Feature request #2442

Enhanced constraint violation error dialog while saving edits

Added by Sfkeller - over 14 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:12502


Let's assume that before hand some constraints in the database - say not null, uniqueness, etc. - or even topology rules have been entered. Then the user captures some features with their geometry and a probably incomplete attribute values.

When leaving edit mode (or just issueing a validataion check-dialog) a modal dialog currently says that a number of constraints have been violated. There’s currently no chance to find out which features could be the cause.

Thus an enhanced modal dialog is proposed with a list of errors: every line indicates the feature id and a constraint violation text. When clicking on a line in the the dialog, the respective feature is highlighted and one can change to edit mode efficiently.


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 1.7.0 to Version 1.7.4

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 1.7.4 to Version 2.0.0

#3 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 12 years ago

  • Pull Request or Patch supplied set to No
  • Assignee deleted (nobody -)

#4 Updated by Pirmin Kalberer almost 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.0.0 to Future Release - Nice to have

#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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