Feature request #5046

georeferencer/construct of control points with intersection lines

Added by Hans-Peter Klossek almost 13 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Category:C++ plugins/Georeferencer
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:14816


Hello, for an archaeologyical project I'm rectifying aerial photographs with the georeferencer. But sometime I have the problem that I have not enough GCPs. So I need a tool to construct GPCs with intersection of straight lines (along dirtroads, streets, field edges aso.) in both views (GIS-map and georeferencer window).
I would be happy if you would take up this idea in your development of the georeferencer.

Best regards


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 13 years ago

you can compute intersection points with the proper tool in the "vector" menu and then use them as GPCs. Is enough?

#2 Updated by Hans-Peter Klossek almost 13 years ago

Thank you for your fast answer,

but I think it will not help me. I need the intersection lines in both views to construct GCPs. In the georeferencer window and in the map window. There is a software, called Percor, that can this, but this is not a GIS and I can't use WMS maps aso.

This is a description of Percor: http://www.uni-koeln.de/~al001/percor_files/hs500.htm

Best regards, Hape

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 13 years ago

  • Operating System deleted (Windows 7)
  • Target version changed from Version 1.7.4 to Version 2.0.0

If you need something more please please evaluate supporting its development. Cheers.

#5 Updated by Hans-Peter Klossek almost 13 years ago

How can do this? Sorry I'n new here.

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 13 years ago

Hans-Peter Klossek wrote:

How can do this? Sorry I'n new here.

In the QGIS site you find a page where are listed companies that do offer commercial support (and development and bug fixing)


You may want to give a look also here


#7 Updated by Pirmin Kalberer over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.0.0 to Future Release - Nice to have

#8 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 10 years ago

  • Category set to C++ plugins/Georeferencer

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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