Bug report #7220

QGIS server error message when searching >1 word

Added by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Category:QGIS Server
Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:16254


In the QGIS web client try set up a simple search, then try search for two words separated by a space. A message will pop up

The filter string "nome" = 'penela penela' has been rejected because of security reasons. Note: Text strings have to be enclosed in single or double quotes. A space between each word / special character is mandatory. Allowed Keywords and special characters are AND,OR,IN,<,>=,>,>=,!=,',',(,),DMETAPHONE,SOUNDEX. Not allowed are semicolons in the filter expression.

At first I supposed was a configuration problem or a client bug, then with firebug I realized that the message comes from the server. The URL with the request has the words between "" but it returns anyway the error. Not sure if is a regression, this has been observed on qgis master.


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from QGIS server error message to QGIS server error message when searching >1 word

#2 Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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