Calculator
author      :    Copyrights (c) 2003 by Andre Ringeler
The value for the option 'GRIDS' must be specified.
Usage: Grid Calculator -GRIDS <str> [-XGRIDS <str>] -RESULT <str> [-FORMULA <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-FNAME] [-USE_NODATA]
-GRIDS:<str>      Grids
Grid list (input)
-XGRIDS:<str>     Grids from different Systems
Grid list (optional input)
-RESULT:<str>     Result
Grid (output)
-FORMULA:<str>    Formula
-NAME:<str>       Name
-FNAME            Take Formula
-USE_NODATA       Use NoData

error: executing module [Grid Calculator]

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif" 
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##### #   ##  ##### #   ##

library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    io_gdal
module name :    GDAL: Export Raster
author      :    O.Conrad (c) 2007

Load grid: C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd...


error: Grid file could not be opened.

error: input file [C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27914a22b30b40ae8502bb6c08625386\\RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd]

error: empty input list [GRIDS]
Usage: 1 -GRIDS <str> [-FILE <str>] [-FORMAT <str>] [-TYPE <str>]
-GRIDS:<str>     Grid(s)
Grid list (input)
-FILE:<str>      File
File path
-FORMAT:<str>    Format
Available Choices:
[0] Virtual Raster
[1] GeoTIFF
[2] National Imagery Transmission Format
[3] Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
[4] ELAS
[5] In Memory Raster
[6] MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
[7] PCIDSK Database File
[8] ILWIS Raster Map
[9] SGI Image File Format 1.0
[10] Leveller heightfield
[11] Terragen heightfield
[12] HDF4 Dataset
[13] ERMapper .ers Labelled
[14] Raster Matrix Format
[15] Idrisi Raster A.1
[16] Intergraph Raster
[17] Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
[18] Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
[19] ENVI .hdr Labelled
[20] ESRI .hdr Labelled
[21] PCI .aux Labelled
[22] Vexcel MFF Raster
[23] Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
[24] VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
[25] Image Data and Analysis
[26] NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX
[27] NTv2 Datum Grid Shift
[28] ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
[29] SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat)
-TYPE:<str>      Data Type
Available Choices:
[0] match input data
[1] 8 bit unsigned integer
[2] 16 bit unsigned integer
[3] 16 bit signed integer
[4] 32 bit unsigned integer
[5] 32 bit signed integer
[6] 32 bit floating point
[7] 64 bit floating point

error: executing module [GDAL: Export Raster]


I'm using Processing "master" version with QGIS 2.0.1 (OSGeo4W). This does not happen in Processing "stable" version (that cames with QGIS 2.0.1), so it may be a regression.

teste_5.model (549 Bytes) Pedro Venâncio, 2013-10-15 09:05 AM

raster_aa_1994_intermedio.tif (1.91 MB) Pedro Venâncio, 2013-10-15 09:05 AM

sample_poly_shp.zip (1.52 KB) Pedro Venâncio, 2013-10-16 04:24 AM

SagaAlgorithm.py Magnifier (23.2 KB) Pedro Venâncio, 2013-10-16 04:42 AM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

it works fine here under Linux.

Are you sure that the "saga 2.0.8 compatibility" checkbox is active?

#2 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

Hi Giovanni,

Yes, saga 2.0.8 compatibility is active.

Now I've tested on Linux and gives the same error:

SAGA execution console output
The value for the option 'GRIDS' must be specified.
Usage: saga_cmd -GRIDS <str> [-XGRIDS <str>] -RESULT <str> [-FORMULA <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-FNAME] [-USE_NODATA]
-GRIDS:<str>      Grids
Grid list (input)
-XGRIDS:<str>     Grids from different Systems
Grid list (optional input)
-RESULT:<str>     Result
Grid (output)
-FORMULA:<str>    Formula
-NAME:<str>       Name
-FNAME            Take Formula
-USE_NODATA       Use NoData
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##### #   ##  ##### #   ##

library path:    /usr/lib/saga
library name:    libgrid_calculus
module name :    Grid Calculator
author      :    Copyrights (c) 2003 by Andre Ringeler

error: Grid file could not be opened.

error: input file [/tmp/processing/bc49dee45d7d40aaabab23cc63c53a87/RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd]

error: empty input list [GRIDS]

error: executing module [GDAL: Export Raster]
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library path:    /usr/lib/saga
library name:    libio_gdal
module name :    GDAL: Export Raster
author      :    O.Conrad (c) 2007

Load grid: /tmp/processing/bc49dee45d7d40aaabab23cc63c53a87/RESULTALG1.tif.sgrd...


May it be a result of using Processing "master" version with QGIS 2.0.1? I also tested here on Linux with Processing "stable" version and it works fine.

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

ok on master it doesn't work, I will try have a look at it.

#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

the issue is that just in the modeler, the

libgrid_calculus "Grid Calculator"

module is not given the


with the input rasters.

#5 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

But it seems that affects other modules. Try, for instance, the Clip grid with polygon.

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

But it seems that affects other modules. Try, for instance, the Clip grid with polygon.

in the modeler?

#7 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

But it seems that affects other modules. Try, for instance, the Clip grid with polygon.

this error is different and will be fixed by


#8 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from Problems with SAGA modules in Modeler to Parameter "-GRIDS" is not passed in SAGA "Grid Calculator", but just in the modeler

#9 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

this error is different and will be fixed by


Hi Giovanni,

I've been testing your pull request [0] and, apparently, Clip grid with polygon does not work inside or outside of the modeler.

[0] https://raw.github.com/gioman/QGIS/78679ad1448b7ba3f0fa4178d9f122d513f8333d/python/plugins/processing/saga/SagaAlgorithm.py

#10 Updated by Victor Olaya over 11 years ago

hey guys

before you get crazy with this, I suspect this has to do with parameters that are multiple inputs in the modeler. Not sure, and I haven't checked, but it loks like that. I will try to have a look along the day today


#11 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

this error is different and will be fixed by


Hi Giovanni,

I've been testing your pull request [0] and, apparently, Clip grid with polygon does not work inside or outside of the modeler.

[0] https://raw.github.com/gioman/QGIS/78679ad1448b7ba3f0fa4178d9f122d513f8333d/python/plugins/processing/saga/SagaAlgorithm.py

weird, it works fine here with both saga 2.0.8 and 2.10

can you attach here sample data?

#12 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

weird, it works fine here with both saga 2.0.8 and 2.10

can you attach here sample data?

Yes Giovanni,

Try the geotiff I've atached yesterday and this simple shapefile.

I get

SAGA execution console output

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules


C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM -INTERPOL 0 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\d098f4275f8744e99de371fc22ed4e43\
asteraa1994intermedio.sgrd" -FILES "D:\\SIG\\CRIF2010\\PMDFCI_2012\\Perigosidade_Risco\
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library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    io_gdal
module name :    GDAL: Import Raster
author      :    (c) 2007 by O.Conrad (A.Ringeler)
Unknown option 'TRANSFORM'
Usage: 0 [-GRIDS <str>] [-FILES <str>]
-GRIDS:<str>    Grids
Grid list (optional output)
-FILES:<str>    Files
File path

error: executing module [GDAL: Import Raster]

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd shapes_grid "Clip Grid with Polygon" -INPUT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\d098f4275f8744e99de371fc22ed4e43\
asteraa1994intermedio.sgrd" -POLYGONS "D:/SIG/CRIF2010/PMDFCI_2012/Perigosidade_Risco/resultados/area.shp" -OUTPUT "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27aba23909664f9e8e20d17a9285b2f7\\OUTPUT.tif.sgrd" 
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library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    shapes_grid
module name :    Clip Grid with Polygon
author      :    copyrights (c) 2006 Stefan Liersch

Load grid: C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\d098f4275f8744e99de371fc22ed4e43\


error: Grid file could not be opened.

error: input file [C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\d098f4275f8744e99de371fc22ed4e43\

error: empty input list [INPUT]
Usage: Clip Grid with Polygon -OUTPUT <str> -INPUT <str> -POLYGONS <str>
-OUTPUT:<str>      Output
Grid list (output)
-INPUT:<str>       Input
Grid list (input)
-POLYGONS:<str>    Polygons
Shapes (input)

error: executing module [Clip Grid with Polygon]

C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27aba23909664f9e8e20d17a9285b2f7\\OUTPUT.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27aba23909664f9e8e20d17a9285b2f7\\OUTPUT.tif" 
#####   ##   #####    ##
###     ###  ##       ###
###   # ## ##  #### # ##
### ##### ##    # #####
##### #   ##  ##### #   ##

library path:    C:/OSGeo4W/apps\\saga\\modules
library name:    io_gdal
module name :    GDAL: Export Raster
author      :    O.Conrad (c) 2007

Load grid: C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27aba23909664f9e8e20d17a9285b2f7\\OUTPUT.tif.sgrd...


error: Grid file could not be opened.

error: input file [C:\\Users\\pedro\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27aba23909664f9e8e20d17a9285b2f7\\OUTPUT.tif.sgrd]

error: empty input list [GRIDS]
Usage: 1 -GRIDS <str> [-FILE <str>] [-FORMAT <str>] [-TYPE <str>]
-GRIDS:<str>     Grid(s)
Grid list (input)
-FILE:<str>      File
File path
-FORMAT:<str>    Format
Available Choices:
[0] Virtual Raster
[1] GeoTIFF
[2] National Imagery Transmission Format
[3] Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
[4] ELAS
[5] In Memory Raster
[6] MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
[7] PCIDSK Database File
[8] ILWIS Raster Map
[9] SGI Image File Format 1.0
[10] Leveller heightfield
[11] Terragen heightfield
[12] HDF4 Dataset
[13] ERMapper .ers Labelled
[14] Raster Matrix Format
[15] Idrisi Raster A.1
[16] Intergraph Raster
[17] Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
[18] Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
[19] ENVI .hdr Labelled
[20] ESRI .hdr Labelled
[21] PCI .aux Labelled
[22] Vexcel MFF Raster
[23] Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
[24] VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
[25] Image Data and Analysis
[26] NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX
[27] NTv2 Datum Grid Shift
[28] ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
[29] SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat)
-TYPE:<str>      Data Type
Available Choices:
[0] match input data
[1] 8 bit unsigned integer
[2] 16 bit unsigned integer
[3] 16 bit signed integer
[4] 32 bit unsigned integer
[5] 32 bit signed integer
[6] 32 bit floating point
[7] 64 bit floating point

error: executing module [GDAL: Export Raster]


#13 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

weird, it works fine here with both saga 2.0.8 and 2.10

can you attach here sample data?

Yes Giovanni,

Try the geotiff I've atached yesterday and this simple shapefile.

I get

the error is

Unknown option 'TRANSFORM'

this option is mandatory in saga 2.10 and is not available in saga 2.0.8

what versoin of SAGA are you using? the "compatibilty" checkbox is configured accordingly with your saga version (you must close/open qgis when changing this option)?

#14 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

this option is mandatory in saga 2.10 and is not available in saga 2.0.8

what versoin of SAGA are you using? the "compatibilty" checkbox is configured accordingly with your saga version (you must close/open qgis when changing this option)?

I'm using SAGA 2.0.8 (OSGeo4W), always with compatibility checkbox active, and I get that error, even after restart QGIS. Can you see if is something wrong with SagaAlgorithm.py that I'm using?

#15 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

this option is mandatory in saga 2.10 and is not available in saga 2.0.8

what versoin of SAGA are you using? the "compatibilty" checkbox is configured accordingly with your saga version (you must close/open qgis when changing this option)?

I'm using SAGA 2.0.8 (OSGeo4W), always with compatibility checkbox active, and I get that error, even after restart QGIS. Can you see if is something wrong with SagaAlgorithm.py that I'm using?

it is more likely that my patch has to be corrected, I will check it.

#16 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

this option is mandatory in saga 2.10 and is not available in saga 2.0.8

what versoin of SAGA are you using? the "compatibilty" checkbox is configured accordingly with your saga version (you must close/open qgis when changing this option)?

I'm using SAGA 2.0.8 (OSGeo4W), always with compatibility checkbox active, and I get that error, even after restart QGIS. Can you see if is something wrong with SagaAlgorithm.py that I'm using?

Olá Pedro,

I tested on clean osgeo4w machine and this are my results (with your data) that anyway are unrelated to the issue described in this ticket:

SAGA 2.0.8 qgis 2.0.1/master
clip with polygons works

SAGA 2.10 qgis 2.0.1/master
clip with polygons does not works -> this issue is fixed by my patch, see below

SAGA 2.10 qgis master with my patch
clip with polygons works

SAGA 2.0.8 qgis master with my patch
clip with polygons does not works -> I know where I made a mistake, working on it

#17 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

SAGA 2.0.8 qgis master with my patch
clip with polygons does not works -> I know where I made a mistake, working on it

Great Giovanni!


#18 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Open

Pedro Venâncio wrote:

SAGA 2.0.8 qgis master with my patch
clip with polygons does not works -> I know where I made a mistake, working on it

Great Giovanni!


I updated the patch and the pull request


#19 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 11 years ago

Now it is working properly Giovanni, both in modeler and outside modeler.
Thank you very much!

Let's see if Victor can overcome the problem of the original ticket.

#20 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

  • Crashes QGIS or corrupts data set to No
  • Project changed from 78 to QGIS Application
  • Category deleted (64)
  • Affected QGIS version set to 2.4.0

#21 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Processing/Modeller

#22 Updated by Victor Olaya over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Grid calculator is working fine now. Should we close this ticket?

#23 Updated by Pedro Venâncio over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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