Bug report #3787

Problem Datum Transformation

Added by ImPreZa - almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Category:Projection Support
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:13845



I've tried to transform a shapefile from EPGS:4618 (SAD69) to EPGS:4674 (SIRGAS2000), but the product of this transformation doesn't shifts. It seems that QGIS export a shapefile with the new projection, but it is unable to apply (in fact) the values of the new ellipsoid.

Here are the official parameters for transformation between the both datums:

DX = -67,35

DY = +3,88

DZ = -38,22

I've attached the .gsb files (NTV2 transformation) used by the department of the brazilian government, IBGE, which is responsible for cartography etc.

SAD69 Original (SAD69_003.GSB)

SAD69 reviewed in 1996 (SAD96_003.GSB)

If I open in QGIS a shapefile originally created in ArcGIS in SAD69 and other in SIRGAS2000, also transformed from SAD69 to SIRGAS in ArcGIS, without activate OTF, I can see the displacement between them. But when I transform the ArcGIS-shapefile-SAD69 to SIRGAS2000 in QGIS, the QGIS is unable to show their displacement, even with OTF activated. Why does this happens with shapes transformed in QGIS?

And the last problem: The QGIS doesn't create properly the .prj file, both for SAD69 and SIRGAS2000, as exposed here:


GEOGCSGRS 1980(IUGG 1980)"DATUM*["D_unknown"*SPHEROID["GRS80"6378137298257222101PRIMEM["Greenwich"0]UNIT["Degree]]

And the correct one, from ArcGIS is:



GEOGCSAustralian Natl &PRIMEM["Greenwich"0]UNIT["Degree]]

And the correct one, from ArcGIS is:


Here are the original data that I'm working with. These data are mineral rights from Rio Grande do Sul State, south Brazil:
Shapefiles in SAD69
Shapefiles in SIRGAS

I asked for help at the QGIS Forum. They've found the same problem and couldn't solve it.


#1 Updated by ImPreZa - almost 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

#2 Updated by ImPreZa - almost 14 years ago

#3788 is the correct report. Files couldn't be uploaded.

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