Feature request #2936

Units and decimal places of measure tools

Added by zicke - over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Assignee:Marco Hugentobler
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:12996


It would be nice to retain the units of the measure tools. At the moment it switches from meter to kilometer when you measured more than 1000 meters.
Then you should also be able to choose the numbers of the decimal places.

measuretool.diff Magnifier - Patch for enhancements. (12.8 KB) zicke -, 2010-08-27 11:26 AM


#1 Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in 505b7669 (SVN r14192). Thanks, Stefan!

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