Bug report #2929

Artefacts with rubber band

Added by Volker Fröhlich over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:Linux Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12989


I witnessed artefacts while measuring and digitizing. I think these functions are based on rubber band.

Interestingly, I could not reproduce the artefacts in a Windows-Virtualbox on the same machine, so it doesn't seem like the graphics driver is causing that.

measuring_artefacts.png - Rubber band artefacts (158 KB) Volker Fröhlich, 2010-08-04 02:55 AM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 14 years ago

I cannot see this with gnome (Ubuntu).

#2 Updated by Volker Fröhlich over 14 years ago

lutra: I suppose Karmic or older? It's working perfectly fine there.

It's obviously a regression from Qt 4.5 to 4.6. Ubuntu Lucid ships Qt 4.6 and the artefacts are there. Same with Qt 4.6 and 4.7 in Fedora.

It is not linked with the graphics driver or the window manager.

#3 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 14 years ago

also reproducable on debian unstable (Qt 4.6.3)

#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 14 years ago

odd, I cannot set them on Lucid using gnome using the measure line and area tools, but they show using the measure angle tool.

#5 Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 14 years ago

Could you please test with a953fa14 (SVN r14235)? It fixes the artifacts on my system (but could be different depending on window manager, OS, etc.)

#6 Updated by Volker Fröhlich over 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Brilliant, the artefacts are gone for Qt 4.6.3 and KWin. Haven't tested other versions yet.

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