Bug report #8815

QGIS Visual Studio 2012 build - runtime fail

Added by Milosz Hulboj over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:17509


I have followed the Windows installation instructions on a clean machine. The only changes were:

  • VS2012 (x86) (and appropriate modifications of the script for setting the environment)
  • OSGEO4W installer pulled a more recent version of grass than in the example (6.4.3)

Software built without any errors and I was able to install it. However when trying to run it, I encounter a crash approximately after Restoring loaded plugins. Trying to run from the Visual Studio gives the following stacktrace:

     msvcr90.dll!74bf3c1b()    Unknown
     sip.pyd!08012910()    Unknown
     sip.pyd!080147c6()    Unknown
     core.pyd!meth_QgsApplication_qgisSettingsDirPath(_object * __formal, _object * sipArgs) Line 92739    C++
     core.pyd!_DisableThreadLibraryCalls@4()    C++
     qgispython.dll!_DisableThreadLibraryCalls@4()    C++
     qgispython.dll!_DisableThreadLibraryCalls@4()    C++
     qgis.exe!_GetCommandLineW@0()    C++
     qgis.exe!_GetCommandLineW@0()    C++
     qgis.exe!_GetCommandLineW@0()    C++
     qgis.exe!_GetCommandLineW@0()    C++
     qgis.exe!__SEH_epilog4() Line 126    Unknown
     ntdll.dll!776a71f5()    Unknown

Is this a known problem? If not, then I can investigate it further, but would appreciate some hints.


#1 Updated by Martin Dobias over 11 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Rejected

Libraries in OSGeo4W are built with VS 2008, so if you compile QGIS with a different compiler (with different C/C++ runtime library), it is very likely that things will go wrong. The backtrace suggests that too - the crash is inside VS 2008 C runtime library.

So the advice is to use the same version of the compiler for QGIS.

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